blob: 72a5fedaf13f051a3c7fa86021724ac97b69b5e4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package path
import (
var (
gnpUndirected_10_tenth = gnpUndirected(10, 0.1)
gnpUndirected_100_tenth = gnpUndirected(100, 0.1)
gnpUndirected_1000_tenth = gnpUndirected(1000, 0.1)
gnpUndirected_10_half = gnpUndirected(10, 0.5)
gnpUndirected_100_half = gnpUndirected(100, 0.5)
gnpUndirected_1000_half = gnpUndirected(1000, 0.5)
nswUndirected_10_2_2_2 = navigableSmallWorldUndirected(10, 2, 2, 2)
nswUndirected_10_2_5_2 = navigableSmallWorldUndirected(10, 2, 5, 2)
nswUndirected_100_5_10_2 = navigableSmallWorldUndirected(100, 5, 10, 2)
nswUndirected_100_5_20_2 = navigableSmallWorldUndirected(100, 5, 20, 2)
func gnpUndirected(n int, p float64) func() graph.Undirected {
var once sync.Once
var cache graph.Undirected
return func() graph.Undirected {
once.Do(func() {
g := simple.NewUndirectedGraph()
err := gen.Gnp(g, n, p, nil)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("path: bad test: %v", err))
cache = g
return cache
func navigableSmallWorldUndirected(n, p, q int, r float64) func() graph.Undirected {
var once sync.Once
var cache graph.Undirected
return func() graph.Undirected {
once.Do(func() {
g := simple.NewUndirectedGraph()
err := gen.NavigableSmallWorld(g, []int{n, n}, p, q, r, nil)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("path: bad test: %v", err))
cache = g
return cache
func manhattan(size int) func(x, y graph.Node) float64 {
return func(x, y graph.Node) float64 {
return manhattanBetween(coordinatesForID(x, size, size), coordinatesForID(y, size, size))
func coordinatesForID(n graph.Node, c, r int) [2]int {
id := n.ID()
if id >= int64(c*r) {
panic("out of range")
return [2]int{int(id) / r, int(id) % r}
// manhattanBetween returns the Manhattan distance between a and b.
func manhattanBetween(a, b [2]int) float64 {
var d int
for i, v := range a {
d += abs(v - b[i])
return float64(d)
func abs(a int) int {
if a < 0 {
return -a
return a
func BenchmarkAStarUndirected(b *testing.B) {
benchmarks := []struct {
name string
graph graph.Undirected
h Heuristic
{"GNP Undirected 10 tenth", gnpUndirected_10_tenth(), nil},
{"GNP Undirected 100 tenth", gnpUndirected_100_tenth(), nil},
{"GNP Undirected 1000 tenth", gnpUndirected_1000_tenth(), nil},
{"GNP Undirected 10 half", gnpUndirected_10_half(), nil},
{"GNP Undirected 100 half", gnpUndirected_100_half(), nil},
{"GNP Undirected 1000 half", gnpUndirected_1000_half(), nil},
{"NSW Undirected 10 2 2 2", nswUndirected_10_2_2_2(), nil},
{"NSW Undirected 10 2 2 2 heuristic", nswUndirected_10_2_2_2(), manhattan(10)},
{"NSW Undirected 10 2 5 2", nswUndirected_10_2_5_2(), nil},
{"NSW Undirected 10 2 5 2 heuristic", nswUndirected_10_2_5_2(), manhattan(10)},
{"NSW Undirected 100 5 10 2", nswUndirected_100_5_10_2(), nil},
{"NSW Undirected 100 5 10 2 heuristic", nswUndirected_100_5_10_2(), manhattan(100)},
{"NSW Undirected 100 5 20 2", nswUndirected_100_5_20_2(), nil},
{"NSW Undirected 100 5 20 2 heuristic", nswUndirected_100_5_20_2(), manhattan(100)},
for _, bm := range benchmarks {
b.Run(, func(b *testing.B) {
var expanded int
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, expanded = AStar(simple.Node(0), simple.Node(1), bm.graph, bm.h)
if expanded == 0 {
b.Fatal("unexpected number of expanded nodes")
var (
gnpDirected_500_tenth = gnpDirected(500, 0.1)
gnpDirected_1000_tenth = gnpDirected(1000, 0.1)
gnpDirected_2000_tenth = gnpDirected(2000, 0.1)
gnpDirected_500_half = gnpDirected(500, 0.5)
gnpDirected_1000_half = gnpDirected(1000, 0.5)
gnpDirected_2000_half = gnpDirected(2000, 0.5)
gnpDirected_500_full = gnpDirected(500, 1)
gnpDirected_1000_full = gnpDirected(1000, 1)
gnpDirected_2000_full = gnpDirected(2000, 1)
func gnpDirected(n int, p float64) func() graph.Directed {
var once sync.Once
var cache graph.Directed
return func() graph.Directed {
once.Do(func() {
g := simple.NewDirectedGraph()
err := gen.Gnp(g, n, p, nil)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("path: bad test: %v", err))
cache = g
return cache
func BenchmarkBellmanFordFrom(b *testing.B) {
benchmarks := []struct {
name string
graph graph.Directed
{"500 tenth", gnpDirected_500_tenth()},
{"1000 tenth", gnpDirected_1000_tenth()},
{"2000 tenth", gnpDirected_2000_tenth()},
{"500 half", gnpDirected_500_half()},
{"1000 half", gnpDirected_1000_half()},
{"2000 half", gnpDirected_2000_half()},
{"500 full", gnpDirected_500_full()},
{"1000 full", gnpDirected_1000_full()},
{"2000 full", gnpDirected_2000_full()},
type incremental struct {
for _, bm := range benchmarks {
for _, tg := range []struct {
typ string
g traverse.Graph
{g: bm.graph},
{typ: " incremental", g: incremental{bm.graph}},
} {
b.Run(, func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
BellmanFordFrom(bm.graph.Node(0), tg.g)