blob: 70ead5a87464763d72fc35b7f7355b0734907e6e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package optimize
import (
var _ Method = (*CmaEsChol)(nil)
// TODO(btracey): If we ever implement the traditional CMA-ES algorithm, provide
// the base explanation there, and modify this description to just
// describe the differences.
// CmaEsChol implements the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES)
// based on the Cholesky decomposition. The full algorithm is described in
// Krause, Oswin, Dídac Rodríguez Arbonès, and Christian Igel. "CMA-ES with
// optimal covariance update and storage complexity." Advances in Neural
// Information Processing Systems. 2016.
// CMA-ES is a global optimization method that progressively adapts a population
// of samples. CMA-ES combines techniques from local optimization with global
// optimization. Specifically, the CMA-ES algorithm uses an initial multivariate
// normal distribution to generate a population of input locations. The input locations
// with the lowest function values are used to update the parameters of the normal
// distribution, a new set of input locations are generated, and this procedure
// is iterated until convergence. The initial sampling distribution will have
// a mean specified by the initial x location, and a covariance specified by
// the InitCholesky field.
// As the normal distribution is progressively updated according to the best samples,
// it can be that the mean of the distribution is updated in a gradient-descent
// like fashion, followed by a shrinking covariance.
// It is recommended that the algorithm be run multiple times (with different
// InitMean) to have a better chance of finding the global minimum.
// The CMA-ES-Chol algorithm differs from the standard CMA-ES algorithm in that
// it directly updates the Cholesky decomposition of the normal distribution.
// This changes the runtime from O(dimension^3) to O(dimension^2*population)
// The evolution of the multi-variate normal will be similar to the baseline
// CMA-ES algorithm, but the covariance update equation is not identical.
// For more information about the CMA-ES algorithm, see
type CmaEsChol struct {
// InitStepSize sets the initial size of the covariance matrix adaptation.
// If InitStepSize is 0, a default value of 0.5 is used. InitStepSize cannot
// be negative, or CmaEsChol will panic.
InitStepSize float64
// Population sets the population size for the algorithm. If Population is
// 0, a default value of 4 + math.Floor(3*math.Log(float64(dim))) is used.
// Population cannot be negative or CmaEsChol will panic.
Population int
// InitCholesky specifies the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance
// matrix for the initial sampling distribution. If InitCholesky is nil,
// a default value of I is used. If it is non-nil, then it must have
// InitCholesky.Size() be equal to the problem dimension.
InitCholesky *mat.Cholesky
// StopLogDet sets the threshold for stopping the optimization if the
// distribution becomes too peaked. The log determinant is a measure of the
// (log) "volume" of the normal distribution, and when it is too small
// the samples are almost the same. If the log determinant of the covariance
// matrix becomes less than StopLogDet, the optimization run is concluded.
// If StopLogDet is 0, a default value of dim*log(1e-16) is used.
// If StopLogDet is NaN, the stopping criterion is not used, though
// this can cause numeric instabilities in the algorithm.
StopLogDet float64
// ForgetBest, when true, does not track the best overall function value found,
// instead returning the new best sample in each iteration. If ForgetBest
// is false, then the minimum value returned will be the lowest across all
// iterations, regardless of when that sample was generated.
ForgetBest bool
// Src allows a random number generator to be supplied for generating samples.
// If Src is nil the generator in is used.
Src rand.Source
// Fixed algorithm parameters.
dim int
pop int
weights []float64
muEff float64
cc, cs, c1, cmu, ds float64
eChi float64
// Function data.
xs *mat.Dense
fs []float64
// Adaptive algorithm parameters.
invSigma float64 // inverse of the sigma parameter
pc, ps []float64
mean []float64
chol mat.Cholesky
// Overall best.
bestX []float64
bestF float64
// Synchronization.
sentIdx int
receivedIdx int
operation chan<- Task
updateErr error
var (
_ Statuser = (*CmaEsChol)(nil)
_ Method = (*CmaEsChol)(nil)
func (cma *CmaEsChol) methodConverged() Status {
sd := cma.StopLogDet
switch {
case math.IsNaN(sd):
return NotTerminated
case sd == 0:
sd = float64(cma.dim) * -36.8413614879 // ln(1e-16)
if cma.chol.LogDet() < sd {
return MethodConverge
return NotTerminated
// Status returns the status of the method.
func (cma *CmaEsChol) Status() (Status, error) {
if cma.updateErr != nil {
return Failure, cma.updateErr
return cma.methodConverged(), nil
func (*CmaEsChol) Uses(has Available) (uses Available, err error) {
return has.function()
func (cma *CmaEsChol) Init(dim, tasks int) int {
if dim <= 0 {
if tasks < 0 {
// Set fixed algorithm parameters.
// Parameter values are from .
cma.dim = dim
cma.pop = cma.Population
n := float64(dim)
if cma.pop == 0 {
cma.pop = 4 + int(3*math.Log(n)) // Note the implicit floor.
} else if cma.pop < 0 {
panic("cma-es-chol: negative population size")
mu := cma.pop / 2
cma.weights = resize(cma.weights, mu)
for i := range cma.weights {
v := math.Log(float64(mu)+0.5) - math.Log(float64(i)+1)
cma.weights[i] = v
floats.Scale(1/floats.Sum(cma.weights), cma.weights)
cma.muEff = 0
for _, v := range cma.weights {
cma.muEff += v * v
cma.muEff = 1 / cma.muEff = (4 + cma.muEff/n) / (n + 4 + 2*cma.muEff/n)
cma.cs = (cma.muEff + 2) / (n + cma.muEff + 5)
cma.c1 = 2 / ((n+1.3)*(n+1.3) + cma.muEff)
cma.cmu = math.Min(1-cma.c1, 2*(cma.muEff-2+1/cma.muEff)/((n+2)*(n+2)+cma.muEff))
cma.ds = 1 + 2*math.Max(0, math.Sqrt((cma.muEff-1)/(n+1))-1) + cma.cs
// E[chi] is taken from (there
// listed as E[||N(0,1)||]).
cma.eChi = math.Sqrt(n) * (1 - 1.0/(4*n) + 1/(21*n*n))
// Allocate memory for function data.
cma.xs = mat.NewDense(cma.pop, dim, nil)
cma.fs = resize(cma.fs, cma.pop)
// Allocate and initialize adaptive parameters.
cma.invSigma = 1 / cma.InitStepSize
if cma.InitStepSize == 0 {
cma.invSigma = 10.0 / 3
} else if cma.InitStepSize < 0 {
panic("cma-es-chol: negative initial step size")
cma.pc = resize(cma.pc, dim)
for i := range cma.pc {
cma.pc[i] = 0
} = resize(, dim)
for i := range {[i] = 0
cma.mean = resize(cma.mean, dim) // mean location initialized at the start of Run
if cma.InitCholesky != nil {
if cma.InitCholesky.SymmetricDim() != dim {
panic("cma-es-chol: incorrect InitCholesky size")
} else {
// Set the initial Cholesky to I.
b := mat.NewDiagDense(dim, nil)
for i := 0; i < dim; i++ {
b.SetDiag(i, 1)
var chol mat.Cholesky
ok := chol.Factorize(b)
if !ok {
panic("cma-es-chol: bad cholesky. shouldn't happen")
cma.chol = chol
cma.bestX = resize(cma.bestX, dim)
cma.bestF = math.Inf(1)
cma.sentIdx = 0
cma.receivedIdx = 0
cma.operation = nil
cma.updateErr = nil
t := min(tasks, cma.pop)
return t
func (cma *CmaEsChol) sendInitTasks(tasks []Task) {
for i, task := range tasks {
cma.sendTask(i, task)
cma.sentIdx = len(tasks)
// sendTask generates a sample and sends the task. It does not update the cma index.
func (cma *CmaEsChol) sendTask(idx int, task Task) {
task.ID = idx
task.Op = FuncEvaluation
distmv.NormalRand(cma.xs.RawRowView(idx), cma.mean, &cma.chol, cma.Src)
copy(task.X, cma.xs.RawRowView(idx))
cma.operation <- task
// bestIdx returns the best index in the functions. Returns -1 if all values
// are NaN.
func (cma *CmaEsChol) bestIdx() int {
best := -1
bestVal := math.Inf(1)
for i, v := range cma.fs {
if math.IsNaN(v) {
// Use equality in case somewhere evaluates to +inf.
if v <= bestVal {
best = i
bestVal = v
return best
// findBestAndUpdateTask finds the best task in the current list, updates the
// new best overall, and then stores the best location into task.
func (cma *CmaEsChol) findBestAndUpdateTask(task Task) Task {
// Find and update the best location.
// Don't use floats because there may be NaN values.
best := cma.bestIdx()
bestF := math.NaN()
bestX := cma.xs.RawRowView(0)
if best != -1 {
bestF = cma.fs[best]
bestX = cma.xs.RawRowView(best)
if cma.ForgetBest {
task.F = bestF
copy(task.X, bestX)
} else {
if bestF < cma.bestF {
cma.bestF = bestF
copy(cma.bestX, bestX)
task.F = cma.bestF
copy(task.X, cma.bestX)
return task
func (cma *CmaEsChol) Run(operations chan<- Task, results <-chan Task, tasks []Task) {
copy(cma.mean, tasks[0].X)
cma.operation = operations
// Send the initial tasks. We know there are at most as many tasks as elements
// of the population.
for {
result := <-results
switch result.Op {
panic("unknown operation")
case PostIteration:
break Loop
case MajorIteration:
// The last thing we did was update all of the tasks and send the
// major iteration. Now we can send a group of tasks again.
case FuncEvaluation:
cma.fs[result.ID] = result.F
switch {
case cma.sentIdx < cma.pop:
// There are still tasks to evaluate. Send the next.
cma.sendTask(cma.sentIdx, result)
case cma.receivedIdx < cma.pop:
// All the tasks have been sent, but not all of them have been received.
// Need to wait until all are back.
continue Loop
// All of the evaluations have been received.
if cma.receivedIdx != cma.pop {
panic("bad logic")
cma.receivedIdx = 0
cma.sentIdx = 0
task := cma.findBestAndUpdateTask(result)
// Update the parameters and send a MajorIteration or a convergence.
err := cma.update()
// Kill the existing data.
for i := range cma.fs {
cma.fs[i] = math.NaN()
cma.xs.Set(i, 0, math.NaN())
switch {
case err != nil:
cma.updateErr = err
task.Op = MethodDone
case cma.methodConverged() != NotTerminated:
task.Op = MethodDone
task.Op = MajorIteration
task.ID = -1
operations <- task
// Been told to stop. Clean up.
// Need to see best of our evaluated tasks so far. Should instead just
// collect, then see.
for task := range results {
switch task.Op {
case MajorIteration:
case FuncEvaluation:
cma.fs[task.ID] = task.F
panic("unknown operation")
// Send the new best value if the evaluation is better than any we've
// found so far. Keep this separate from findBestAndUpdateTask so that
// we only send an iteration if we find a better location.
if !cma.ForgetBest {
best := cma.bestIdx()
if best != -1 && cma.fs[best] < cma.bestF {
task := tasks[0]
task.F = cma.fs[best]
copy(task.X, cma.xs.RawRowView(best))
task.Op = MajorIteration
task.ID = -1
operations <- task
// update computes the new parameters (mean, cholesky, etc.). Does not update
// any of the synchronization parameters (taskIdx).
func (cma *CmaEsChol) update() error {
// Sort the function values to find the elite samples.
ftmp := make([]float64, cma.pop)
copy(ftmp, cma.fs)
indexes := make([]int, cma.pop)
for i := range indexes {
indexes[i] = i
sort.Sort(bestSorter{F: ftmp, Idx: indexes})
meanOld := make([]float64, len(cma.mean))
copy(meanOld, cma.mean)
// m_{t+1} = \sum_{i=1}^mu w_i x_i
for i := range cma.mean {
cma.mean[i] = 0
for i, w := range cma.weights {
idx := indexes[i] // index of teh 1337 sample.
floats.AddScaled(cma.mean, w, cma.xs.RawRowView(idx))
meanDiff := make([]float64, len(cma.mean))
floats.SubTo(meanDiff, cma.mean, meanOld)
// p_{c,t+1} = (1-c_c) p_{c,t} + \sqrt(c_c*(2-c_c)*mueff) (m_{t+1}-m_t)/sigma_t
floats.Scale(, cma.pc)
scaleC := math.Sqrt(*(*cma.muEff) * cma.invSigma
floats.AddScaled(cma.pc, scaleC, meanDiff)
// p_{sigma, t+1} = (1-c_sigma) p_{sigma,t} + \sqrt(c_s*(2-c_s)*mueff) A_t^-1 (m_{t+1}-m_t)/sigma_t
// First compute A_t^-1 (m_{t+1}-m_t), then add the scaled vector.
tmp := make([]float64, cma.dim)
tmpVec := mat.NewVecDense(cma.dim, tmp)
diffVec := mat.NewVecDense(cma.dim, meanDiff)
err := tmpVec.SolveVec(cma.chol.RawU().T(), diffVec)
if err != nil {
return err
scaleS := math.Sqrt(cma.cs*(2-cma.cs)*cma.muEff) * cma.invSigma
floats.AddScaled(, scaleS, tmp)
// Compute the update to A.
scaleChol := 1 - cma.c1 - cma.cmu
if scaleChol == 0 {
scaleChol = math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64 // enough to kill the old data, but still non-zero.
cma.chol.Scale(scaleChol, &cma.chol)
cma.chol.SymRankOne(&cma.chol, cma.c1, mat.NewVecDense(cma.dim, cma.pc))
for i, w := range cma.weights {
idx := indexes[i]
floats.SubTo(tmp, cma.xs.RawRowView(idx), meanOld)
cma.chol.SymRankOne(&cma.chol, cma.cmu*w*cma.invSigma, tmpVec)
// sigma_{t+1} = sigma_t exp(c_sigma/d_sigma * norm(p_{sigma,t+1}/ E[chi] -1)
normPs := floats.Norm(, 2)
cma.invSigma /= math.Exp(cma.cs / cma.ds * (normPs/cma.eChi - 1))
return nil
type bestSorter struct {
F []float64
Idx []int
func (b bestSorter) Len() int {
return len(b.F)
func (b bestSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return b.F[i] < b.F[j]
func (b bestSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
b.F[i], b.F[j] = b.F[j], b.F[i]
b.Idx[i], b.Idx[j] = b.Idx[j], b.Idx[i]