Rust Bindgen


These rules are for using Bindgen to generate Rust bindings to C (and some C++) libraries.

See the bindgen example for a more complete example of use.


To use the Rust bindgen rules, add the following to your WORKSPACE file to add the external repositories for the Rust bindgen toolchain (in addition to the rust rules setup):

load("@rules_rust//bindgen:repositories.bzl", "rust_bindgen_dependencies", "rust_bindgen_register_toolchains")




Generates a rust source file from a cc_library and a header.


nameA unique name for this target.Namerequired
bindgen_flagsFlags to pass directly to the bindgen executable. See for details.List of stringsoptional[]
cc_libThe cc_library that contains the .h file. This is used to find the transitive includes.LabeloptionalNone
clang_flagsFlags to pass directly to the clang executable.List of stringsoptional[]
headerThe .h file to generate bindings for.LabeloptionalNone
rustfmtEnable or disable running rustfmt on the generated file.BooleanoptionalTrue


The tools required for the rust_bindgen rule.

This rule depends on the bindgen binary crate, and it in turn depends on both a clang binary and the clang library. To obtain these dependencies, rust_bindgen_dependencies imports bindgen and its dependencies.

load("@rules_rust//bindgen:bindgen.bzl", "rust_bindgen_toolchain")

    name = "bindgen_toolchain_impl",
    bindgen = "//my/rust:bindgen",
    clang = "//my/clang:clang",
    libclang = "//my/",
    libstdcxx = "//my/cpp:libstdc++",

    name = "bindgen_toolchain",
    toolchain = "bindgen_toolchain_impl",
    toolchain_type = "@rules_rust//bindgen:toolchain_type",

This toolchain will then need to be registered in the current WORKSPACE. For additional information, see the Bazel toolchains documentation.


nameA unique name for this target.Namerequired
bindgenThe label of a bindgen executable.LabeloptionalNone
clangThe label of a clang executable.LabeloptionalNone
default_rustfmtIf set, rust_bindgen targets will always format generated sources with rustfmt.BooleanoptionalFalse
libclangA cc_library that provides bindgen's runtime dependency on libclang.LabeloptionalNone
libstdcxxA cc_library that satisfies libclang's libstdc++ dependency. This is used to make the execution of clang hermetic. If None, system libraries will be used instead.LabeloptionalNone
rustfmtDeprecated: Instead, register a rustfmt_toolchain and refer to the rust_bindgen_toolchain.default_rustfmt and rust_bindgen.rustfmt attributes.LabeloptionalNone


Declare dependencies needed for bindgen.


Generates a rust source file for header, and builds a rust_library.

Arguments are the same as rust_bindgen, and kwargs are passed directly to rust_library.


NameDescriptionDefault Value
nameA unique name for this target.none
headerThe label of the .h file to generate bindings for.none
cc_libThe label of the cc_library that contains the .h file. This is used to find the transitive includes.none
bindgen_flagsFlags to pass directly to the bindgen executable. See for details.None
clang_flagsFlags to pass directly to the clang executable.None
rustfmtEnable or disable running rustfmt on the generated file.True
kwargsArguments to forward to the underlying rust_library rule.none


Registers the default toolchains for the rules_rust bindgen rules.


NameDescriptionDefault Value
register_toolchainsWhether or not to register toolchains.True