blob: 69f8eb570b2f05c265a7c0aeb5b3339e174e9426 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2013 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mat
import (
const (
badFact = "mat: use without successful factorization"
noVectors = "mat: eigenvectors not computed"
// EigenSym is a type for creating and manipulating the Eigen decomposition of
// symmetric matrices.
type EigenSym struct {
vectorsComputed bool
values []float64
vectors *Dense
// Factorize computes the eigenvalue decomposition of the symmetric matrix a.
// The Eigen decomposition is defined as
// A = P * D * P^-1
// where D is a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues of the matrix, and
// P is a matrix of the eigenvectors of A. Factorize computes the eigenvalues
// in ascending order. If the vectors input argument is false, the eigenvectors
// are not computed.
// Factorize returns whether the decomposition succeeded. If the decomposition
// failed, methods that require a successful factorization will panic.
func (e *EigenSym) Factorize(a Symmetric, vectors bool) (ok bool) {
// kill previous decomposition
e.vectorsComputed = false
e.values = e.values[:]
n := a.SymmetricDim()
sd := NewSymDense(n, nil)
jobz := lapack.EVNone
if vectors {
jobz = lapack.EVCompute
w := make([]float64, n)
work := []float64{0}
lapack64.Syev(jobz, sd.mat, w, work, -1)
work = getFloat64s(int(work[0]), false)
ok = lapack64.Syev(jobz, sd.mat, w, work, len(work))
if !ok {
e.vectorsComputed = false
e.values = nil
e.vectors = nil
return false
e.vectorsComputed = vectors
e.values = w
e.vectors = NewDense(n, n, sd.mat.Data)
return true
// succFact returns whether the receiver contains a successful factorization.
func (e *EigenSym) succFact() bool {
return len(e.values) != 0
// Values extracts the eigenvalues of the factorized matrix in ascending order.
// If dst is non-nil, the values are stored in-place into dst. In this case dst
// must have length n, otherwise Values will panic. If dst is nil, then a new
// slice will be allocated of the proper length and filled with the eigenvalues.
// Values panics if the Eigen decomposition was not successful.
func (e *EigenSym) Values(dst []float64) []float64 {
if !e.succFact() {
if dst == nil {
dst = make([]float64, len(e.values))
if len(dst) != len(e.values) {
copy(dst, e.values)
return dst
// VectorsTo stores the eigenvectors of the decomposition into the columns of
// dst.
// If dst is empty, VectorsTo will resize dst to be n×n. When dst is
// non-empty, VectorsTo will panic if dst is not n×n. VectorsTo will also
// panic if the eigenvectors were not computed during the factorization,
// or if the receiver does not contain a successful factorization.
func (e *EigenSym) VectorsTo(dst *Dense) {
if !e.succFact() {
if !e.vectorsComputed {
r, c := e.vectors.Dims()
if dst.IsEmpty() {
dst.ReuseAs(r, c)
} else {
r2, c2 := dst.Dims()
if r != r2 || c != c2 {
// EigenKind specifies the computation of eigenvectors during factorization.
type EigenKind int
const (
// EigenNone specifies to not compute any eigenvectors.
EigenNone EigenKind = 0
// EigenLeft specifies to compute the left eigenvectors.
EigenLeft EigenKind = 1 << iota
// EigenRight specifies to compute the right eigenvectors.
// EigenBoth is a convenience value for computing both eigenvectors.
EigenBoth EigenKind = EigenLeft | EigenRight
// Eigen is a type for creating and using the eigenvalue decomposition of a dense matrix.
type Eigen struct {
n int // The size of the factorized matrix.
kind EigenKind
values []complex128
rVectors *CDense
lVectors *CDense
// succFact returns whether the receiver contains a successful factorization.
func (e *Eigen) succFact() bool {
return e.n != 0
// Factorize computes the eigenvalues of the square matrix a, and optionally
// the eigenvectors.
// A right eigenvalue/eigenvector combination is defined by
// A * x_r = λ * x_r
// where x_r is the column vector called an eigenvector, and λ is the corresponding
// eigenvalue.
// Similarly, a left eigenvalue/eigenvector combination is defined by
// x_l * A = λ * x_l
// The eigenvalues, but not the eigenvectors, are the same for both decompositions.
// Typically eigenvectors refer to right eigenvectors.
// In all cases, Factorize computes the eigenvalues of the matrix. kind
// specifies which of the eigenvectors, if any, to compute. See the EigenKind
// documentation for more information.
// Eigen panics if the input matrix is not square.
// Factorize returns whether the decomposition succeeded. If the decomposition
// failed, methods that require a successful factorization will panic.
func (e *Eigen) Factorize(a Matrix, kind EigenKind) (ok bool) {
// kill previous factorization.
e.n = 0
e.kind = 0
// Copy a because it is modified during the Lapack call.
r, c := a.Dims()
if r != c {
var sd Dense
left := kind&EigenLeft != 0
right := kind&EigenRight != 0
var vl, vr Dense
jobvl := lapack.LeftEVNone
jobvr := lapack.RightEVNone
if left {
vl = *NewDense(r, r, nil)
jobvl = lapack.LeftEVCompute
if right {
vr = *NewDense(c, c, nil)
jobvr = lapack.RightEVCompute
wr := getFloat64s(c, false)
defer putFloat64s(wr)
wi := getFloat64s(c, false)
defer putFloat64s(wi)
work := []float64{0}
lapack64.Geev(jobvl, jobvr, sd.mat, wr, wi, vl.mat, vr.mat, work, -1)
work = getFloat64s(int(work[0]), false)
first := lapack64.Geev(jobvl, jobvr, sd.mat, wr, wi, vl.mat, vr.mat, work, len(work))
if first != 0 {
e.values = nil
return false
e.n = r
e.kind = kind
// Construct complex eigenvalues from float64 data.
values := make([]complex128, r)
for i, v := range wr {
values[i] = complex(v, wi[i])
e.values = values
// Construct complex eigenvectors from float64 data.
var cvl, cvr CDense
if left {
cvl = *NewCDense(r, r, nil)
e.complexEigenTo(&cvl, &vl)
e.lVectors = &cvl
} else {
e.lVectors = nil
if right {
cvr = *NewCDense(c, c, nil)
e.complexEigenTo(&cvr, &vr)
e.rVectors = &cvr
} else {
e.rVectors = nil
return true
// Kind returns the EigenKind of the decomposition. If no decomposition has been
// computed, Kind returns -1.
func (e *Eigen) Kind() EigenKind {
if !e.succFact() {
return -1
return e.kind
// Values extracts the eigenvalues of the factorized matrix. If dst is
// non-nil, the values are stored in-place into dst. In this case
// dst must have length n, otherwise Values will panic. If dst is
// nil, then a new slice will be allocated of the proper length and
// filed with the eigenvalues.
// Values panics if the Eigen decomposition was not successful.
func (e *Eigen) Values(dst []complex128) []complex128 {
if !e.succFact() {
if dst == nil {
dst = make([]complex128, e.n)
if len(dst) != e.n {
copy(dst, e.values)
return dst
// complexEigenTo extracts the complex eigenvectors from the real matrix d
// and stores them into the complex matrix dst.
// The columns of the returned n×n dense matrix contain the eigenvectors of the
// decomposition in the same order as the eigenvalues.
// If the j-th eigenvalue is real, then
// dst[:,j] = d[:,j],
// and if it is not real, then the elements of the j-th and (j+1)-th columns of d
// form complex conjugate pairs and the eigenvectors are recovered as
// dst[:,j] = d[:,j] + i*d[:,j+1],
// dst[:,j+1] = d[:,j] - i*d[:,j+1],
// where i is the imaginary unit.
func (e *Eigen) complexEigenTo(dst *CDense, d *Dense) {
r, c := d.Dims()
cr, cc := dst.Dims()
if r != cr {
panic("size mismatch")
if c != cc {
panic("size mismatch")
for j := 0; j < c; j++ {
if imag(e.values[j]) == 0 {
for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
dst.set(i, j, complex(, j), 0))
for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
real :=, j)
imag :=, j+1)
dst.set(i, j, complex(real, imag))
dst.set(i, j+1, complex(real, -imag))
// VectorsTo stores the right eigenvectors of the decomposition into the columns
// of dst. The computed eigenvectors are normalized to have Euclidean norm equal
// to 1 and largest component real.
// If dst is empty, VectorsTo will resize dst to be n×n. When dst is
// non-empty, VectorsTo will panic if dst is not n×n. VectorsTo will also
// panic if the eigenvectors were not computed during the factorization,
// or if the receiver does not contain a successful factorization.
func (e *Eigen) VectorsTo(dst *CDense) {
if !e.succFact() {
if e.kind&EigenRight == 0 {
if dst.IsEmpty() {
dst.ReuseAs(e.n, e.n)
} else {
r, c := dst.Dims()
if r != e.n || c != e.n {
// LeftVectorsTo stores the left eigenvectors of the decomposition into the
// columns of dst. The computed eigenvectors are normalized to have Euclidean
// norm equal to 1 and largest component real.
// If dst is empty, LeftVectorsTo will resize dst to be n×n. When dst is
// non-empty, LeftVectorsTo will panic if dst is not n×n. LeftVectorsTo will also
// panic if the left eigenvectors were not computed during the factorization,
// or if the receiver does not contain a successful factorization
func (e *Eigen) LeftVectorsTo(dst *CDense) {
if !e.succFact() {
if e.kind&EigenLeft == 0 {
if dst.IsEmpty() {
dst.ReuseAs(e.n, e.n)
} else {
r, c := dst.Dims()
if r != e.n || c != e.n {