Rules for building wheels.


A rule to select all files in transitive dependencies of deps which belong to given set of Python packages.

This rule is intended to be used as data dependency to py_wheel rule


nameA unique name for this target.Namerequired
deps-List of labelsoptional[]
packagesList of Python packages to include in the distribution. Sub-packages are automatically included.List of stringsoptional[]


A rule for building Python Wheels.

Wheels are Python distribution format defined in

This rule packages a set of targets into a single wheel.

Currently only pure-python wheels are supported.


# Package some specific py_library targets, without their dependencies
    name = "minimal_with_py_library",
    # Package data. We're building "example_minimal_library-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl"
    distribution = "example_minimal_library",
    python_tag = "py3",
    version = "0.0.1",
    deps = [

# Use py_package to collect all transitive dependencies of a target,
# selecting just the files within a specific python package.
    name = "example_pkg",
    # Only include these Python packages.
    packages = ["examples.wheel"],
    deps = [":main"],

    name = "minimal_with_py_package",
    # Package data. We're building "example_minimal_package-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl"
    distribution = "example_minimal_package",
    python_tag = "py3",
    version = "0.0.1",
    deps = [":example_pkg"],


nameA unique name for this target.Namerequired
abiPython ABI tag. ‘none’ for pure-Python wheels.Stringoptional“none”
authorA string specifying the author of the package.Stringoptional""
author_emailA string specifying the email address of the package author.Stringoptional""
classifiersA list of strings describing the categories for the package. For valid classifiers see of stringsoptional[]
console_scriptsDeprecated console_script entry points, e.g. {‘main’: ‘examples.wheel.main:main’}.

Deprecated: prefer the entry_points attribute, which supports console_scripts as well as other entry points.
Dictionary: String -> Stringoptional{}
depsTargets to be included in the distribution.

The targets to package are usually py_library rules or filesets (for packaging data files).

Note it's usually better to package py_library targets and use entry_points attribute to specify console_scripts than to package py_binary rules. py_binary targets would wrap a executable script that tries to locate .runfiles directory which is not packaged in the wheel.
List of labelsoptional[]
description_fileA file containing text describing the package.LabeloptionalNone
distributionName of the distribution.

This should match the project name onm PyPI. It‘s also the name that is used to refer to the package in other packages’ dependencies.
entry_pointsentry_points, e.g. {‘console_scripts’: [‘main = examples.wheel.main:main’]}.Dictionary: String -> List of stringsoptional{}
extra_distinfo_filesExtra files to add to distinfo directory in the archive.Dictionary: Label -> Stringoptional{}
extra_requiresList of optional requirements for this packageDictionary: String -> List of stringsoptional{}
homepageA string specifying the URL for the package homepage.Stringoptional""
licenseA string specifying the license of the package.Stringoptional""
platformSupported platform. Use ‘any’ for pure-Python wheel.

If you have included platform-specific data, such as a .pyd or .so extension module, you will need to specify the platform in standard pip format. If you support multiple platforms, you can define platform constraints, then use a select() to specify the appropriate specifier, eg:

platform = select({ “//platforms:windows_x86_64”: “win_amd64”, “//platforms:macos_x86_64”: “macosx_10_7_x86_64”, “//platforms:linux_x86_64”: “manylinux2014_x86_64”, })
python_requiresPython versions required by this distribution, e.g. ‘>=3.5,<3.7’Stringoptional""
python_tagSupported Python version(s), eg py3, cp35.cp36, etcStringoptional“py3”
requiresList of requirements for this package. See the section on Declaring required dependency for details and examples of the format of this argument.List of stringsoptional[]
stampWhether to encode build information into the wheel. Possible values:

- stamp = 1: Always stamp the build information into the wheel, even in --nostamp builds. This setting should be avoided, since it potentially kills remote caching for the target and any downstream actions that depend on it.

- stamp = 0: Always replace build information by constant values. This gives good build result caching.

- stamp = -1: Embedding of build information is controlled by the --[no]stamp flag.

Stamped targets are not rebuilt unless their dependencies change.
strip_path_prefixespath prefixes to strip from files added to the generated packageList of stringsoptional[]
versionVersion number of the package. Note that this attribute supports stamp format strings (eg. 1.2.3-{BUILD_TIMESTAMP}) as well as ‘make variables’ (e.g. 1.2.3-$(VERSION)).Stringrequired


Information about a wheel produced by py_wheel


name_fileFile: A file containing the canonical name of the wheel (after stamping, if enabled).
wheelFile: The wheel file itself.