blob: 25ea5084473592adb54a55e0933c718438d9a699 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2014 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mat
import (
func TestPool(t *testing.T) {
for i := 1; i < 10; i++ {
for j := 1; j < 10; j++ {
m := NewDense(i, j, nil)
for k := 0; k < 5; k++ {
work := make([]*Dense, rand.Intn(10)+1)
for l := range work {
w := getDenseWorkspace(i, j, true)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(w.mat, m.mat) {
t.Error("unexpected non-zeroed matrix returned by getWorkspace")
if w.capRows != m.capRows {
t.Error("unexpected capacity matrix returned by getWorkspace")
if w.capCols != m.capCols {
t.Error("unexpected capacity matrix returned by getWorkspace")
if cap(w.mat.Data) >= 2*len(w.mat.Data) {
t.Errorf("r: %d c: %d -> len: %d cap: %d", i, j, len(w.mat.Data), cap(w.mat.Data))
w.Set(0, 0, math.NaN())
work[l] = w
for _, w := range work {
var benchmat *Dense
func poolBenchmark(n, r, c int, clear bool) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
benchmat = getDenseWorkspace(r, c, clear)
func newBenchmark(n, r, c int) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
benchmat = NewDense(r, c, nil)
func BenchmarkPool10by10Uncleared(b *testing.B) { poolBenchmark(b.N, 10, 10, false) }
func BenchmarkPool10by10Cleared(b *testing.B) { poolBenchmark(b.N, 10, 10, true) }
func BenchmarkNew10by10(b *testing.B) { newBenchmark(b.N, 10, 10) }
func BenchmarkPool100by100Uncleared(b *testing.B) { poolBenchmark(b.N, 100, 100, false) }
func BenchmarkPool100by100Cleared(b *testing.B) { poolBenchmark(b.N, 100, 100, true) }
func BenchmarkNew100by100(b *testing.B) { newBenchmark(b.N, 100, 100) }
func BenchmarkMulWorkspaceDense100Half(b *testing.B) { denseMulWorkspaceBench(b, 100, 0.5) }
func BenchmarkMulWorkspaceDense100Tenth(b *testing.B) { denseMulWorkspaceBench(b, 100, 0.1) }
func BenchmarkMulWorkspaceDense1000Half(b *testing.B) { denseMulWorkspaceBench(b, 1000, 0.5) }
func BenchmarkMulWorkspaceDense1000Tenth(b *testing.B) { denseMulWorkspaceBench(b, 1000, 0.1) }
func BenchmarkMulWorkspaceDense1000Hundredth(b *testing.B) { denseMulWorkspaceBench(b, 1000, 0.01) }
func BenchmarkMulWorkspaceDense1000Thousandth(b *testing.B) { denseMulWorkspaceBench(b, 1000, 0.001) }
func denseMulWorkspaceBench(b *testing.B, size int, rho float64) {
src := rand.NewSource(1)
a, _ := randDense(size, rho, src)
d, _ := randDense(size, rho, src)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
a.Mul(a, d)