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// Copyright ©2014 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package path
import (
var aStarTests = []struct {
name string
g graph.Graph
s, t int64
heuristic Heuristic
wantPath []int64
name: "simple path",
g: func() graph.Graph {
return testgraphs.NewGridFrom(
s: 1, t: 14,
wantPath: []int64{1, 2, 6, 10, 14},
name: "small open graph",
g: testgraphs.NewGrid(3, 3, true),
s: 0, t: 8,
name: "large open graph",
g: testgraphs.NewGrid(1000, 1000, true),
s: 0, t: 999*1000 + 999,
name: "no path",
g: func() graph.Graph {
tg := testgraphs.NewGrid(5, 5, true)
// Create a complete "wall" across the middle row.
tg.Set(2, 0, false)
tg.Set(2, 1, false)
tg.Set(2, 2, false)
tg.Set(2, 3, false)
tg.Set(2, 4, false)
return tg
s: 2, t: 22,
name: "partially obstructed",
g: func() graph.Graph {
tg := testgraphs.NewGrid(10, 10, true)
// Create a partial "wall" across the middle
// row with a gap at the left-hand end.
tg.Set(4, 1, false)
tg.Set(4, 2, false)
tg.Set(4, 3, false)
tg.Set(4, 4, false)
tg.Set(4, 5, false)
tg.Set(4, 6, false)
tg.Set(4, 7, false)
tg.Set(4, 8, false)
tg.Set(4, 9, false)
return tg
s: 5, t: 9*10 + 9,
name: "partially obstructed with heuristic",
g: func() graph.Graph {
tg := testgraphs.NewGrid(10, 10, true)
// Create a partial "wall" across the middle
// row with a gap at the left-hand end.
tg.Set(4, 1, false)
tg.Set(4, 2, false)
tg.Set(4, 3, false)
tg.Set(4, 4, false)
tg.Set(4, 5, false)
tg.Set(4, 6, false)
tg.Set(4, 7, false)
tg.Set(4, 8, false)
tg.Set(4, 9, false)
return tg
s: 5, t: 9*10 + 9,
// Manhattan Heuristic
heuristic: func(u, v graph.Node) float64 {
uid := u.ID()
cu := (uid % 10)
ru := (uid - cu) / 10
vid := v.ID()
cv := (vid % 10)
rv := (vid - cv) / 10
return math.Abs(float64(ru-rv)) + math.Abs(float64(cu-cv))
func TestAStar(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range aStarTests {
pt, _ := AStar(simple.Node(test.s), simple.Node(test.t), test.g, test.heuristic)
p, cost := pt.To(test.t)
if !topo.IsPathIn(test.g, p) {
t.Errorf("got path that is not path in input graph for %q",
bfp, ok := BellmanFordFrom(simple.Node(test.s), test.g)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("unexpected negative cycle in %q",
if want := bfp.WeightTo(test.t); cost != want {
t.Errorf("unexpected cost for %q: got:%v want:%v",, cost, want)
var got = make([]int64, 0, len(p))
for _, n := range p {
got = append(got, n.ID())
if test.wantPath != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.wantPath) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result for %q:\ngot: %v\nwant:%v",, got, test.wantPath)
func TestExhaustiveAStar(t *testing.T) {
g := simple.NewWeightedUndirectedGraph(0, math.Inf(1))
nodes := []locatedNode{
{id: 1, x: 0, y: 6},
{id: 2, x: 1, y: 0},
{id: 3, x: 8, y: 7},
{id: 4, x: 16, y: 0},
{id: 5, x: 17, y: 6},
{id: 6, x: 9, y: 8},
for _, n := range nodes {
edges := []weightedEdge{
{from: g.Node(1), to: g.Node(2), cost: 7},
{from: g.Node(1), to: g.Node(3), cost: 9},
{from: g.Node(1), to: g.Node(6), cost: 14},
{from: g.Node(2), to: g.Node(3), cost: 10},
{from: g.Node(2), to: g.Node(4), cost: 15},
{from: g.Node(3), to: g.Node(4), cost: 11},
{from: g.Node(3), to: g.Node(6), cost: 2},
{from: g.Node(4), to: g.Node(5), cost: 7},
{from: g.Node(5), to: g.Node(6), cost: 9},
for _, e := range edges {
heuristic := func(u, v graph.Node) float64 {
lu := u.(locatedNode)
lv := v.(locatedNode)
return math.Hypot(lu.x-lv.x, lu.y-lv.y)
if ok, edge, goal := isMonotonic(g, heuristic); !ok {
t.Fatalf("non-monotonic heuristic at edge:%v for goal:%v", edge, goal)
ps := DijkstraAllPaths(g)
ends := graph.NodesOf(g.Nodes())
for _, start := range ends {
for _, goal := range ends {
pt, _ := AStar(start, goal, g, heuristic)
gotPath, gotWeight := pt.To(goal.ID())
wantPath, wantWeight, _ := ps.Between(start.ID(), goal.ID())
if gotWeight != wantWeight {
t.Errorf("unexpected path weight from %v to %v result: got:%f want:%f",
start, goal, gotWeight, wantWeight)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotPath, wantPath) {
t.Errorf("unexpected path from %v to %v result:\ngot: %v\nwant:%v",
start, goal, gotPath, wantPath)
type locatedNode struct {
id int64
x, y float64
func (n locatedNode) ID() int64 { return }
type weightedEdge struct {
from, to graph.Node
cost float64
func (e weightedEdge) From() graph.Node { return e.from }
func (e weightedEdge) To() graph.Node { return }
func (e weightedEdge) ReversedEdge() graph.Edge { e.from, =, e.from; return e }
func (e weightedEdge) Weight() float64 { return e.cost }
func isMonotonic(g UndirectedWeightLister, h Heuristic) (ok bool, at graph.Edge, goal graph.Node) {
for _, goal := range graph.NodesOf(g.Nodes()) {
for _, edge := range graph.WeightedEdgesOf(g.WeightedEdges()) {
from := edge.From()
to := edge.To()
w, ok := g.Weight(from.ID(), to.ID())
if !ok {
panic("A*: unexpected invalid weight")
if h(from, goal) > w+h(to, goal) {
return false, edge, goal
return true, nil, nil
func TestAStarNullHeuristic(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range testgraphs.ShortestPathTests {
g := test.Graph()
for _, e := range test.Edges {
var (
pt Shortest
panicked bool
func() {
defer func() {
panicked = recover() != nil
pt, _ = AStar(test.Query.From(), test.Query.To(), g.(graph.Graph), nil)
if panicked || test.HasNegativeWeight {
if !test.HasNegativeWeight {
t.Errorf("%q: unexpected panic", test.Name)
if !panicked {
t.Errorf("%q: expected panic for negative edge weight", test.Name)
if pt.From().ID() != test.Query.From().ID() {
t.Fatalf("%q: unexpected from node ID: got:%d want:%d", test.Name, pt.From().ID(), test.Query.From().ID())
p, weight := pt.To(test.Query.To().ID())
if weight != test.Weight {
t.Errorf("%q: unexpected weight from To: got:%f want:%f",
test.Name, weight, test.Weight)
if weight := pt.WeightTo(test.Query.To().ID()); weight != test.Weight {
t.Errorf("%q: unexpected weight from Weight: got:%f want:%f",
test.Name, weight, test.Weight)
var got []int64
for _, n := range p {
got = append(got, n.ID())
ok := len(got) == 0 && len(test.WantPaths) == 0
for _, sp := range test.WantPaths {
if reflect.DeepEqual(got, sp) {
ok = true
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%q: unexpected shortest path:\ngot: %v\nwant from:%v",
test.Name, p, test.WantPaths)
np, weight := pt.To(test.NoPathFor.To().ID())
if pt.From().ID() == test.NoPathFor.From().ID() && (np != nil || !math.IsInf(weight, 1)) {
t.Errorf("%q: unexpected path:\ngot: path=%v weight=%f\nwant:path=<nil> weight=+Inf",
test.Name, np, weight)