blob: e7f2d3efd7ed433082d8b4625af745796d5c18ac [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cmp::max;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::rc::Rc;
use alacritty_config::SerdeReplace;
use clap::{ArgAction, Args, Parser, Subcommand, ValueHint};
use log::{error, LevelFilter};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use toml::Value;
use alacritty_terminal::tty::Options as PtyOptions;
use crate::config::ui_config::Program;
use crate::config::window::{Class, Identity};
use crate::config::UiConfig;
use crate::logging::LOG_TARGET_IPC_CONFIG;
/// CLI options for the main Alacritty executable.
#[derive(Parser, Default, Debug)]
#[clap(author, about, version = env!("VERSION"))]
pub struct Options {
/// Print all events to STDOUT.
pub print_events: bool,
/// Generates ref test.
pub ref_test: bool,
/// X11 window ID to embed Alacritty within (decimal or hexadecimal with "0x" prefix).
pub embed: Option<String>,
/// Specify alternative configuration file [default:
/// $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty/alacritty.toml].
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))]
#[clap(long, value_hint = ValueHint::FilePath)]
pub config_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Specify alternative configuration file [default: %APPDATA%\alacritty\alacritty.toml].
#[clap(long, value_hint = ValueHint::FilePath)]
pub config_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Specify alternative configuration file [default: $HOME/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml].
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[clap(long, value_hint = ValueHint::FilePath)]
pub config_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Path for IPC socket creation.
#[clap(long, value_hint = ValueHint::FilePath)]
pub socket: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Reduces the level of verbosity (the min level is -qq).
#[clap(short, conflicts_with("verbose"), action = ArgAction::Count)]
quiet: u8,
/// Increases the level of verbosity (the max level is -vvv).
#[clap(short, conflicts_with("quiet"), action = ArgAction::Count)]
verbose: u8,
/// CLI options for config overrides.
pub config_options: ParsedOptions,
/// Options which can be passed via IPC.
pub window_options: WindowOptions,
/// Subcommand passed to the CLI.
pub subcommands: Option<Subcommands>,
impl Options {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut options = Self::parse();
// Parse CLI config overrides.
options.config_options = options.window_options.config_overrides();
/// Override configuration file with options from the CLI.
pub fn override_config(&mut self, config: &mut UiConfig) {
config.ipc_socket |= self.socket.is_some();
config.window.embed = self.embed.as_ref().and_then(|embed| parse_hex_or_decimal(embed));
config.debug.print_events |= self.print_events;
config.debug.log_level = max(config.debug.log_level, self.log_level());
config.debug.ref_test |= self.ref_test;
if config.debug.print_events {
config.debug.log_level = max(config.debug.log_level, LevelFilter::Info);
// Replace CLI options.
/// Logging filter level.
pub fn log_level(&self) -> LevelFilter {
match (self.quiet, self.verbose) {
// Force at least `Info` level for `--print-events`.
(_, 0) if self.print_events => LevelFilter::Info,
// Default.
(0, 0) => LevelFilter::Warn,
// Verbose.
(_, 1) => LevelFilter::Info,
(_, 2) => LevelFilter::Debug,
(0, _) => LevelFilter::Trace,
// Quiet.
(1, _) => LevelFilter::Error,
(..) => LevelFilter::Off,
/// Parse the class CLI parameter.
fn parse_class(input: &str) -> Result<Class, String> {
let (general, instance) = match input.split_once(',') {
// Warn the user if they've passed too many values.
Some((_, instance)) if instance.contains(',') => {
return Err(String::from("Too many parameters"))
Some((general, instance)) => (general, instance),
None => (input, input),
Ok(Class::new(general, instance))
/// Convert to hex if possible, else decimal
fn parse_hex_or_decimal(input: &str) -> Option<u32> {
.and_then(|value| u32::from_str_radix(value, 16).ok())
.or_else(|| input.parse().ok())
/// Terminal specific cli options which can be passed to new windows via IPC.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Args, Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TerminalOptions {
/// Start the shell in the specified working directory.
#[clap(long, value_hint = ValueHint::FilePath)]
pub working_directory: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Remain open after child process exit.
pub hold: bool,
/// Command and args to execute (must be last argument).
#[clap(short = 'e', long, allow_hyphen_values = true, num_args = 1..)]
command: Vec<String>,
impl TerminalOptions {
/// Shell override passed through the CLI.
pub fn command(&self) -> Option<Program> {
let (program, args) = self.command.split_first()?;
Some(Program::WithArgs { program: program.clone(), args: args.to_vec() })
/// Override the [`PtyOptions`]'s fields with the [`TerminalOptions`].
pub fn override_pty_config(&self, pty_config: &mut PtyOptions) {
if let Some(working_directory) = &self.working_directory {
if working_directory.is_dir() {
pty_config.working_directory = Some(working_directory.to_owned());
} else {
error!("Invalid working directory: {:?}", working_directory);
if let Some(command) = self.command() { = Some(command.into());
pty_config.hold |= self.hold;
impl From<TerminalOptions> for PtyOptions {
fn from(mut options: TerminalOptions) -> Self {
PtyOptions {
working_directory: options.working_directory.take(),
shell: options.command().map(Into::into),
hold: options.hold,
env: HashMap::new(),
/// Window specific cli options which can be passed to new windows via IPC.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Args, Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct WindowIdentity {
/// Defines the window title [default: Alacritty].
#[clap(short = 'T', short_alias('t'), long)]
pub title: Option<String>,
/// Defines window class/app_id on X11/Wayland [default: Alacritty].
#[clap(long, value_name = "general> | <general>,<instance", value_parser = parse_class)]
pub class: Option<Class>,
impl WindowIdentity {
/// Override the [`WindowIdentity`]'s fields with the [`WindowOptions`].
pub fn override_identity_config(&self, identity: &mut Identity) {
if let Some(title) = &self.title {
identity.title = title.clone();
if let Some(class) = &self.class {
identity.class = class.clone();
/// Available CLI subcommands.
#[derive(Subcommand, Debug)]
pub enum Subcommands {
/// Send a message to the Alacritty socket.
#[derive(Args, Debug)]
pub struct MessageOptions {
/// IPC socket connection path override.
#[clap(short, long, value_hint = ValueHint::FilePath)]
pub socket: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Message which should be sent.
pub message: SocketMessage,
/// Available socket messages.
#[derive(Subcommand, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum SocketMessage {
/// Create a new window in the same Alacritty process.
/// Update the Alacritty configuration.
/// Migrate the configuration file.
#[derive(Args, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MigrateOptions {
/// Path to the configuration file.
#[clap(short, long, value_hint = ValueHint::FilePath)]
pub config_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Only output TOML config to STDOUT.
#[clap(short, long)]
pub dry_run: bool,
/// Do not recurse over imports.
#[clap(short = 'i', long)]
pub skip_imports: bool,
/// Do not move renamed fields to their new location.
pub skip_renames: bool,
#[clap(short, long)]
/// Do not output to STDOUT.
pub silent: bool,
/// Subset of options that we pass to 'create-window' IPC subcommand.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Args, Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct WindowOptions {
/// Terminal options which can be passed via IPC.
pub terminal_options: TerminalOptions,
/// Window options which could be passed via IPC.
pub window_identity: WindowIdentity,
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
/// The window tabbing identifier to use when building a window.
pub window_tabbing_id: Option<String>,
/// Override configuration file options [example: '"Beam"'].
#[clap(short = 'o', long, num_args = 1..)]
option: Vec<String>,
impl WindowOptions {
/// Get the parsed set of CLI config overrides.
pub fn config_overrides(&self) -> ParsedOptions {
/// Parameters to the `config` IPC subcommand.
#[derive(Args, Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct IpcConfig {
/// Configuration file options [example: '"Beam"'].
#[clap(required = true, value_name = "CONFIG_OPTIONS")]
pub options: Vec<String>,
/// Window ID for the new config.
/// Use `-1` to apply this change to all windows.
#[clap(short, long, allow_hyphen_values = true, env = "ALACRITTY_WINDOW_ID")]
pub window_id: Option<i128>,
/// Clear all runtime configuration changes.
#[clap(short, long, conflicts_with = "options")]
pub reset: bool,
/// Parsed CLI config overrides.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct ParsedOptions {
config_options: Vec<(String, Value)>,
impl ParsedOptions {
/// Parse CLI config overrides.
pub fn from_options(options: &[String]) -> Self {
let mut config_options = Vec::new();
for option in options {
let parsed = match toml::from_str(option) {
Ok(parsed) => parsed,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Ignoring invalid CLI option '{option}': {err}");
config_options.push((option.clone(), parsed));
Self { config_options }
/// Apply CLI config overrides, removing broken ones.
pub fn override_config(&mut self, config: &mut UiConfig) {
let mut i = 0;
while i < self.config_options.len() {
let (option, parsed) = &self.config_options[i];
match config.replace(parsed.clone()) {
Err(err) => {
"Unable to override option '{}': {}", option, err
Ok(_) => i += 1,
/// Apply CLI config overrides to a CoW config.
pub fn override_config_rc(&mut self, config: Rc<UiConfig>) -> Rc<UiConfig> {
// Skip clone without write requirement.
if self.config_options.is_empty() {
return config;
// Override cloned config.
let mut config = (*config).clone();
self.override_config(&mut config);
impl Deref for ParsedOptions {
type Target = Vec<(String, Value)>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for ParsedOptions {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.config_options
mod tests {
use super::*;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
use std::fs::File;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
use std::io::Read;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
use clap::CommandFactory;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
use clap_complete::Shell;
use toml::Table;
fn dynamic_title_ignoring_options_by_default() {
let mut config = UiConfig::default();
let old_dynamic_title = config.window.dynamic_title;
Options::default().override_config(&mut config);
assert_eq!(old_dynamic_title, config.window.dynamic_title);
fn dynamic_title_not_overridden_by_config() {
let mut config = UiConfig::default();
config.window.identity.title = "foo".to_owned();
Options::default().override_config(&mut config);
fn valid_option_as_value() {
// Test with a single field.
let value: Value = toml::from_str("field=true").unwrap();
let mut table = Table::new();
table.insert(String::from("field"), Value::Boolean(true));
assert_eq!(value, Value::Table(table));
// Test with nested fields
let value: Value = toml::from_str("parent.field=true").unwrap();
let mut parent_table = Table::new();
parent_table.insert(String::from("field"), Value::Boolean(true));
let mut table = Table::new();
table.insert(String::from("parent"), Value::Table(parent_table));
assert_eq!(value, Value::Table(table));
fn invalid_option_as_value() {
let value = toml::from_str::<Value>("}");
fn float_option_as_value() {
let value: Value = toml::from_str("float=3.4").unwrap();
let mut expected = Table::new();
expected.insert(String::from("float"), Value::Float(3.4));
assert_eq!(value, Value::Table(expected));
fn parse_instance_class() {
let class = parse_class("one").unwrap();
assert_eq!(class.general, "one");
assert_eq!(class.instance, "one");
fn parse_general_class() {
let class = parse_class("one,two").unwrap();
assert_eq!(class.general, "one");
assert_eq!(class.instance, "two");
fn parse_invalid_class() {
let class = parse_class("one,two,three");
fn valid_decimal() {
let value = parse_hex_or_decimal("10485773");
assert_eq!(value, Some(10485773));
fn valid_hex_to_decimal() {
let value = parse_hex_or_decimal("0xa0000d");
assert_eq!(value, Some(10485773));
fn invalid_hex_to_decimal() {
let value = parse_hex_or_decimal("0xa0xx0d");
assert_eq!(value, None);
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn completions() {
let mut clap = Options::command();
for (shell, file) in &[
(Shell::Bash, "alacritty.bash"),
(Shell::Fish, ""),
(Shell::Zsh, "_alacritty"),
] {
let mut generated = Vec::new();
clap_complete::generate(*shell, &mut clap, "alacritty", &mut generated);
let generated = String::from_utf8_lossy(&generated);
let mut completion = String::new();
let mut file = File::open(format!("../extra/completions/{}", file)).unwrap();
file.read_to_string(&mut completion).unwrap();
assert_eq!(generated, completion);
// NOTE: Use this to generate new completions.
// let mut file = File::create("../extra/completions/alacritty.bash").unwrap();
// clap_complete::generate(Shell::Bash, &mut clap, "alacritty", &mut file);
// let mut file = File::create("../extra/completions/").unwrap();
// clap_complete::generate(Shell::Fish, &mut clap, "alacritty", &mut file);
// let mut file = File::create("../extra/completions/_alacritty").unwrap();
// clap_complete::generate(Shell::Zsh, &mut clap, "alacritty", &mut file);