blob: 63a89dd05c98c14144b24b45e5560f45dd15cb41 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright ©2014 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package distuv
import (
type univariateProbPoint struct {
loc float64
logProb float64
cumProb float64
prob float64
type UniProbDist interface {
Prob(float64) float64
CDF(float64) float64
LogProb(float64) float64
Quantile(float64) float64
Survival(float64) float64
func absEq(a, b float64) bool {
// This is expressed as the inverse to catch the
// case a = Inf and b = Inf of the same sign.
return !(math.Abs(a-b) > 1e-14)
// TODO: Implement a better test for Quantile
func testDistributionProbs(t *testing.T, dist UniProbDist, name string, pts []univariateProbPoint) {
for _, pt := range pts {
logProb := dist.LogProb(pt.loc)
if !absEq(logProb, pt.logProb) {
t.Errorf("Log probability doesnt match for "+name+". Expected %v. Found %v", pt.logProb, logProb)
prob := dist.Prob(pt.loc)
if !absEq(prob, pt.prob) {
t.Errorf("Probability doesn't match for "+name+". Expected %v. Found %v", pt.prob, prob)
cumProb := dist.CDF(pt.loc)
if !absEq(cumProb, pt.cumProb) {
t.Errorf("Cumulative Probability doesn't match for "+name+". Expected %v. Found %v", pt.cumProb, cumProb)
if !absEq(dist.Survival(pt.loc), 1-pt.cumProb) {
t.Errorf("Survival doesn't match for %v. Expected %v, Found %v", name, 1-pt.cumProb, dist.Survival(pt.loc))
if pt.prob != 0 {
if math.Abs(dist.Quantile(pt.cumProb)-pt.loc) > 1e-4 {
fmt.Println("true =", pt.loc)
fmt.Println("calculated=", dist.Quantile(pt.cumProb))
t.Errorf("Quantile doesn't match for "+name+", loc = %v", pt.loc)
type ConjugateUpdater interface {
NumParameters() int
parameters([]Parameter) []Parameter
NumSuffStat() int
SuffStat([]float64, []float64, []float64) float64
ConjugateUpdate([]float64, float64, []float64)
Rand() float64
func testConjugateUpdate(t *testing.T, newFittable func() ConjugateUpdater) {
for i, test := range []struct {
samps []float64
weights []float64
samps: randn(newFittable(), 10),
weights: nil,
samps: randn(newFittable(), 10),
weights: ones(10),
samps: randn(newFittable(), 10),
weights: randn(&Exponential{Rate: 1}, 10),
} {
// ensure that conjugate produces the same result both incrementally and all at once
incDist := newFittable()
stats := make([]float64, incDist.NumSuffStat())
prior := make([]float64, incDist.NumParameters())
for j := range test.samps {
var incWeights, allWeights []float64
if test.weights != nil {
incWeights = test.weights[j : j+1]
allWeights = test.weights[0 : j+1]
nsInc := incDist.SuffStat(stats, test.samps[j:j+1], incWeights)
incDist.ConjugateUpdate(stats, nsInc, prior)
allDist := newFittable()
nsAll := allDist.SuffStat(stats, test.samps[0:j+1], allWeights)
allDist.ConjugateUpdate(stats, nsAll, make([]float64, allDist.NumParameters()))
if !parametersEqual(incDist.parameters(nil), allDist.parameters(nil), 1e-12) {
t.Errorf("prior doesn't match after incremental update for (%d, %d). Incremental is %v, all at once is %v", i, j, incDist, allDist)
if test.weights == nil {
onesDist := newFittable()
nsOnes := onesDist.SuffStat(stats, test.samps[0:j+1], ones(j+1))
onesDist.ConjugateUpdate(stats, nsOnes, make([]float64, onesDist.NumParameters()))
if !parametersEqual(onesDist.parameters(nil), incDist.parameters(nil), 1e-14) {
t.Errorf("nil and uniform weighted prior doesn't match for incremental update for (%d, %d). Uniform weighted is %v, nil is %v", i, j, onesDist, incDist)
if !parametersEqual(onesDist.parameters(nil), allDist.parameters(nil), 1e-14) {
t.Errorf("nil and uniform weighted prior doesn't match for all at once update for (%d, %d). Uniform weighted is %v, nil is %v", i, j, onesDist, incDist)
// randn generates a specified number of random samples
func randn(dist Rander, n int) []float64 {
x := make([]float64, n)
for i := range x {
x[i] = dist.Rand()
return x
func ones(n int) []float64 {
x := make([]float64, n)
for i := range x {
x[i] = 1
return x
func parametersEqual(p1, p2 []Parameter, tol float64) bool {
for i, p := range p1 {
if p.Name != p2[i].Name {
return false
if math.Abs(p.Value-p2[i].Value) > tol {
return false
return true
type derivParamTester interface {
LogProb(x float64) float64
Score(deriv []float64, x float64) []float64
Quantile(p float64) float64
NumParameters() int
parameters([]Parameter) []Parameter
func testDerivParam(t *testing.T, d derivParamTester) {
// Tests that the derivative matches for a number of different quantiles
// along the distribution.
nTest := 10
quantiles := make([]float64, nTest)
floats.Span(quantiles, 0.1, 0.9)
deriv := make([]float64, d.NumParameters())
fdDeriv := make([]float64, d.NumParameters())
initParams := d.parameters(nil)
init := make([]float64, d.NumParameters())
for i, v := range initParams {
init[i] = v.Value
for _, v := range quantiles {
x := d.Quantile(v)
d.Score(deriv, x)
f := func(p []float64) float64 {
params := d.parameters(nil)
for i, v := range p {
params[i].Value = v
return d.LogProb(x)
fd.Gradient(fdDeriv, f, init, nil)
if !floats.EqualApprox(deriv, fdDeriv, 1e-6) {
t.Fatal("Derivative mismatch. Want", fdDeriv, ", got", deriv, ".")
d2 := d.Score(nil, x)
if !floats.EqualApprox(d2, deriv, 1e-14) {
t.Errorf("Derivative mismatch when input nil Want %v, got %v", d2, deriv)