blob: 2ff67af5ac5ae88a91d3858d3ef1fe5809e70f15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto_test
import (
proto3pb ""
pb ""
anypb ""
// textMessage implements the methods that allow it to marshal and unmarshal
// itself as text.
type textMessage struct {
func (*textMessage) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte("custom"), nil
func (*textMessage) UnmarshalText(bytes []byte) error {
if string(bytes) != "custom" {
return errors.New("expected 'custom'")
return nil
func (*textMessage) Reset() {}
func (*textMessage) String() string { return "" }
func (*textMessage) ProtoMessage() {}
func newTestMessage() *pb.MyMessage {
msg := &pb.MyMessage{
Count: proto.Int32(42),
Name: proto.String("Dave"),
Quote: proto.String(`"I didn't want to go."`),
Pet: []string{"bunny", "kitty", "horsey"},
Inner: &pb.InnerMessage{
Host: proto.String("footrest.syd"),
Port: proto.Int32(7001),
Connected: proto.Bool(true),
Others: []*pb.OtherMessage{
Key: proto.Int64(0xdeadbeef),
Value: []byte{1, 65, 7, 12},
Weight: proto.Float32(6.022),
Inner: &pb.InnerMessage{
Host: proto.String("lesha.mtv"),
Port: proto.Int32(8002),
Bikeshed: pb.MyMessage_BLUE.Enum(),
Somegroup: &pb.MyMessage_SomeGroup{
GroupField: proto.Int32(8),
// One normally wouldn't do this.
// This is an undeclared tag 13, as a varint (wire type 0) with value 4.
XXX_unrecognized: []byte{13<<3 | 0, 4},
ext := &pb.Ext{
Data: proto.String("Big gobs for big rats"),
if err := proto.SetExtension(msg, pb.E_Ext_More, ext); err != nil {
greetings := []string{"adg", "easy", "cow"}
if err := proto.SetExtension(msg, pb.E_Greeting, greetings); err != nil {
// Add an unknown extension. We marshal a pb.Ext, and fake the ID.
b, err := proto.Marshal(&pb.Ext{Data: proto.String("3G skiing")})
if err != nil {
b = append(proto.EncodeVarint(201<<3|proto.WireBytes), b...)
proto.SetRawExtension(msg, 201, b)
// Extensions can be plain fields, too, so let's test that.
b = append(proto.EncodeVarint(202<<3|proto.WireVarint), 19)
proto.SetRawExtension(msg, 202, b)
return msg
const text = `count: 42
name: "Dave"
quote: "\"I didn't want to go.\""
pet: "bunny"
pet: "kitty"
pet: "horsey"
inner: <
host: "footrest.syd"
port: 7001
connected: true
others: <
key: 3735928559
value: "\001A\007\014"
others: <
weight: 6.022
inner: <
host: "lesha.mtv"
port: 8002
bikeshed: BLUE
SomeGroup {
group_field: 8
/* 2 unknown bytes */
13: 4
[test_proto.Ext.more]: <
data: "Big gobs for big rats"
[test_proto.greeting]: "adg"
[test_proto.greeting]: "easy"
[test_proto.greeting]: "cow"
/* 13 unknown bytes */
201: "\t3G skiing"
/* 3 unknown bytes */
202: 19
func TestMarshalText(t *testing.T) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := proto.MarshalText(buf, newTestMessage()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("proto.MarshalText: %v", err)
s := buf.String()
if s != text {
t.Errorf("Got:\n===\n%v===\nExpected:\n===\n%v===\n", s, text)
func TestMarshalTextCustomMessage(t *testing.T) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := proto.MarshalText(buf, &textMessage{}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("proto.MarshalText: %v", err)
s := buf.String()
if s != "custom" {
t.Errorf("Got %q, expected %q", s, "custom")
func TestMarshalTextNil(t *testing.T) {
want := "<nil>"
tests := []proto.Message{nil, (*pb.MyMessage)(nil)}
for i, test := range tests {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := proto.MarshalText(buf, test); err != nil {
if got := buf.String(); got != want {
t.Errorf("%d: got %q want %q", i, got, want)
func TestMarshalTextUnknownEnum(t *testing.T) {
// The Color enum only specifies values 0-2.
m := &pb.MyMessage{Bikeshed: pb.MyMessage_Color(3).Enum()}
got := m.String()
const want = `bikeshed:3 `
if got != want {
t.Errorf("\n got %q\nwant %q", got, want)
func TestTextOneof(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
m proto.Message
want string
// zero message
{&pb.Communique{}, ``},
// scalar field
{&pb.Communique{Union: &pb.Communique_Number{4}}, `number:4`},
// message field
{&pb.Communique{Union: &pb.Communique_Msg{
&pb.Strings{StringField: proto.String("why hello!")},
}}, `msg:<string_field:"why hello!" >`},
// bad oneof (should not panic)
{&pb.Communique{Union: &pb.Communique_Msg{nil}}, `msg:/* nil */`},
for _, test := range tests {
got := strings.TrimSpace(test.m.String())
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("\n got %s\nwant %s", got, test.want)
func BenchmarkMarshalTextBuffered(b *testing.B) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
m := newTestMessage()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
proto.MarshalText(buf, m)
func BenchmarkMarshalTextUnbuffered(b *testing.B) {
w := ioutil.Discard
m := newTestMessage()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
proto.MarshalText(w, m)
func compact(src string) string {
// s/[ \n]+/ /g; s/ $//;
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
space, comment := false, false
j := 0
for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
if strings.HasPrefix(src[i:], "/*") {
comment = true
if comment && strings.HasPrefix(src[i:], "*/") {
comment = false
if comment {
c := src[i]
if c == ' ' || c == '\n' {
space = true
if j > 0 && (dst[j-1] == ':' || dst[j-1] == '<' || dst[j-1] == '{') {
space = false
if c == '{' {
space = false
if space {
dst[j] = ' '
space = false
dst[j] = c
if space {
dst[j] = ' '
return string(dst[0:j])
var compactText = compact(text)
func TestCompactText(t *testing.T) {
s := proto.CompactTextString(newTestMessage())
if s != compactText {
t.Errorf("Got:\n===\n%v===\nExpected:\n===\n%v\n===\n", s, compactText)
func TestStringEscaping(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
in *pb.Strings
out string
// Test data from C++ test (TextFormatTest.StringEscape).
// Single divergence: we don't escape apostrophes.
&pb.Strings{StringField: proto.String("\"A string with ' characters \n and \r newlines and \t tabs and \001 slashes \\ and multiple spaces")},
"string_field: \"\\\"A string with ' characters \\n and \\r newlines and \\t tabs and \\001 slashes \\\\ and multiple spaces\"\n",
// Test data from the same C++ test.
&pb.Strings{StringField: proto.String("\350\260\267\346\255\214")},
"string_field: \"\\350\\260\\267\\346\\255\\214\"\n",
// Some UTF-8.
&pb.Strings{StringField: proto.String("\x00\x01\xff\x81")},
`string_field: "\000\001\377\201"` + "\n",
for i, tc := range testCases {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := proto.MarshalText(&buf,; err != nil {
t.Errorf("proto.MarsalText: %v", err)
s := buf.String()
if s != tc.out {
t.Errorf("#%d: Got:\n%s\nExpected:\n%s\n", i, s, tc.out)
// Check round-trip.
pb := new(pb.Strings)
if err := proto.UnmarshalText(s, pb); err != nil {
t.Errorf("#%d: UnmarshalText: %v", i, err)
if !proto.Equal(pb, {
t.Errorf("#%d: Round-trip failed:\nstart: %v\n end: %v", i,, pb)
// A limitedWriter accepts some output before it fails.
// This is a proxy for something like a nearly-full or imminently-failing disk,
// or a network connection that is about to die.
type limitedWriter struct {
b bytes.Buffer
limit int
var outOfSpace = errors.New("proto: insufficient space")
func (w *limitedWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
var avail = w.limit - w.b.Len()
if avail <= 0 {
return 0, outOfSpace
if len(p) <= avail {
return w.b.Write(p)
n, _ = w.b.Write(p[:avail])
return n, outOfSpace
func TestMarshalTextFailing(t *testing.T) {
// Try lots of different sizes to exercise more error code-paths.
for lim := 0; lim < len(text); lim++ {
buf := new(limitedWriter)
buf.limit = lim
err := proto.MarshalText(buf, newTestMessage())
// We expect a certain error, but also some partial results in the buffer.
if err != outOfSpace {
t.Errorf("Got:\n===\n%v===\nExpected:\n===\n%v===\n", err, outOfSpace)
s := buf.b.String()
x := text[:buf.limit]
if s != x {
t.Errorf("Got:\n===\n%v===\nExpected:\n===\n%v===\n", s, x)
func TestFloats(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
f float64
want string
{0, "0"},
{4.7, "4.7"},
{math.Inf(1), "inf"},
{math.Inf(-1), "-inf"},
{math.NaN(), "nan"},
for _, test := range tests {
msg := &pb.FloatingPoint{F: &test.f}
got := strings.TrimSpace(msg.String())
want := `f:` + test.want
if got != want {
t.Errorf("f=%f: got %q, want %q", test.f, got, want)
func TestRepeatedNilText(t *testing.T) {
m := &pb.MessageList{
Message: []*pb.MessageList_Message{
Name: proto.String("Horse"),
want := `Message <nil>
Message {
name: "Horse"
Message <nil>
if s := proto.MarshalTextString(m); s != want {
t.Errorf(" got: %s\nwant: %s", s, want)
func TestProto3Text(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
m proto.Message
want string
// zero message
{&proto3pb.Message{}, ``},
// zero message except for an empty byte slice
{&proto3pb.Message{Data: []byte{}}, ``},
// trivial case
{&proto3pb.Message{Name: "Rob", HeightInCm: 175}, `name:"Rob" height_in_cm:175`},
// empty map
{&pb.MessageWithMap{}, ``},
// non-empty map; map format is the same as a repeated struct,
// and they are sorted by key (numerically for numeric keys).
&pb.MessageWithMap{NameMapping: map[int32]string{
-1: "Negatory",
7: "Lucky",
1234: "Feist",
6345789: "Otis",
`name_mapping:<key:-1 value:"Negatory" > ` +
`name_mapping:<key:7 value:"Lucky" > ` +
`name_mapping:<key:1234 value:"Feist" > ` +
`name_mapping:<key:6345789 value:"Otis" >`,
// map with nil value; not well-defined, but we shouldn't crash
&pb.MessageWithMap{MsgMapping: map[int64]*pb.FloatingPoint{7: nil}},
`msg_mapping:<key:7 >`,
for _, test := range tests {
got := strings.TrimSpace(test.m.String())
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("\n got %s\nwant %s", got, test.want)
func TestRacyMarshal(t *testing.T) {
// This test should be run with the race detector.
any := &pb.MyMessage{Count: proto.Int32(47), Name: proto.String("David")}
proto.SetExtension(any, pb.E_Ext_Text, proto.String("bar"))
b, err := proto.Marshal(any)
if err != nil {
m := &proto3pb.Message{
Name: "David",
ResultCount: 47,
Anything: &anypb.Any{TypeUrl: "" + proto.MessageName(any), Value: b},
wantText := proto.MarshalTextString(m)
wantBytes, err := proto.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("proto.Marshal error: %v", err)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
got := proto.MarshalTextString(m)
if got != wantText {
t.Errorf("proto.MarshalTextString = %q, want %q", got, wantText)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
got, err := proto.Marshal(m)
if !bytes.Equal(got, wantBytes) || err != nil {
t.Errorf("proto.Marshal = (%x, %v), want (%x, nil)", got, err, wantBytes)