blob: 6336fe02fff079243ff557d243b6e4a25d472851 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mat
import (
// legalSizeSameRectangular returns whether the two matrices have the same rectangular shape.
func legalSizeSameRectangular(ar, ac, br, bc int) bool {
if ar != br {
return false
if ac != bc {
return false
return true
// legalSizeSameSquare returns whether the two matrices have the same square shape.
func legalSizeSameSquare(ar, ac, br, bc int) bool {
if ar != br {
return false
if ac != bc {
return false
if ar != ac {
return false
return true
// legalSizeSameHeight returns whether the two matrices have the same number of rows.
func legalSizeSameHeight(ar, _, br, _ int) bool {
return ar == br
// legalSizeSameWidth returns whether the two matrices have the same number of columns.
func legalSizeSameWidth(_, ac, _, bc int) bool {
return ac == bc
// legalSizeSolve returns whether the two matrices can be used in a linear solve.
func legalSizeSolve(ar, ac, br, bc int) bool {
return ar == br
// legalSizeSameVec returns whether the two matrices are column vectors of the
// same dimension.
func legalSizeSameVec(ar, ac, br, bc int) bool {
return ac == 1 && bc == 1 && ar == br
// isAnySize returns true for all matrix sizes.
func isAnySize(ar, ac int) bool {
return true
// isAnySize2 returns true for all matrix sizes.
func isAnySize2(ar, ac, br, bc int) bool {
return true
// isAnyVector returns true for any column vector sizes.
func isAnyVector(ar, ac int) bool {
return ac == 1
// isSquare returns whether the input matrix is square.
func isSquare(r, c int) bool {
return r == c
// sameAnswerFloat returns whether the two inputs are both NaN or are equal.
func sameAnswerFloat(a, b interface{}) bool {
if math.IsNaN(a.(float64)) {
return math.IsNaN(b.(float64))
return a.(float64) == b.(float64)
// sameAnswerFloatApproxTol returns a function that determines whether its two
// inputs are both NaN or within tol of each other.
func sameAnswerFloatApproxTol(tol float64) func(a, b interface{}) bool {
return func(a, b interface{}) bool {
if math.IsNaN(a.(float64)) {
return math.IsNaN(b.(float64))
return floats.EqualWithinAbsOrRel(a.(float64), b.(float64), tol, tol)
func sameAnswerF64SliceOfSlice(a, b interface{}) bool {
for i, v := range a.([][]float64) {
if same := floats.Same(v, b.([][]float64)[i]); !same {
return false
return true
// sameAnswerBool returns whether the two inputs have the same value.
func sameAnswerBool(a, b interface{}) bool {
return a.(bool) == b.(bool)
// isAnyType returns true for all Matrix types.
func isAnyType(Matrix) bool {
return true
// legalTypesAll returns true for all Matrix types.
func legalTypesAll(a, b Matrix) bool {
return true
// legalTypeSym returns whether a is a Symmetric.
func legalTypeSym(a Matrix) bool {
_, ok := a.(Symmetric)
return ok
// legalTypesSym returns whether both input arguments are Symmetric.
func legalTypesSym(a, b Matrix) bool {
if _, ok := a.(Symmetric); !ok {
return false
if _, ok := b.(Symmetric); !ok {
return false
return true
// legalTypeVec returns whether v is a *Vector.
func legalTypeVec(v Matrix) bool {
_, ok := v.(*Vector)
return ok
// legalTypesVecVec returns whether both inputs are *Vector.
func legalTypesVecVec(a, b Matrix) bool {
if _, ok := a.(*Vector); !ok {
return false
if _, ok := b.(*Vector); !ok {
return false
return true
// legalTypesNotVecVec returns whether the first input is an arbitrary Matrix
// and the second input is a *Vector.
func legalTypesNotVecVec(a, b Matrix) bool {
_, ok := b.(*Vector)
return ok
// legalDims returns whether {m,n} is a valid dimension of the given matrix type.
func legalDims(a Matrix, m, n int) bool {
switch t := a.(type) {
panic("legal dims type not coded")
case Untransposer:
return legalDims(t.Untranspose(), n, m)
case *Dense, *basicMatrix:
if m < 0 || n < 0 {
return false
return true
case *SymDense, *TriDense, *basicSymmetric, *basicTriangular:
if m < 0 || n < 0 || m != n {
return false
return true
case *Vector:
if m < 0 || n < 0 {
return false
return n == 1
// returnAs returns the matrix a with the type of t. Used for making a concrete
// type and changing to the basic form.
func returnAs(a, t Matrix) Matrix {
switch mat := a.(type) {
panic("unknown type for a")
case *Dense:
switch t.(type) {
panic("bad type")
case *Dense:
return mat
case *basicMatrix:
return asBasicMatrix(mat)
case *SymDense:
switch t.(type) {
panic("bad type")
case *SymDense:
return mat
case *basicSymmetric:
return asBasicSymmetric(mat)
case *TriDense:
switch t.(type) {
panic("bad type")
case *TriDense:
return mat
case *basicTriangular:
return asBasicTriangular(mat)
// retranspose returns the matrix m inside an Untransposer of the type
// of a.
func retranspose(a, m Matrix) Matrix {
switch a.(type) {
case TransposeTri:
return TransposeTri{m.(Triangular)}
case Transpose:
return Transpose{m}
case Untransposer:
panic("unknown transposer type")
panic("a is not an untransposer")
// makeRandOf returns a new randomly filled m×n matrix of the underlying matrix type.
func makeRandOf(a Matrix, m, n int) Matrix {
var rMatrix Matrix
switch t := a.(type) {
panic("unknown type for make rand of")
case Untransposer:
rMatrix = retranspose(a, makeRandOf(t.Untranspose(), n, m))
case *Dense, *basicMatrix:
mat := NewDense(m, n, nil)
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
mat.Set(i, j, rand.NormFloat64())
rMatrix = returnAs(mat, t)
case *Vector:
if m == 0 && n == 0 {
return &Vector{}
if n != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad vector size: m = %v, n = %v", m, n))
length := m
inc := 1
if t.mat.Inc != 0 {
inc = t.mat.Inc
mat := &Vector{
mat: blas64.Vector{
Inc: inc,
Data: make([]float64, inc*(length-1)+1),
n: length,
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
mat.SetVec(i, rand.NormFloat64())
return mat
case *SymDense, *basicSymmetric:
if m != n {
panic("bad size")
mat := NewSymDense(n, nil)
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
for j := i; j < n; j++ {
mat.SetSym(i, j, rand.NormFloat64())
rMatrix = returnAs(mat, t)
case *TriDense, *basicTriangular:
if m != n {
panic("bad size")
// This is necessary because we are making
// a triangle from the zero value, which
// always returns upper as true.
var triKind TriKind
switch t := t.(type) {
case *TriDense:
triKind = t.triKind()
case *basicTriangular:
triKind = (*TriDense)(t).triKind()
mat := NewTriDense(n, triKind, nil)
if triKind == Upper {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
for j := i; j < n; j++ {
mat.SetTri(i, j, rand.NormFloat64())
} else {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
for j := 0; j <= i; j++ {
mat.SetTri(i, j, rand.NormFloat64())
rMatrix = returnAs(mat, t)
if mr, mc := rMatrix.Dims(); mr != m || mc != n {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("makeRandOf for %T returns wrong size: %d×%d != %d×%d", a, m, n, mr, mc))
return rMatrix
// makeCopyOf returns a copy of the matrix.
func makeCopyOf(a Matrix) Matrix {
switch t := a.(type) {
panic("unknown type in makeCopyOf")
case Untransposer:
return retranspose(a, makeCopyOf(t.Untranspose()))
case *Dense, *basicMatrix:
var m Dense
return returnAs(&m, t)
case *SymDense, *basicSymmetric:
n := t.(Symmetric).Symmetric()
m := NewSymDense(n, nil)
return returnAs(m, t)
case *TriDense, *basicTriangular:
n, upper := t.(Triangular).Triangle()
m := NewTriDense(n, upper, nil)
if upper {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
for j := i; j < n; j++ {
m.SetTri(i, j, t.At(i, j))
} else {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
for j := 0; j <= i; j++ {
m.SetTri(i, j, t.At(i, j))
return returnAs(m, t)
case *Vector:
m := &Vector{
mat: blas64.Vector{
Inc: t.mat.Inc,
Data: make([]float64, t.mat.Inc*(t.n-1)+1),
n: t.n,
copy(m.mat.Data, t.mat.Data)
return m
// sameType returns true if a and b have the same underlying type.
func sameType(a, b Matrix) bool {
return reflect.ValueOf(a).Type() == reflect.ValueOf(b).Type()
// maybeSame returns true if the two matrices could be represented by the same
// pointer.
func maybeSame(receiver, a Matrix) bool {
rr, rc := receiver.Dims()
u, trans := a.(Untransposer)
if trans {
a = u.Untranspose()
if !sameType(receiver, a) {
return false
ar, ac := a.Dims()
if rr != ar || rc != ac {
return false
if _, ok := a.(Triangular); ok {
// They are both triangular types. The TriType needs to match
_, aKind := a.(Triangular).Triangle()
_, rKind := receiver.(Triangular).Triangle()
if aKind != rKind {
return false
return true
// equalApprox returns whether the elements of a and b are the same to within
// the tolerance. If ignoreNaN is true the test is relaxed such that NaN == NaN.
func equalApprox(a, b Matrix, tol float64, ignoreNaN bool) bool {
ar, ac := a.Dims()
br, bc := b.Dims()
if ar != br {
return false
if ac != bc {
return false
for i := 0; i < ar; i++ {
for j := 0; j < ac; j++ {
if !floats.EqualWithinAbsOrRel(a.At(i, j), b.At(i, j), tol, tol) {
if ignoreNaN && math.IsNaN(a.At(i, j)) && math.IsNaN(b.At(i, j)) {
return false
return true
// equal returns true if the matrices have equal entries.
func equal(a, b Matrix) bool {
ar, ac := a.Dims()
br, bc := b.Dims()
if ar != br {
return false
if ac != bc {
return false
for i := 0; i < ar; i++ {
for j := 0; j < ac; j++ {
if a.At(i, j) != b.At(i, j) {
return false
return true
// isDiagonal returns whether a is a diagonal matrix.
func isDiagonal(a Matrix) bool {
r, c := a.Dims()
for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
for j := 0; j < c; j++ {
if a.At(i, j) != 0 && i != j {
return false
return true
// equalDiagonal returns whether a and b are equal on the diagonal.
func equalDiagonal(a, b Matrix) bool {
ar, ac := a.Dims()
br, bc := a.Dims()
if min(ar, ac) != min(br, bc) {
return false
for i := 0; i < min(ar, ac); i++ {
if a.At(i, i) != b.At(i, i) {
return false
return true
// underlyingData extracts the underlying data of the matrix a.
func underlyingData(a Matrix) []float64 {
switch t := a.(type) {
panic("matrix type not implemented for extracting underlying data")
case Untransposer:
return underlyingData(t.Untranspose())
case *Dense:
return t.mat.Data
case *SymDense:
return t.mat.Data
case *TriDense:
return t.mat.Data
case *Vector:
return t.mat.Data
// testMatrices is a list of matrix types to test.
// The TriDense types have actual sizes because the return from Triangular is
// only valid when n == 0.
var testMatrices = []Matrix{
NewTriDense(3, true, nil),
NewTriDense(3, false, nil),
NewVector(0, nil),
&Vector{mat: blas64.Vector{Inc: 10}},
&basicTriangular{cap: 3, mat: blas64.Triangular{N: 3, Stride: 3, Uplo: blas.Upper}},
&basicTriangular{cap: 3, mat: blas64.Triangular{N: 3, Stride: 3, Uplo: blas.Lower}},
Transpose{NewTriDense(3, true, nil)},
TransposeTri{NewTriDense(3, true, nil)},
Transpose{NewTriDense(3, false, nil)},
TransposeTri{NewTriDense(3, false, nil)},
Transpose{NewVector(0, nil)},
Transpose{&Vector{mat: blas64.Vector{Inc: 10}}},
Transpose{&basicTriangular{cap: 3, mat: blas64.Triangular{N: 3, Stride: 3, Uplo: blas.Upper}}},
Transpose{&basicTriangular{cap: 3, mat: blas64.Triangular{N: 3, Stride: 3, Uplo: blas.Lower}}},
var sizes = []struct {
ar, ac int
{1, 1},
{1, 3},
{3, 1},
{6, 6},
{6, 11},
{11, 6},
func testOneInputFunc(t *testing.T,
// name is the name of the function being tested.
name string,
// f is the function being tested.
f func(a Matrix) interface{},
// denseComparison performs the same operation, but using Dense matrices for
// comparison.
denseComparison func(a *Dense) interface{},
// sameAnswer compares the result from two different evaluations of the function
// and returns true if they are the same. The specific function being tested
// determines the definition of "same". It may mean identical or it may mean
// approximately equal.
sameAnswer func(a, b interface{}) bool,
// legalType returns true if the type of the input is a legal type for the
// input of the function.
legalType func(a Matrix) bool,
// legalSize returns true if the size is valid for the function.
legalSize func(r, c int) bool,
) {
for _, aMat := range testMatrices {
for _, test := range sizes {
// Skip the test if the argument would not be assignable to the
// method's corresponding input parameter or it is not possible
// to construct an argument of the requested size.
if !legalType(aMat) {
if !legalDims(aMat,, {
a := makeRandOf(aMat,,
// Compute the true answer if the sizes are legal.
dimsOK := legalSize(,
var want interface{}
if dimsOK {
var aDense Dense
want = denseComparison(&aDense)
aCopy := makeCopyOf(a)
// Test the method for a zero-value of the receiver.
aType, aTrans := untranspose(a)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v(%T), size: %#v, atrans %t", name, aType, test, aTrans)
var got interface{}
panicked, err := panics(func() { got = f(a) })
if !dimsOK && !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with illegal size: %s", errStr)
if dimsOK && panicked {
t.Errorf("Panicked with legal size: %s: %v", errStr, err)
if !equal(a, aCopy) {
t.Errorf("First input argument changed in call: %s", errStr)
if !dimsOK {
if !sameAnswer(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Answer mismatch: %s", errStr)
var sizePairs = []struct {
ar, ac, br, bc int
{1, 1, 1, 1},
{6, 6, 6, 6},
{7, 7, 7, 7},
{1, 1, 1, 5},
{1, 1, 5, 1},
{1, 5, 1, 1},
{5, 1, 1, 1},
{5, 5, 5, 1},
{5, 5, 1, 5},
{5, 1, 5, 5},
{1, 5, 5, 5},
{6, 6, 6, 11},
{6, 6, 11, 6},
{6, 11, 6, 6},
{11, 6, 6, 6},
{11, 11, 11, 6},
{11, 11, 6, 11},
{11, 6, 11, 11},
{6, 11, 11, 11},
{1, 1, 5, 5},
{1, 5, 1, 5},
{1, 5, 5, 1},
{5, 1, 1, 5},
{5, 1, 5, 1},
{5, 5, 1, 1},
{6, 6, 11, 11},
{6, 11, 6, 11},
{6, 11, 11, 6},
{11, 6, 6, 11},
{11, 6, 11, 6},
{11, 11, 6, 6},
{1, 1, 17, 11},
{1, 1, 11, 17},
{1, 11, 1, 17},
{1, 17, 1, 11},
{1, 11, 17, 1},
{1, 17, 11, 1},
{11, 1, 1, 17},
{17, 1, 1, 11},
{11, 1, 17, 1},
{17, 1, 11, 1},
{11, 17, 1, 1},
{17, 11, 1, 1},
{6, 6, 1, 11},
{6, 6, 11, 1},
{6, 11, 6, 1},
{6, 1, 6, 11},
{6, 11, 1, 6},
{6, 1, 11, 6},
{11, 6, 6, 1},
{1, 6, 6, 11},
{11, 6, 1, 6},
{1, 6, 11, 6},
{11, 1, 6, 6},
{1, 11, 6, 6},
{6, 6, 17, 1},
{6, 6, 1, 17},
{6, 1, 6, 17},
{6, 17, 6, 1},
{6, 1, 17, 6},
{6, 17, 1, 6},
{1, 6, 6, 17},
{17, 6, 6, 1},
{1, 6, 17, 6},
{17, 6, 1, 6},
{1, 17, 6, 6},
{17, 1, 6, 6},
{6, 6, 17, 11},
{6, 6, 11, 17},
{6, 11, 6, 17},
{6, 17, 6, 11},
{6, 11, 17, 6},
{6, 17, 11, 6},
{11, 6, 6, 17},
{17, 6, 6, 11},
{11, 6, 17, 6},
{17, 6, 11, 6},
{11, 17, 6, 6},
{17, 11, 6, 6},
func testTwoInputFunc(t *testing.T,
// name is the name of the function being tested.
name string,
// f is the function being tested.
f func(a, b Matrix) interface{},
// denseComparison performs the same operation, but using Dense matrices for
// comparison.
denseComparison func(a, b *Dense) interface{},
// sameAnswer compares the result from two different evaluations of the function
// and returns true if they are the same. The specific function being tested
// determines the definition of "same". It may mean identical or it may mean
// approximately equal.
sameAnswer func(a, b interface{}) bool,
// legalType returns true if the types of the inputs are legal for the
// input of the function.
legalType func(a, b Matrix) bool,
// legalSize returns true if the sizes are valid for the function.
legalSize func(ar, ac, br, bc int) bool,
) {
for _, aMat := range testMatrices {
for _, bMat := range testMatrices {
// Loop over all of the size combinations (bigger, smaller, etc.).
for _, test := range sizePairs {
// Skip the test if the argument would not be assignable to the
// method's corresponding input parameter or it is not possible
// to construct an argument of the requested size.
if !legalType(aMat, bMat) {
if !legalDims(aMat,, {
if !legalDims(bMat,, test.bc) {
a := makeRandOf(aMat,,
b := makeRandOf(bMat,, test.bc)
// Compute the true answer if the sizes are legal.
dimsOK := legalSize(,,, test.bc)
var want interface{}
if dimsOK {
var aDense, bDense Dense
want = denseComparison(&aDense, &bDense)
aCopy := makeCopyOf(a)
bCopy := makeCopyOf(b)
// Test the method for a zero-value of the receiver.
aType, aTrans := untranspose(a)
bType, bTrans := untranspose(b)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v(%T, %T), size: %#v, atrans %t, btrans %t", name, aType, bType, test, aTrans, bTrans)
var got interface{}
panicked, err := panics(func() { got = f(a, b) })
if !dimsOK && !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with illegal size: %s", errStr)
if dimsOK && panicked {
t.Errorf("Panicked with legal size: %s: %v", errStr, err)
if !equal(a, aCopy) {
t.Errorf("First input argument changed in call: %s", errStr)
if !equal(b, bCopy) {
t.Errorf("First input argument changed in call: %s", errStr)
if !dimsOK {
if !sameAnswer(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Answer mismatch: %s", errStr)
// testOneInput tests a method that has one matrix input argument
func testOneInput(t *testing.T,
// name is the name of the method being tested.
name string,
// receiver is a value of the receiver type.
receiver Matrix,
// method is the generalized receiver.Method(a).
method func(receiver, a Matrix),
// denseComparison performs the same operation as method, but with dense
// matrices for comparison with the result.
denseComparison func(receiver, a *Dense),
// legalTypes returns whether the concrete types in Matrix are valid for
// the method.
legalType func(a Matrix) bool,
// legalSize returns whether the matrix sizes are valid for the method.
legalSize func(ar, ac int) bool,
// tol is the tolerance for equality when comparing method results.
tol float64,
) {
for _, aMat := range testMatrices {
for _, test := range sizes {
// Skip the test if the argument would not be assignable to the
// method's corresponding input parameter or it is not possible
// to construct an argument of the requested size.
if !legalType(aMat) {
if !legalDims(aMat,, {
a := makeRandOf(aMat,,
// Compute the true answer if the sizes are legal.
dimsOK := legalSize(,
var want Dense
if dimsOK {
var aDense Dense
denseComparison(&want, &aDense)
aCopy := makeCopyOf(a)
// Test the method for a zero-value of the receiver.
aType, aTrans := untranspose(a)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s(%T), size: %#v, atrans %v", receiver, name, aType, test, aTrans)
zero := makeRandOf(receiver, 0, 0)
panicked, err := panics(func() { method(zero, a) })
if !dimsOK && !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with illegal size: %s", errStr)
if dimsOK && panicked {
t.Errorf("Panicked with legal size: %s: %v", errStr, err)
if !equal(a, aCopy) {
t.Errorf("First input argument changed in call: %s", errStr)
if !dimsOK {
if !equalApprox(zero, &want, tol, false) {
t.Errorf("Answer mismatch with zero receiver: %s.\nGot:\n% v\nWant:\n% v\n", errStr, Formatted(zero), Formatted(&want))
// Test the method with a non-zero-value of the receiver.
// The receiver has been overwritten in place so use its size
// to construct a new random matrix.
rr, rc := zero.Dims()
neverZero := makeRandOf(receiver, rr, rc)
panicked, _ = panics(func() { method(neverZero, a) })
if panicked {
t.Errorf("Panicked with non-zero receiver: %s", errStr)
if !equalApprox(neverZero, &want, tol, false) {
t.Errorf("Answer mismatch non-zero receiver: %s", errStr)
// Test with an incorrectly sized matrix.
switch receiver.(type) {
panic("matrix type not coded for incorrect receiver size")
case *Dense:
wrongSize := makeRandOf(receiver, rr+1, rc)
panicked, _ = panics(func() { method(wrongSize, a) })
if !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with wrong number of rows: %s", errStr)
wrongSize = makeRandOf(receiver, rr, rc+1)
panicked, _ = panics(func() { method(wrongSize, a) })
if !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with wrong number of columns: %s", errStr)
case *TriDense, *SymDense:
// Add to the square size.
wrongSize := makeRandOf(receiver, rr+1, rc+1)
panicked, _ = panics(func() { method(wrongSize, a) })
if !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with wrong size: %s", errStr)
case *Vector:
// Add to the column length.
wrongSize := makeRandOf(receiver, rr+1, rc)
panicked, _ = panics(func() { method(wrongSize, a) })
if !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with wrong number of rows: %s", errStr)
// The receiver and the input may share a matrix pointer
// if the type and size of the receiver and one of the
// arguments match. Test the method works properly
// when this is the case.
aMaybeSame := maybeSame(neverZero, a)
if aMaybeSame {
aSame := makeCopyOf(a)
receiver = aSame
u, ok := aSame.(Untransposer)
if ok {
receiver = u.Untranspose()
preData := underlyingData(receiver)
panicked, err = panics(func() { method(receiver, aSame) })
if panicked {
t.Errorf("Panics when a maybeSame: %s: %v", errStr, err)
} else {
if !equalApprox(receiver, &want, tol, false) {
t.Errorf("Wrong answer when a maybeSame: %s", errStr)
postData := underlyingData(receiver)
if !floats.Equal(preData, postData) {
t.Errorf("Original data slice not modified when a maybeSame: %s", errStr)
// testTwoInput tests a method that has two input arguments.
func testTwoInput(t *testing.T,
// name is the name of the method being tested.
name string,
// receiver is a value of the receiver type.
receiver Matrix,
// method is the generalized receiver.Method(a, b).
method func(receiver, a, b Matrix),
// denseComparison performs the same operation as method, but with dense
// matrices for comparison with the result.
denseComparison func(receiver, a, b *Dense),
// legalTypes returns whether the concrete types in Matrix are valid for
// the method.
legalTypes func(a, b Matrix) bool,
// legalSize returns whether the matrix sizes are valid for the method.
legalSize func(ar, ac, br, bc int) bool,
// tol is the tolerance for equality when comparing method results.
tol float64,
) {
for _, aMat := range testMatrices {
for _, bMat := range testMatrices {
// Loop over all of the size combinations (bigger, smaller, etc.).
for _, test := range sizePairs {
// Skip the test if any argument would not be assignable to the
// method's corresponding input parameter or it is not possible
// to construct an argument of the requested size.
if !legalTypes(aMat, bMat) {
if !legalDims(aMat,, {
if !legalDims(bMat,, test.bc) {
a := makeRandOf(aMat,,
b := makeRandOf(bMat,, test.bc)
// Compute the true answer if the sizes are legal.
dimsOK := legalSize(,,, test.bc)
var want Dense
if dimsOK {
var aDense, bDense Dense
denseComparison(&want, &aDense, &bDense)
aCopy := makeCopyOf(a)
bCopy := makeCopyOf(b)
// Test the method for a zero-value of the receiver.
aType, aTrans := untranspose(a)
bType, bTrans := untranspose(b)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s(%T, %T), sizes: %#v, atrans %v, btrans %v", receiver, name, aType, bType, test, aTrans, bTrans)
zero := makeRandOf(receiver, 0, 0)
panicked, err := panics(func() { method(zero, a, b) })
if !dimsOK && !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with illegal size: %s", errStr)
if dimsOK && panicked {
t.Errorf("Panicked with legal size: %s: %v", errStr, err)
if !equal(a, aCopy) {
t.Errorf("First input argument changed in call: %s", errStr)
if !equal(b, bCopy) {
t.Errorf("Second input argument changed in call: %s", errStr)
if !dimsOK {
wasZero, zero := zero, nil // Nil-out zero so we detect illegal use.
// NaN equality is allowed because of 0/0 in DivElem test.
if !equalApprox(wasZero, &want, tol, true) {
t.Errorf("Answer mismatch with zero receiver: %s", errStr)
// Test the method with a non-zero-value of the receiver.
// The receiver has been overwritten in place so use its size
// to construct a new random matrix.
rr, rc := wasZero.Dims()
neverZero := makeRandOf(receiver, rr, rc)
panicked, message := panics(func() { method(neverZero, a, b) })
if panicked {
t.Errorf("Panicked with non-zero receiver: %s: %s", errStr, message)
// NaN equality is allowed because of 0/0 in DivElem test.
if !equalApprox(neverZero, &want, tol, true) {
t.Errorf("Answer mismatch non-zero receiver: %s", errStr)
// Test with an incorrectly sized matrix.
switch receiver.(type) {
panic("matrix type not coded for incorrect receiver size")
case *Dense:
wrongSize := makeRandOf(receiver, rr+1, rc)
panicked, _ = panics(func() { method(wrongSize, a, b) })
if !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with wrong number of rows: %s", errStr)
wrongSize = makeRandOf(receiver, rr, rc+1)
panicked, _ = panics(func() { method(wrongSize, a, b) })
if !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with wrong number of columns: %s", errStr)
case *TriDense, *SymDense:
// Add to the square size.
wrongSize := makeRandOf(receiver, rr+1, rc+1)
panicked, _ = panics(func() { method(wrongSize, a, b) })
if !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with wrong size: %s", errStr)
case *Vector:
// Add to the column length.
wrongSize := makeRandOf(receiver, rr+1, rc)
panicked, _ = panics(func() { method(wrongSize, a, b) })
if !panicked {
t.Errorf("Did not panic with wrong number of rows: %s", errStr)
// The receiver and an input may share a matrix pointer
// if the type and size of the receiver and one of the
// arguments match. Test the method works properly
// when this is the case.
aMaybeSame := maybeSame(neverZero, a)
bMaybeSame := maybeSame(neverZero, b)
if aMaybeSame {
aSame := makeCopyOf(a)
receiver = aSame
u, ok := aSame.(Untransposer)
if ok {
receiver = u.Untranspose()
preData := underlyingData(receiver)
panicked, err = panics(func() { method(receiver, aSame, b) })
if panicked {
t.Errorf("Panics when a maybeSame: %s: %v", errStr, err)
} else {
if !equalApprox(receiver, &want, tol, false) {
t.Errorf("Wrong answer when a maybeSame: %s", errStr)
postData := underlyingData(receiver)
if !floats.Equal(preData, postData) {
t.Errorf("Original data slice not modified when a maybeSame: %s", errStr)
if bMaybeSame {
bSame := makeCopyOf(b)
receiver = bSame
u, ok := bSame.(Untransposer)
if ok {
receiver = u.Untranspose()
preData := underlyingData(receiver)
panicked, err = panics(func() { method(receiver, a, bSame) })
if panicked {
t.Errorf("Panics when b maybeSame: %s: %v", errStr, err)
} else {
if !equalApprox(receiver, &want, tol, false) {
t.Errorf("Wrong answer when b maybeSame: %s", errStr)
postData := underlyingData(receiver)
if !floats.Equal(preData, postData) {
t.Errorf("Original data slice not modified when b maybeSame: %s", errStr)
if aMaybeSame && bMaybeSame {
aSame := makeCopyOf(a)
receiver = aSame
u, ok := aSame.(Untransposer)
if ok {
receiver = u.Untranspose()
// Ensure that b is the correct transpose type if applicable.
// The receiver is always a concrete type so use it.
bSame := receiver
u, ok = b.(Untransposer)
if ok {
bSame = retranspose(b, receiver)
// Compute the real answer for this case. It is different
// from the initial answer since now a and b have the
// same data.
zero = makeRandOf(wasZero, 0, 0)
method(zero, aSame, bSame)
wasZero, zero = zero, nil // Nil-out zero so we detect illegal use.
preData := underlyingData(receiver)
panicked, err = panics(func() { method(receiver, aSame, bSame) })
if panicked {
t.Errorf("Panics when both maybeSame: %s: %v", errStr, err)
} else {
if !equalApprox(receiver, wasZero, tol, false) {
t.Errorf("Wrong answer when both maybeSame: %s", errStr)
postData := underlyingData(receiver)
if !floats.Equal(preData, postData) {
t.Errorf("Original data slice not modified when both maybeSame: %s", errStr)