blob: c42f70c831ea12c704133d7b3c0a06816e2bdf32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2018 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mat
import (
var (
diagDense *DiagDense
_ Matrix = diagDense
_ allMatrix = diagDense
_ denseMatrix = diagDense
_ Diagonal = diagDense
_ MutableDiagonal = diagDense
_ Triangular = diagDense
_ TriBanded = diagDense
_ Symmetric = diagDense
_ SymBanded = diagDense
_ Banded = diagDense
_ RawBander = diagDense
_ RawSymBander = diagDense
diag Diagonal
_ Matrix = diag
_ Diagonal = diag
_ Triangular = diag
_ TriBanded = diag
_ Symmetric = diag
_ SymBanded = diag
_ Banded = diag
// Diagonal represents a diagonal matrix, that is a square matrix that only
// has non-zero terms on the diagonal.
type Diagonal interface {
// Diag returns the number of rows/columns in the matrix.
Diag() int
// The following interfaces are included in the Diagonal
// interface to allow the use of Diagonal types in
// functions operating on these types.
// MutableDiagonal is a Diagonal matrix whose elements can be set.
type MutableDiagonal interface {
SetDiag(i int, v float64)
// DiagDense represents a diagonal matrix in dense storage format.
type DiagDense struct {
mat blas64.Vector
// NewDiagDense creates a new Diagonal matrix with n rows and n columns.
// The length of data must be n or data must be nil, otherwise NewDiagDense
// will panic. NewDiagDense will panic if n is zero.
func NewDiagDense(n int, data []float64) *DiagDense {
if n <= 0 {
if n == 0 {
panic("mat: negative dimension")
if data == nil {
data = make([]float64, n)
if len(data) != n {
return &DiagDense{
mat: blas64.Vector{N: n, Data: data, Inc: 1},
// Diag returns the dimension of the receiver.
func (d *DiagDense) Diag() int {
return d.mat.N
// Dims returns the dimensions of the matrix.
func (d *DiagDense) Dims() (r, c int) {
return d.mat.N, d.mat.N
// T returns the transpose of the matrix.
func (d *DiagDense) T() Matrix {
return d
// TTri returns the transpose of the matrix. Note that Diagonal matrices are
// Upper by default.
func (d *DiagDense) TTri() Triangular {
return TransposeTri{d}
// TBand performs an implicit transpose by returning the receiver inside a
// TransposeBand.
func (d *DiagDense) TBand() Banded {
return TransposeBand{d}
// TTriBand performs an implicit transpose by returning the receiver inside a
// TransposeTriBand. Note that Diagonal matrices are Upper by default.
func (d *DiagDense) TTriBand() TriBanded {
return TransposeTriBand{d}
// Bandwidth returns the upper and lower bandwidths of the matrix.
// These values are always zero for diagonal matrices.
func (d *DiagDense) Bandwidth() (kl, ku int) {
return 0, 0
// SymmetricDim implements the Symmetric interface.
func (d *DiagDense) SymmetricDim() int {
return d.mat.N
// SymBand returns the number of rows/columns in the matrix, and the size of
// the bandwidth.
func (d *DiagDense) SymBand() (n, k int) {
return d.mat.N, 0
// Triangle implements the Triangular interface.
func (d *DiagDense) Triangle() (int, TriKind) {
return d.mat.N, Upper
// TriBand returns the number of rows/columns in the matrix, the
// size of the bandwidth, and the orientation. Note that Diagonal matrices are
// Upper by default.
func (d *DiagDense) TriBand() (n, k int, kind TriKind) {
return d.mat.N, 0, Upper
// Reset empties the matrix so that it can be reused as the
// receiver of a dimensionally restricted operation.
// Reset should not be used when the matrix shares backing data.
// See the Reseter interface for more information.
func (d *DiagDense) Reset() {
// No change of Inc or n to 0 may be
// made unless both are set to 0.
d.mat.Inc = 0
d.mat.N = 0
d.mat.Data = d.mat.Data[:0]
// Zero sets all of the matrix elements to zero.
func (d *DiagDense) Zero() {
for i := 0; i < d.mat.N; i++ {
d.mat.Data[d.mat.Inc*i] = 0
// DiagView returns the diagonal as a matrix backed by the original data.
func (d *DiagDense) DiagView() Diagonal {
return d
// DiagFrom copies the diagonal of m into the receiver. The receiver must
// be min(r, c) long or empty, otherwise DiagFrom will panic.
func (d *DiagDense) DiagFrom(m Matrix) {
n := min(m.Dims())
var vec blas64.Vector
switch r := m.(type) {
case *DiagDense:
vec = r.mat
case RawBander:
mat := r.RawBand()
vec = blas64.Vector{
N: n,
Inc: mat.Stride,
Data: mat.Data[mat.KL : (n-1)*mat.Stride+mat.KL+1],
case RawMatrixer:
mat := r.RawMatrix()
vec = blas64.Vector{
N: n,
Inc: mat.Stride + 1,
Data: mat.Data[:(n-1)*mat.Stride+n],
case RawSymBander:
mat := r.RawSymBand()
vec = blas64.Vector{
N: n,
Inc: mat.Stride,
Data: mat.Data[:(n-1)*mat.Stride+1],
case RawSymmetricer:
mat := r.RawSymmetric()
vec = blas64.Vector{
N: n,
Inc: mat.Stride + 1,
Data: mat.Data[:(n-1)*mat.Stride+n],
case RawTriBander:
mat := r.RawTriBand()
data := mat.Data
if mat.Uplo == blas.Lower {
data = data[mat.K:]
vec = blas64.Vector{
N: n,
Inc: mat.Stride,
Data: data[:(n-1)*mat.Stride+1],
case RawTriangular:
mat := r.RawTriangular()
if mat.Diag == blas.Unit {
for i := 0; i < n; i += d.mat.Inc {
d.mat.Data[i] = 1
vec = blas64.Vector{
N: n,
Inc: mat.Stride + 1,
Data: mat.Data[:(n-1)*mat.Stride+n],
case RawVectorer:
d.mat.Data[0] = r.RawVector().Data[0]
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
d.setDiag(i, m.At(i, i))
blas64.Copy(vec, d.mat)
// RawBand returns the underlying data used by the receiver represented
// as a blas64.Band.
// Changes to elements in the receiver following the call will be reflected
// in returned blas64.Band.
func (d *DiagDense) RawBand() blas64.Band {
return blas64.Band{
Rows: d.mat.N,
Cols: d.mat.N,
KL: 0,
KU: 0,
Stride: d.mat.Inc,
Data: d.mat.Data,
// RawSymBand returns the underlying data used by the receiver represented
// as a blas64.SymmetricBand.
// Changes to elements in the receiver following the call will be reflected
// in returned blas64.Band.
func (d *DiagDense) RawSymBand() blas64.SymmetricBand {
return blas64.SymmetricBand{
N: d.mat.N,
K: 0,
Stride: d.mat.Inc,
Uplo: blas.Upper,
Data: d.mat.Data,
// reuseAsNonZeroed resizes an empty diagonal to a r×r diagonal,
// or checks that a non-empty matrix is r×r.
func (d *DiagDense) reuseAsNonZeroed(r int) {
if r == 0 {
if d.IsEmpty() {
d.mat = blas64.Vector{
Inc: 1,
Data: use(d.mat.Data, r),
d.mat.N = r
if r != d.mat.N {
// IsEmpty returns whether the receiver is empty. Empty matrices can be the
// receiver for size-restricted operations. The receiver can be emptied using
// Reset.
func (d *DiagDense) IsEmpty() bool {
// It must be the case that d.Dims() returns
// zeros in this case. See comment in Reset().
return d.mat.Inc == 0
// Trace returns the trace of the matrix.
// Trace will panic with ErrZeroLength if the matrix has zero size.
func (d *DiagDense) Trace() float64 {
if d.IsEmpty() {
rb := d.RawBand()
var tr float64
for i := 0; i < rb.Rows; i++ {
tr += rb.Data[rb.KL+i*rb.Stride]
return tr
// Norm returns the specified norm of the receiver. Valid norms are:
// 1 or Inf - The maximum diagonal element magnitude
// 2 - The Frobenius norm, the square root of the sum of the squares of
// the diagonal elements
// Norm will panic with ErrNormOrder if an illegal norm is specified and with
// ErrZeroLength if the receiver has zero size.
func (d *DiagDense) Norm(norm float64) float64 {
if d.IsEmpty() {
switch norm {
case 1, math.Inf(1):
imax := blas64.Iamax(d.mat)
return math.Abs(, imax))
case 2:
return blas64.Nrm2(d.mat)