blob: c669dc48650f5bccf9aed28d5f52350b41169e4e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright ©2013 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package unit
import (
// ether is a non-existent unit used for testing.
type ether float64
func (e ether) Unit() *Unit {
return New(float64(e), Dimensions{reserved: 1})
var formatTests = []struct {
unit Uniter
format string
expect string
{New(9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2}), "%f", "9.810000 kg s^-2"},
{New(9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2}), "%1.f", "10 kg s^-2"},
{New(9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2}), "%10.f", "10 kg s^-2"},
{New(9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2}), "%.1f", "9.8 kg s^-2"},
{New(9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2}), "%20f", " 9.810000 kg s^-2"},
{New(9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2}), "%1f", "9.810000 kg s^-2"},
{New(9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2, LengthDim: 0}), "%f", "9.810000 kg s^-2"},
{New(6.62606957e-34, Dimensions{MassDim: 2, TimeDim: -1}), "%e", "6.626070e-34 kg^2 s^-1"},
{New(6.62606957e-34, Dimensions{MassDim: 2, TimeDim: -1}), "%20.3e", " 6.626e-34 kg^2 s^-1"},
{New(6.62606957e-34, Dimensions{MassDim: 2, TimeDim: -1}), "%.3e", "6.626e-34 kg^2 s^-1"},
{New(6.62606957e-34, Dimensions{MassDim: 2, TimeDim: -1}), "%25e", " 6.626070e-34 kg^2 s^-1"},
{New(6.62606957e-34, Dimensions{MassDim: 2, TimeDim: -1}), "%1e", "6.626070e-34 kg^2 s^-1"},
{New(6.62606957e-34, Dimensions{MassDim: 2, TimeDim: -1}), "%v", "6.62606957e-34 kg^2 s^-1"},
{New(6.62606957e-34, Dimensions{MassDim: 2, TimeDim: -1}), "%s", "%!s(*Unit=6.62606957e-34 kg^2 s^-1)"},
{Dimless(math.E), "%v", "2.718281828459045"},
{Dimless(math.E), "%.2v", "2.7"},
{Dimless(math.E), "%6.2v", " 2.7"},
{Dimless(math.E), "%20v", " 2.718281828459045"},
{Dimless(math.E), "%1v", "2.718281828459045"},
{Dimless(math.E), "%#v", "unit.Dimless(2.718281828459045)"},
{Dimless(math.E), "%s", "%!s(unit.Dimless=2.718281828459045)"},
{Angle(1), "%v", "1 rad"},
{Angle(0.45), "%.1v", "0.5 rad"},
{Angle(0.45), "%10.1v", " 0.5 rad"},
{Angle(0.45), "%10v", " 0.45 rad"},
{Angle(0.45), "%1v", "0.45 rad"},
{Angle(1), "%#v", "unit.Angle(1)"},
{Angle(1), "%s", "%!s(unit.Angle=1 rad)"},
{Current(1), "%v", "1 A"},
{Current(0.45), "%.1v", "0.5 A"},
{Current(0.45), "%10.1v", " 0.5 A"},
{Current(0.45), "%10v", " 0.45 A"},
{Current(0.45), "%1v", "0.45 A"},
{Current(1), "%#v", "unit.Current(1)"},
{Current(1), "%s", "%!s(unit.Current=1 A)"},
{LuminousIntensity(1), "%v", "1 cd"},
{LuminousIntensity(0.45), "%.1v", "0.5 cd"},
{LuminousIntensity(0.45), "%10.1v", " 0.5 cd"},
{LuminousIntensity(0.45), "%10v", " 0.45 cd"},
{LuminousIntensity(0.45), "%1v", "0.45 cd"},
{LuminousIntensity(1), "%#v", "unit.LuminousIntensity(1)"},
{LuminousIntensity(1), "%s", "%!s(unit.LuminousIntensity=1 cd)"},
{Mass(1), "%v", "1 kg"},
{Mass(0.45), "%.1v", "0.5 kg"},
{Mass(0.45), "%10.1v", " 0.5 kg"},
{Mass(0.45), "%10v", " 0.45 kg"},
{Mass(0.45), "%1v", "0.45 kg"},
{Mass(1), "%#v", "unit.Mass(1)"},
{Mass(1), "%s", "%!s(unit.Mass=1 kg)"},
{Mole(1), "%v", "1 mol"},
{Mole(0.45), "%.1v", "0.5 mol"},
{Mole(0.45), "%10.1v", " 0.5 mol"},
{Mole(0.45), "%10v", " 0.45 mol"},
{Mole(0.45), "%1v", "0.45 mol"},
{Mole(1), "%#v", "unit.Mole(1)"},
{Mole(1), "%s", "%!s(unit.Mole=1 mol)"},
{Length(1.61619926e-35), "%v", "1.61619926e-35 m"},
{Length(1.61619926e-35), "%.2v", "1.6e-35 m"},
{Length(1.61619926e-35), "%10.2v", " 1.6e-35 m"},
{Length(1.61619926e-35), "%20v", " 1.61619926e-35 m"},
{Length(1.61619926e-35), "%1v", "1.61619926e-35 m"},
{Length(1.61619926e-35), "%#v", "unit.Length(1.61619926e-35)"},
{Length(1.61619926e-35), "%s", "%!s(unit.Length=1.61619926e-35 m)"},
{Temperature(15.2), "%v", "15.2 K"},
{Temperature(15.2), "%.2v", "15 K"},
{Temperature(15.2), "%6.2v", " 15 K"},
{Temperature(15.2), "%10v", " 15.2 K"},
{Temperature(15.2), "%1v", "15.2 K"},
{Temperature(15.2), "%#v", "unit.Temperature(15.2)"},
{Temperature(15.2), "%s", "%!s(unit.Temperature=15.2 K)"},
{Time(15.2), "%v", "15.2 s"},
{Time(15.2), "%.2v", "15 s"},
{Time(15.2), "%6.2v", " 15 s"},
{Time(15.2), "%10v", " 15.2 s"},
{Time(15.2), "%1v", "15.2 s"},
{Time(15.2), "%#v", "unit.Time(15.2)"},
{Time(15.2), "%s", "%!s(unit.Time=15.2 s)"},
func TestFormat(t *testing.T) {
for _, ts := range formatTests {
if r := fmt.Sprintf(ts.format, ts.unit); r != ts.expect {
t.Errorf("Format %q: got: %q expected: %q", ts.format, r, ts.expect)
func TestCopy(t *testing.T) {
for _, ts := range formatTests {
u := ts.unit.Unit()
if len(u.Dimensions()) == 0 {
c := u.Copy()
if DimensionsMatch(u, c) {
t.Errorf("dimensions match after mutating copy of %v: %v == %v", u, u.Dimensions(), c.Dimensions())
func TestGoStringFormat(t *testing.T) {
expect1 := `&unit.Unit{dimensions:unit.Dimensions{4:2, 7:-1}, value:6.62606957e-34}`
expect2 := `&unit.Unit{dimensions:unit.Dimensions{7:-1, 4:2}, value:6.62606957e-34}`
if r := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", New(6.62606957e-34, Dimensions{MassDim: 2, TimeDim: -1})); r != expect1 && r != expect2 {
t.Errorf("Format %q: got: %q expected: %q", "%#v", r, expect1)
var initializationTests = []struct {
unit *Unit
expValue float64
expMap map[Dimension]int
{New(9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2}), 9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2}},
{New(9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2, LengthDim: 0, CurrentDim: 0}), 9.81, Dimensions{MassDim: 1, TimeDim: -2}},
func TestInitialization(t *testing.T) {
for _, ts := range initializationTests {
if ts.expValue != ts.unit.value {
t.Errorf("Value wrong on initialization: got: %v expected: %v", ts.unit.value, ts.expValue)
if len(ts.expMap) != len(ts.unit.dimensions) {
t.Errorf("Map mismatch: got: %#v expected: %#v", ts.unit.dimensions, ts.expMap)
for key, val := range ts.expMap {
if ts.unit.dimensions[key] != val {
t.Errorf("Map mismatch: got: %#v expected: %#v", ts.unit.dimensions, ts.expMap)
var dimensionEqualityTests = []struct {
name string
a Uniter
b Uniter
shouldMatch bool
{"same_empty", New(1.0, Dimensions{}), New(1.0, Dimensions{}), true},
{"same_one", New(1.0, Dimensions{TimeDim: 1}), New(1.0, Dimensions{TimeDim: 1}), true},
{"same_mult", New(1.0, Dimensions{TimeDim: 1, LengthDim: -2}), New(1.0, Dimensions{TimeDim: 1, LengthDim: -2}), true},
{"diff_one_empty", New(1.0, Dimensions{}), New(1.0, Dimensions{TimeDim: 1, LengthDim: -2}), false},
{"diff_same_dim", New(1.0, Dimensions{TimeDim: 1}), New(1.0, Dimensions{TimeDim: 2}), false},
{"diff_same_pow", New(1.0, Dimensions{LengthDim: 1}), New(1.0, Dimensions{TimeDim: 1}), false},
{"diff_numdim", New(1.0, Dimensions{TimeDim: 1, LengthDim: 2}), New(1.0, Dimensions{TimeDim: 2}), false},
{"diff_one_same_dim", New(1.0, Dimensions{LengthDim: 1, TimeDim: 1}), New(1.0, Dimensions{LengthDim: 1, TimeDim: 2}), false},
func TestDimensionEquality(t *testing.T) {
for _, ts := range dimensionEqualityTests {
if DimensionsMatch(ts.a, ts.b) != ts.shouldMatch {
t.Errorf("Dimension comparison incorrect for case %s. got: %v, expected: %v",, !ts.shouldMatch, ts.shouldMatch)
func TestOperations(t *testing.T) {
operationTests := []struct {
recvOp func(Uniter) *Unit
param Uniter
want Uniter
{Dimless(1).Unit().Add, Dimless(2), Dimless(3)},
{Dimless(1).Unit().Mul, Dimless(2), Dimless(2)},
{Dimless(1).Unit().Mul, Length(2), Length(2)},
{Length(1).Unit().Mul, Dimless(2), Length(2)},
{Dimless(1).Unit().Div, Length(2), New(0.5, Dimensions{LengthDim: -1})},
{Length(1).Unit().Div, Dimless(2), Length(0.5)},
for i, test := range operationTests {
var got Uniter
if panics(func() { got = test.recvOp(test.param) }) {
t.Errorf("unexpected panic for test %d", i)
if !DimensionsMatch(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("dimension mismatch for test %d: got=%v want=%v", i, got.Unit(), test.want.Unit())
if got.Unit().Value() != test.want.Unit().Value() {
t.Errorf("value mismatch for test %d: got=%v want=%v", i, got.Unit().Value(), test.want.Unit().Value())
// panics returns true if the function panics.
func panics(f func()) (b bool) {
defer func() {
err := recover()
if err != nil {
b = true
type UnitStructer interface {
UnitStruct() *UnitStruct
type UnitStruct struct {
current int
length int
luminosity int
mass int
temperature int
time int
chemamt int // For mol
value float64
// Check if the dimensions of two units are the same
func DimensionsMatchStruct(aU, bU UnitStructer) bool {
a := aU.UnitStruct()
b := bU.UnitStruct()
if a.length != b.length {
return false
if a.time != b.time {
return false
if a.mass != b.mass {
return false
if a.current != b.current {
return false
if a.temperature != b.temperature {
return false
if a.luminosity != b.luminosity {
return false
if a.chemamt != b.chemamt {
return false
return true
func (u *UnitStruct) UnitStruct() *UnitStruct {
return u
func (u *UnitStruct) Add(aU UnitStructer) *UnitStruct {
a := aU.UnitStruct()
if !DimensionsMatchStruct(a, u) {
panic("dimension mismatch")
u.value += a.value
return u
func (u *UnitStruct) Mul(aU UnitStructer) *UnitStruct {
a := aU.UnitStruct()
u.length += a.length
u.time += a.time
u.mass += a.mass
u.current += a.current
u.temperature += a.temperature
u.luminosity += a.luminosity
u.chemamt += a.chemamt
u.value *= a.value
return u
func BenchmarkAddStruct(b *testing.B) {
u1 := &UnitStruct{current: 1, chemamt: 5, value: 10}
u2 := &UnitStruct{current: 1, chemamt: 5, value: 100}
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkMulStruct(b *testing.B) {
u1 := &UnitStruct{current: 1, chemamt: 5, value: 10}
u2 := &UnitStruct{mass: 1, time: 1, value: 100}
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
type UnitMapper interface {
UnitMap() *UnitMap
type dimensionMap int
const (
LengthB dimensionMap = iota
type UnitMap struct {
dimension map[dimensionMap]int
value float64
// Check if the dimensions of two units are the same
func DimensionsMatchMap(aU, bU UnitMapper) bool {
a := aU.UnitMap()
b := bU.UnitMap()
if len(a.dimension) != len(b.dimension) {
panic("Unequal dimension")
for key, dimA := range a.dimension {
dimB, ok := b.dimension[key]
if !ok || dimA != dimB {
panic("Unequal dimension")
return true
func (u *UnitMap) UnitMap() *UnitMap {
return u
func (u *UnitMap) Add(aU UnitMapper) *UnitMap {
a := aU.UnitMap()
if !DimensionsMatchMap(a, u) {
panic("dimension mismatch")
u.value += a.value
return u
func (u *UnitMap) Mul(aU UnitMapper) *UnitMap {
a := aU.UnitMap()
for key, val := range a.dimension {
u.dimension[key] += val
u.value *= a.value
return u
var sink float64
func BenchmarkAddFloat(b *testing.B) {
sink = 0
c := 10.0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
sink += c
func BenchmarkMulFloat(b *testing.B) {
sink = 0
c := 10.0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
sink *= c
func BenchmarkAddMapSmall(b *testing.B) {
u1 := &UnitMap{value: 10}
u1.dimension = make(map[dimensionMap]int)
u1.dimension[CurrentB] = 1
u1.dimension[ChemAmtB] = 5
u2 := &UnitMap{value: 10}
u2.dimension = make(map[dimensionMap]int)
u2.dimension[CurrentB] = 1
u2.dimension[ChemAmtB] = 5
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkMulMapSmallDiff(b *testing.B) {
u1 := &UnitMap{value: 10}
u1.dimension = make(map[dimensionMap]int)
u1.dimension[LengthB] = 1
u2 := &UnitMap{value: 10}
u2.dimension = make(map[dimensionMap]int)
u2.dimension[MassB] = 1
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkMulMapSmallSame(b *testing.B) {
u1 := &UnitMap{value: 10}
u1.dimension = make(map[dimensionMap]int)
u1.dimension[LengthB] = 1
u2 := &UnitMap{value: 10}
u2.dimension = make(map[dimensionMap]int)
u2.dimension[LengthB] = 2
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkMulMapLargeDiff(b *testing.B) {
u1 := &UnitMap{value: 10}
u1.dimension = make(map[dimensionMap]int)
u1.dimension[LengthB] = 1
u1.dimension[MassB] = 1
u1.dimension[ChemAmtB] = 1
u1.dimension[TemperatureB] = 1
u1.dimension[LuminosityB] = 1
u1.dimension[TimeB] = 1
u1.dimension[CurrentB] = 1
u2 := &UnitMap{value: 10}
u2.dimension = make(map[dimensionMap]int)
u2.dimension[MassB] = 1
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkMulMapLargeSame(b *testing.B) {
u1 := &UnitMap{value: 10}
u1.dimension = make(map[dimensionMap]int)
u1.dimension[LengthB] = 2
u1.dimension[MassB] = 2
u1.dimension[ChemAmtB] = 2
u1.dimension[TemperatureB] = 2
u1.dimension[LuminosityB] = 2
u1.dimension[TimeB] = 2
u1.dimension[CurrentB] = 2
u2 := &UnitMap{value: 10}
u2.dimension = make(map[dimensionMap]int)
u2.dimension[LengthB] = 3
u2.dimension[MassB] = 3
u2.dimension[ChemAmtB] = 3
u2.dimension[TemperatureB] = 3
u2.dimension[LuminosityB] = 3
u2.dimension[TimeB] = 3
u2.dimension[CurrentB] = 3
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {