blob: 57b66274a56665ac04149c8409241875ffef27ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package testblas
import (
type Zhprer interface {
Zhpr(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, alpha float64, x []complex128, incX int, ap []complex128)
func ZhprTest(t *testing.T, impl Zhprer) {
for tc, test := range zherTestCases {
n := len(test.x)
for _, uplo := range []blas.Uplo{blas.Upper, blas.Lower} {
for _, incX := range []int{-11, -2, -1, 1, 2, 7} {
x := makeZVector(test.x, incX)
xCopy := make([]complex128, len(x))
copy(xCopy, x)
ap := zPack(uplo, n, test.a, n)
impl.Zhpr(uplo, n, test.alpha, x, incX, ap)
a := zUnpackAsHermitian(uplo, n, ap)
var want []complex128
if incX > 0 {
want = makeZGeneral(test.want, n, n, max(1, n))
} else {
want = makeZGeneral(test.wantRev, n, n, max(1, n))
if !zsame(x, xCopy) {
t.Errorf("Case %v (uplo=%v,incX=%v,alpha=%v): unexpected modification of x", tc, uplo, incX, test.alpha)
if !zsame(want, a) {
t.Errorf("Case %v (uplo=%v,incX=%v,alpha=%v): unexpected result\nwant: %v\ngot: %v", tc, uplo, incX, test.alpha, want, a)