blob: 0fb1dd6ce50fba63e89e703edd977e49261f7537 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright ©2014 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package optimize
import (
// LinesearchMethod represents an abstract optimization method in which a
// function is optimized through successive line search optimizations.
type LinesearchMethod struct {
// NextDirectioner specifies the search direction of each linesearch.
NextDirectioner NextDirectioner
// Linesearcher performs a linesearch along the search direction.
Linesearcher Linesearcher
x []float64 // Starting point for the current iteration.
dir []float64 // Search direction for the current iteration.
first bool // Indicator of the first iteration.
nextMajor bool // Indicates that MajorIteration must be commanded at the next call to Iterate.
eval Operation // Indicator of valid fields in Location.
lastStep float64 // Step taken from x in the previous call to Iterate.
lastOp Operation // Operation returned from the previous call to Iterate.
func (ls *LinesearchMethod) Init(loc *Location) (Operation, error) {
if loc.Gradient == nil {
panic("linesearch: gradient is nil")
dim := len(loc.X)
ls.x = resize(ls.x, dim)
ls.dir = resize(ls.dir, dim)
ls.first = true
ls.nextMajor = false
// Indicate that all fields of loc are valid.
ls.eval = FuncEvaluation | GradEvaluation
if loc.Hessian != nil {
ls.eval |= HessEvaluation
ls.lastStep = math.NaN()
ls.lastOp = NoOperation
return ls.initNextLinesearch(loc)
func (ls *LinesearchMethod) Iterate(loc *Location) (Operation, error) {
switch ls.lastOp {
case NoOperation:
// TODO(vladimir-ch): Either Init has not been called, or the caller is
// trying to resume the optimization run after Iterate previously
// returned with an error. Decide what is the proper thing to do. See also #125.
case MajorIteration:
// The previous updated location did not converge the full
// optimization. Initialize a new Linesearch.
return ls.initNextLinesearch(loc)
// Update the indicator of valid fields of loc.
ls.eval |= ls.lastOp
if ls.nextMajor {
ls.nextMajor = false
// Linesearcher previously finished, and the invalid fields of loc
// have now been validated. Announce MajorIteration.
ls.lastOp = MajorIteration
return ls.lastOp, nil
// Continue the linesearch.
f := math.NaN()
if ls.eval&FuncEvaluation != 0 {
f = loc.F
projGrad := math.NaN()
if ls.eval&GradEvaluation != 0 {
projGrad = floats.Dot(loc.Gradient, ls.dir)
op, step, err := ls.Linesearcher.Iterate(f, projGrad)
if err != nil {
return ls.error(err)
switch op {
case MajorIteration:
// Linesearch has been finished.
ls.lastOp = complementEval(loc, ls.eval)
if ls.lastOp == NoOperation {
// loc is complete, MajorIteration can be declared directly.
ls.lastOp = MajorIteration
} else {
// Declare MajorIteration on the next call to Iterate.
ls.nextMajor = true
case FuncEvaluation, GradEvaluation, FuncEvaluation | GradEvaluation:
if step != ls.lastStep {
// We are moving to a new location, and not, say, evaluating extra
// information at the current location.
// Compute the next evaluation point and store it in loc.X.
floats.AddScaledTo(loc.X, ls.x, step, ls.dir)
if floats.Equal(ls.x, loc.X) {
// Step size has become so small that the next evaluation point is
// indistinguishable from the starting point for the current
// iteration due to rounding errors.
return ls.error(ErrNoProgress)
ls.lastStep = step
ls.eval = NoOperation // Indicate all invalid fields of loc.
ls.lastOp = op
panic("linesearch: Linesearcher returned invalid operation")
return ls.lastOp, nil
func (ls *LinesearchMethod) error(err error) (Operation, error) {
ls.lastOp = NoOperation
return ls.lastOp, err
// initNextLinesearch initializes the next linesearch using the previous
// complete location stored in loc. It fills loc.X and returns an evaluation
// to be performed at loc.X.
func (ls *LinesearchMethod) initNextLinesearch(loc *Location) (Operation, error) {
copy(ls.x, loc.X)
var step float64
if ls.first {
ls.first = false
step = ls.NextDirectioner.InitDirection(loc, ls.dir)
} else {
step = ls.NextDirectioner.NextDirection(loc, ls.dir)
projGrad := floats.Dot(loc.Gradient, ls.dir)
if projGrad >= 0 {
return ls.error(ErrNonDescentDirection)
op := ls.Linesearcher.Init(loc.F, projGrad, step)
switch op {
case FuncEvaluation, GradEvaluation, FuncEvaluation | GradEvaluation:
panic("linesearch: Linesearcher returned invalid operation")
floats.AddScaledTo(loc.X, ls.x, step, ls.dir)
if floats.Equal(ls.x, loc.X) {
// Step size is so small that the next evaluation point is
// indistinguishable from the starting point for the current iteration
// due to rounding errors.
return ls.error(ErrNoProgress)
ls.lastStep = step
ls.eval = NoOperation // Invalidate all fields of loc.
ls.lastOp = op
return ls.lastOp, nil
// ArmijoConditionMet returns true if the Armijo condition (aka sufficient
// decrease) has been met. Under normal conditions, the following should be
// true, though this is not enforced:
// - initGrad < 0
// - step > 0
// - 0 < decrease < 1
func ArmijoConditionMet(currObj, initObj, initGrad, step, decrease float64) bool {
return currObj <= initObj+decrease*step*initGrad
// StrongWolfeConditionsMet returns true if the strong Wolfe conditions have been met.
// The strong Wolfe conditions ensure sufficient decrease in the function
// value, and sufficient decrease in the magnitude of the projected gradient.
// Under normal conditions, the following should be true, though this is not
// enforced:
// - initGrad < 0
// - step > 0
// - 0 <= decrease < curvature < 1
func StrongWolfeConditionsMet(currObj, currGrad, initObj, initGrad, step, decrease, curvature float64) bool {
if currObj > initObj+decrease*step*initGrad {
return false
return math.Abs(currGrad) < curvature*math.Abs(initGrad)
// WeakWolfeConditionsMet returns true if the weak Wolfe conditions have been met.
// The weak Wolfe conditions ensure sufficient decrease in the function value,
// and sufficient decrease in the value of the projected gradient. Under normal
// conditions, the following should be true, though this is not enforced:
// - initGrad < 0
// - step > 0
// - 0 <= decrease < curvature< 1
func WeakWolfeConditionsMet(currObj, currGrad, initObj, initGrad, step, decrease, curvature float64) bool {
if currObj > initObj+decrease*step*initGrad {
return false
return currGrad >= curvature*initGrad