blob: 237d70230fd3f6ea7c45d7e9bafc2c19698ee7cb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package path
import (
func TestBellmanFordFrom(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range testgraphs.ShortestPathTests {
g := test.Graph()
for _, e := range test.Edges {
for _, tg := range []struct {
typ string
g traverse.Graph
{"complete", g.(graph.Graph)},
{"incremental", incremental{g.(graph.Weighted)}},
} {
pt, ok := BellmanFordFrom(test.Query.From(), tg.g)
if test.HasNegativeCycle {
if ok {
t.Errorf("%q %s: expected negative cycle", test.Name, tg.typ)
} else if !ok {
t.Fatalf("%q %s: unexpected negative cycle", test.Name, tg.typ)
if pt.From().ID() != test.Query.From().ID() {
t.Fatalf("%q %s: unexpected from node ID: got:%d want:%d", test.Name, tg.typ, pt.From().ID(), test.Query.From().ID())
p, weight := pt.To(test.Query.To().ID())
if weight != test.Weight {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected weight from To: got:%f want:%f",
test.Name, tg.typ, weight, test.Weight)
if weight := pt.WeightTo(test.Query.To().ID()); !math.IsInf(test.Weight, -1) && weight != test.Weight {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected weight from Weight: got:%f want:%f",
test.Name, tg.typ, weight, test.Weight)
var got []int64
for _, n := range p {
got = append(got, n.ID())
ok = len(got) == 0 && len(test.WantPaths) == 0
for _, sp := range test.WantPaths {
if reflect.DeepEqual(got, sp) {
ok = true
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected shortest path:\ngot: %v\nwant from:%v",
test.Name, tg.typ, p, test.WantPaths)
np, weight := pt.To(test.NoPathFor.To().ID())
if pt.From().ID() == test.NoPathFor.From().ID() && (np != nil || !math.IsInf(weight, 1)) {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected path:\ngot: path=%v weight=%f\nwant:path=<nil> weight=+Inf",
test.Name, tg.typ, np, weight)
func TestBellmanFordAllFrom(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range testgraphs.ShortestPathTests {
g := test.Graph()
for _, e := range test.Edges {
for _, tg := range []struct {
typ string
g traverse.Graph
{"complete", g.(graph.Graph)},
{"incremental", incremental{g.(graph.Weighted)}},
} {
pt, ok := BellmanFordAllFrom(test.Query.From(), tg.g)
if test.HasNegativeCycle {
if ok {
t.Errorf("%q %s: expected negative cycle", test.Name, tg.typ)
} else if !ok {
t.Fatalf("%q %s: unexpected negative cycle", test.Name, tg.typ)
if pt.From().ID() != test.Query.From().ID() {
t.Fatalf("%q %s: unexpected from node ID: got:%d want:%d", test.Name, tg.typ, pt.From().ID(), test.Query.From().ID())
// Test single path results.
p, weight, unique := pt.To(test.Query.To().ID())
if weight != test.Weight {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected weight from To: got:%f want:%f",
test.Name, tg.typ, weight, test.Weight)
if weight := pt.WeightTo(test.Query.To().ID()); !math.IsInf(test.Weight, -1) && weight != test.Weight {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected weight from Weight: got:%f want:%f",
test.Name, tg.typ, weight, test.Weight)
var gotPath []int64
for _, n := range p {
gotPath = append(gotPath, n.ID())
ok = len(gotPath) == 0 && len(test.WantPaths) == 0
for _, sp := range test.WantPaths {
if reflect.DeepEqual(gotPath, sp) {
ok = true
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected shortest path:\ngot: %v\nwant from:%v",
test.Name, tg.typ, p, test.WantPaths)
if unique != test.HasUniquePath {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected uniqueness from To: got:%t want:%t (%d paths)",
test.Name, tg.typ, unique, test.HasUniquePath, len(test.WantPaths))
// Test multiple path results.
paths, weight := pt.AllTo(test.Query.To().ID())
if weight != test.Weight {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected weight from AllTo: got:%f want:%f",
test.Name, tg.typ, weight, test.Weight)
if weight := pt.WeightTo(test.Query.To().ID()); !math.IsInf(test.Weight, -1) && weight != test.Weight {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected weight from Weight: got:%f want:%f",
test.Name, tg.typ, weight, test.Weight)
var gotPaths [][]int64
if len(paths) != 0 {
gotPaths = make([][]int64, len(paths))
for i, p := range paths {
for _, v := range p {
gotPaths[i] = append(gotPaths[i], v.ID())
if test.HasNegativeCycleInPath {
if gotPaths != nil {
t.Errorf("testing %q %s: unexpected shortest paths:\ngot: %v\nwant: []",
test.Name, tg.typ, gotPaths)
} else {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotPaths, test.WantPaths) {
t.Errorf("testing %q %s: unexpected shortest paths:\ngot: %v\nwant:%v",
test.Name, tg.typ, gotPaths, test.WantPaths)
// Test absent paths.
np, weight, unique := pt.To(test.NoPathFor.To().ID())
if pt.From().ID() == test.NoPathFor.From().ID() && !(np == nil && math.IsInf(weight, 1) && !unique) {
t.Errorf("%q %s: unexpected path:\ngot: path=%v weight=%f unique=%t\nwant:path=<nil> weight=+Inf unique=false",
test.Name, tg.typ, np, weight, unique)