blob: 4b1eea14042e27b5cecde216e2f58dd52220ef55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package compact
import (
func mustParse(s string) Tag {
t, err := language.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return Make(t)
func TestTagSize(t *testing.T) {
id := Tag{}
typ := reflect.TypeOf(id)
if typ.Size() > 24 {
t.Errorf("size of Tag was %d; want 24", typ.Size())
func TestEquality(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range parseTests() {
s :=
tag := mk(s)
t1 := mustParse(tag.Tag().String())
if tag != t1 {
t.Errorf("%d:%s: equality test 1 failed\n got: %#v\nwant: %#v)", i, s, t1, tag)
type compactTest struct {
tag string
index ID
ok bool
var compactTests = []compactTest{
// TODO: these values will change with each CLDR update. This issue
// will be solved if we decide to fix the indexes.
{"und", undIndex, true},
{"ca-ES-valencia", caESvalenciaIndex, true},
{"ca-ES-valencia-u-va-posix", caESvalenciaIndex, false},
{"ca-ES-valencia-u-co-phonebk", caESvalenciaIndex, false},
{"ca-ES-valencia-u-co-phonebk-va-posix", caESvalenciaIndex, false},
{"x-klingon", 0, false},
{"en-US", enUSIndex, true},
{"en-US-u-va-posix", enUSuvaposixIndex, true},
{"en", enIndex, true},
{"en-u-co-phonebk", enIndex, false},
{"en-001", en001Index, true},
{"zh-Hant-HK", zhHantHKIndex, true},
{"zh-HK", zhHantHKIndex, false}, // maximized to zh-Hant-HK
{"nl-Beng", 0, false}, // parent skips script
{"nl-NO", nlIndex, false}, // region is ignored
{"nl-Latn-NO", nlIndex, false},
{"nl-Latn-NO-u-co-phonebk", nlIndex, false},
{"nl-Latn-NO-valencia", nlIndex, false},
{"nl-Latn-NO-oxendict", nlIndex, false},
{"sh", shIndex, true}, // From plural rules.
func TestLanguageID(t *testing.T) {
tests := append(compactTests, []compactTest{
{"en-GB", enGBIndex, true},
{"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz", enGBIndex, true},
{"en-GB-u-rg-USZZZZ", enGBIndex, true},
{"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz-va-posix", enGBIndex, false},
{"en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-uszzzz", enGBIndex, false},
// Invalid region specifications are ignored.
{"en-GB-u-rg-usz-va-posix", enGBIndex, false},
{"en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-usz", enGBIndex, false},
for _, tt := range tests {
x, ok := LanguageID(mustParse(tt.tag))
if ID(x) != tt.index || ok != tt.ok {
t.Errorf("%s: got %d, %v; want %d %v", tt.tag, x, ok, tt.index, tt.ok)
func TestRegionalID(t *testing.T) {
tests := append(compactTests, []compactTest{
{"en-GB", enGBIndex, true},
{"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz", enUSIndex, true},
{"en-GB-u-rg-USZZZZ", enUSIndex, true},
// TODO: use different exact values for language and regional tag?
{"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz-va-posix", enUSuvaposixIndex, false},
{"en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-uszzzz-va-posix", enUSuvaposixIndex, false},
{"en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-uszzzz", enUSIndex, false},
// Invalid region specifications are ignored.
{"en-GB-u-rg-usz-va-posix", enGBIndex, false},
{"en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-usz", enGBIndex, false},
for _, tt := range tests {
x, ok := RegionalID(mustParse(tt.tag))
if ID(x) != tt.index || ok != tt.ok {
t.Errorf("%s: got %d, %v; want %d %v", tt.tag, x, ok, tt.index, tt.ok)
func TestParent(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{ in, out string }{
// Strip variants and extensions first
{"de-u-co-phonebk", "de"},
{"de-1994", "de"},
{"de-Latn-1994", "de"}, // remove superfluous script.
// Ensure the canonical Tag for an entry is in the chain for base-script
// pairs.
{"zh-Hans", "zh"},
// Skip the script if it is the maximized version. CLDR files for the
// skipped tag are always empty.
{"zh-Hans-TW", "zh"},
{"zh-Hans-CN", "zh"},
// Insert the script if the maximized script is not the same as the
// maximized script of the base language.
{"zh-TW", "zh-Hant"},
{"zh-HK", "zh-Hant"},
{"zh-Hant-TW", "zh-Hant"},
{"zh-Hant-HK", "zh-Hant"},
// Non-default script skips to und.
{"az-Cyrl", "und"},
{"bs-Cyrl", "und"},
{"en-Dsrt", "und"},
{"ha-Arab", "und"},
{"mn-Mong", "und"},
{"pa-Arab", "und"},
{"shi-Latn", "und"},
{"sr-Latn", "und"},
{"uz-Arab", "und"},
{"uz-Cyrl", "und"},
{"vai-Latn", "und"},
{"zh-Hant", "und"},
// extra
{"nl-Cyrl", "und"},
// World english inherits from en-001.
{"en-150", "en-001"},
{"en-AU", "en-001"},
{"en-BE", "en-001"},
{"en-GG", "en-001"},
{"en-GI", "en-001"},
{"en-HK", "en-001"},
{"en-IE", "en-001"},
{"en-IM", "en-001"},
{"en-IN", "en-001"},
{"en-JE", "en-001"},
{"en-MT", "en-001"},
{"en-NZ", "en-001"},
{"en-PK", "en-001"},
{"en-SG", "en-001"},
// Spanish in Latin-American countries have es-419 as parent.
{"es-AR", "es-419"},
{"es-BO", "es-419"},
{"es-CL", "es-419"},
{"es-CO", "es-419"},
{"es-CR", "es-419"},
{"es-CU", "es-419"},
{"es-DO", "es-419"},
{"es-EC", "es-419"},
{"es-GT", "es-419"},
{"es-HN", "es-419"},
{"es-MX", "es-419"},
{"es-NI", "es-419"},
{"es-PA", "es-419"},
{"es-PE", "es-419"},
{"es-PR", "es-419"},
{"es-PY", "es-419"},
{"es-SV", "es-419"},
{"es-US", "es-419"},
{"es-UY", "es-419"},
{"es-VE", "es-419"},
// exceptions (according to CLDR)
{"es-CW", "es"},
// Inherit from pt-PT, instead of pt for these countries.
{"pt-AO", "pt-PT"},
{"pt-CV", "pt-PT"},
{"pt-GW", "pt-PT"},
{"pt-MO", "pt-PT"},
{"pt-MZ", "pt-PT"},
{"pt-ST", "pt-PT"},
{"pt-TL", "pt-PT"},
{"en-GB-u-co-phonebk-rg-uszzzz", "en-GB"},
{"en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz", "en-GB"},
{"en-US-u-va-posix", "en-US"},
// Difference between language and regional tag.
{"ca-ES-valencia", "ca-ES"},
{"ca-ES-valencia-u-rg-ptzzzz", "ca-ES"}, // t.full != nil
{"en-US-u-va-variant", "en-US"},
{"en-u-va-variant", "en"}, // t.full != nil
{"en-u-rg-gbzzzz", "en"},
{"en-US-u-rg-gbzzzz", "en-US"},
{"nl-US-u-rg-gbzzzz", "nl-US"}, // t.full != nil
for _, tt := range tests {
tag := mustParse(
if p := mustParse(tt.out); p != tag.Parent() {
t.Errorf("%s: was %v; want %v",, tag.Parent(), p)