Fix long startup on windows, with non-hns governed Hyper-V networks

Similar to a related issue where previously, private Hyper-V networks
would each add 15 secs to the daemon startup, non-hns governed internal
networks are reported by hns as network type "internal" which is not
mapped to any network plugin (and thus we get the same plugin load retry
loop as before).

This issue hits Docker for Desktop because we setup such a network for
the Linux VM communication.

Signed-off-by: Simon Ferquel <>
(cherry picked from commit 6a1a4f97217b0a8635bc21fc86628f48bf8824d1)
Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
1 file changed
tree: 76e3d1f84c2db71b4c058d5024489aecf791dc32
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. builder/
  4. cli/
  5. client/
  6. cmd/
  7. container/
  8. contrib/
  9. daemon/
  10. distribution/
  11. dockerversion/
  12. docs/
  13. errdefs/
  14. hack/
  15. image/
  16. integration/
  17. integration-cli/
  18. internal/
  19. layer/
  20. libcontainerd/
  21. migrate/
  22. oci/
  23. opts/
  24. pkg/
  25. plugin/
  26. profiles/
  27. project/
  28. reference/
  29. registry/
  30. reports/
  31. restartmanager/
  32. runconfig/
  33. vendor/
  34. volume/
  35. .DEREK.yml
  36. .dockerignore
  37. .gitignore
  38. .mailmap
  41. codecov.yml
  43. Dockerfile
  44. Dockerfile.e2e
  45. Dockerfile.simple
  49. Makefile
  50. NOTICE
  51. poule.yml
  55. vendor.conf

The Moby Project

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Moby is an open-source project created by Docker to enable and accelerate software containerization.

It provides a “Lego set” of toolkit components, the framework for assembling them into custom container-based systems, and a place for all container enthusiasts and professionals to experiment and exchange ideas. Components include container build tools, a container registry, orchestration tools, a runtime and more, and these can be used as building blocks in conjunction with other tools and projects.


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  • Batteries included but swappable: Moby includes enough components to build fully featured container system, but its modular architecture ensures that most of the components can be swapped by different implementations.
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The components and tools in the Moby Project are initially the open source components that Docker and the community have built for the Docker Project. New projects can be added if they fit with the community goals. Docker is committed to using Moby as the upstream for the Docker Product. However, other projects are also encouraged to use Moby as an upstream, and to reuse the components in diverse ways, and all these uses will be treated in the same way. External maintainers and contributors are welcomed.

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