blob: 650ad6c81b54ef2a291da2eb45cbe0da89146e64 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright ©2016 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package distuv
import (
// Gamma implements the Gamma distribution, a two-parameter continuous distribution
// with support over the positive real numbers.
// The gamma distribution has density function
// β^α / Γ(α) x^(α-1)e^(-βx)
// For more information, see
type Gamma struct {
// Alpha is the shape parameter of the distribution. Alpha must be greater
// than 0. If Alpha == 1, this is equivalent to an exponential distribution.
Alpha float64
// Beta is the rate parameter of the distribution. Beta must be greater than 0.
// If Beta == 2, this is equivalent to a Chi-Squared distribution.
Beta float64
Source *rand.Rand
// CDF computes the value of the cumulative distribution function at x.
func (g Gamma) CDF(x float64) float64 {
if x < 0 {
return 0
return mathext.GammaInc(g.Alpha, g.Beta*x)
// ExKurtosis returns the excess kurtosis of the distribution.
func (g Gamma) ExKurtosis() float64 {
return 6 / g.Alpha
// LogProb computes the natural logarithm of the value of the probability
// density function at x.
func (g Gamma) LogProb(x float64) float64 {
if x <= 0 {
return math.Inf(-1)
a := g.Alpha
b := g.Beta
lg, _ := math.Lgamma(a)
return a*math.Log(b) - lg + (a-1)*math.Log(x) - b*x
// Mean returns the mean of the probability distribution.
func (g Gamma) Mean() float64 {
return g.Alpha / g.Beta
// Mode returns the mode of the normal distribution.
// The mode is NaN in the special case where the Alpha (shape) parameter
// is less than 1.
func (g Gamma) Mode() float64 {
if g.Alpha < 1 {
return math.NaN()
return (g.Alpha - 1) / g.Beta
// NumParameters returns the number of parameters in the distribution.
func (Gamma) NumParameters() int {
return 2
// Prob computes the value of the probability density function at x.
func (g Gamma) Prob(x float64) float64 {
return math.Exp(g.LogProb(x))
// Quantile returns the inverse of the cumulative distribution function.
func (g Gamma) Quantile(p float64) float64 {
if p < 0 || p > 1 {
return mathext.GammaIncInv(g.Alpha, p) / g.Beta
// Rand returns a random sample drawn from the distribution.
// Rand panics if either alpha or beta is <= 0.
func (g Gamma) Rand() float64 {
if g.Beta <= 0 {
panic("gamma: beta <= 0")
unifrnd := rand.Float64
exprnd := rand.ExpFloat64
normrnd := rand.NormFloat64
if g.Source != nil {
unifrnd = g.Source.Float64
exprnd = g.Source.ExpFloat64
normrnd = g.Source.NormFloat64
a := g.Alpha
b := g.Beta
switch {
case a <= 0:
panic("gamma: alpha < 0")
case a == 1:
// Generate from exponential
return exprnd() / b
case a < 0.3:
// Generate using
// Liu, Chuanhai, Martin, Ryan and Syring, Nick. "Simulating from a
// gamma distribution with small shape parameter"
// use this reference:
// Algorithm adjusted to work in log space as much as possible.
lambda := 1/a - 1
lw := math.Log(a) - 1 - math.Log(1-a)
lr := -math.Log(1 + math.Exp(lw))
lc, _ := math.Lgamma(a + 1)
for {
e := exprnd()
var z float64
if e >= -lr {
z = e + lr
} else {
z = -exprnd() / lambda
lh := lc - z - math.Exp(-z/a)
var lEta float64
if z >= 0 {
lEta = lc - z
} else {
lEta = lc + lw + math.Log(lambda) + lambda*z
if lh-lEta > -exprnd() {
return math.Exp(-z/a) / b
case a >= 0.3 && a < 1:
// Generate using:
// Kundu, Debasis, and Rameshwar D. Gupta. "A convenient way of generating
// gamma random variables using generalized exponential distribution."
// Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 51.6 (2007): 2796-2802.
// TODO(btracey): Change to using Algorithm 3 if we can find the bug in
// the implementation below.
// Algorithm 2.
alpha := g.Alpha
a := math.Pow(1-expNegOneHalf, alpha) / (math.Pow(1-expNegOneHalf, alpha) + alpha*math.Exp(-1)/math.Pow(2, alpha))
b := math.Pow(1-expNegOneHalf, alpha) + alpha/math.E/math.Pow(2, alpha)
var x float64
for {
u := unifrnd()
if u <= a {
x = -2 * math.Log(1-math.Pow(u*b, 1/alpha))
} else {
x = -math.Log(math.Pow(2, alpha) / alpha * b * (1 - u))
v := unifrnd()
if x <= 1 {
if v <= math.Pow(x, alpha-1)*math.Exp(-x/2)/(math.Pow(2, alpha-1)*math.Pow(1-math.Exp(-x/2), alpha-1)) {
} else {
if v <= math.Pow(x, alpha-1) {
return x / g.Beta
// Algorithm 3.
d := 1.0334 - 0.0766*math.Exp(2.2942*alpha)
a := math.Pow(2, alpha) * math.Pow(1-math.Exp(-d/2), alpha)
b := alpha * math.Pow(d, alpha-1) * math.Exp(-d)
c := a + b
var x float64
for {
u := unifrnd()
if u <= a/(a+b) {
x = -2 * math.Log(1-math.Pow(c*u, 1/a)/2)
} else {
x = -math.Log(c * (1 - u) / (alpha * math.Pow(d, alpha-1)))
v := unifrnd()
if x <= d {
if v <= (math.Pow(x, alpha-1)*math.Exp(-x/2))/(math.Pow(2, alpha-1)*math.Pow(1-math.Exp(-x/2), alpha-1)) {
} else {
if v <= math.Pow(d/x, 1-alpha) {
return x / g.Beta
case a > 1:
// Generate using:
// Marsaglia, George, and Wai Wan Tsang. "A simple method for generating
// gamma variables." ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS)
// 26.3 (2000): 363-372.
d := a - 1.0/3
c := 1 / (3 * math.Sqrt(d))
for {
u := -exprnd()
x := normrnd()
v := 1 + x*c
v = v * v * v
if u < 0.5*x*x+d*(1-v+math.Log(v)) {
return d * v / b
// Survival returns the survival function (complementary CDF) at x.
func (g Gamma) Survival(x float64) float64 {
if x < 0 {
return 1
return mathext.GammaIncComp(g.Alpha, g.Beta*x)
// StdDev returns the standard deviation of the probability distribution.
func (g Gamma) StdDev() float64 {
return math.Sqrt(g.Variance())
// Variance returns the variance of the probability distribution.
func (g Gamma) Variance() float64 {
return g.Alpha / g.Beta / g.Beta