blob: deefe5768aff4316f03d9fc297e11aa777046ace [file] [log] [blame]
/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
file Copyright.txt or for details. */
#pragma once
#include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cm/optional>
#include "cmArgumentParser.h"
#include "cmArgumentParserTypes.h"
#include "cmStateTypes.h"
class cmMakefile;
template <typename Iter>
class cmRange;
/** \class cmCoreTryCompile
* \brief Base class for cmTryCompileCommand and cmTryRunCommand
* cmCoreTryCompile implements the functionality to build a program.
* It is the base class for cmTryCompileCommand and cmTryRunCommand.
class cmCoreTryCompile
cmCoreTryCompile(cmMakefile* mf)
: Makefile(mf)
struct Arguments : public ArgumentParser::ParseResult
cm::optional<std::string> CompileResultVariable;
cm::optional<std::string> BinaryDirectory;
cm::optional<std::string> SourceDirectoryOrFile;
cm::optional<std::string> ProjectName;
cm::optional<std::string> TargetName;
cm::optional<ArgumentParser::NonEmpty<std::vector<std::string>>> Sources;
ArgumentParser::MaybeEmpty<std::vector<std::string>> CMakeFlags{
}; // fake argv[0]
std::vector<std::string> CompileDefs;
ArgumentParser::MaybeEmpty<std::vector<std::string>> LinkOptions;
std::map<std::string, std::string> LangProps;
std::string CMakeInternal;
cm::optional<std::string> OutputVariable;
cm::optional<std::string> CopyFileTo;
cm::optional<std::string> CopyFileError;
// Argument for try_run only.
// Keep in sync with warnings in cmCoreTryCompile::ParseArgs.
cm::optional<std::string> CompileOutputVariable;
cm::optional<std::string> RunOutputVariable;
cm::optional<std::string> RunOutputStdOutVariable;
cm::optional<std::string> RunOutputStdErrVariable;
cm::optional<std::string> RunWorkingDirectory;
cm::optional<ArgumentParser::MaybeEmpty<std::vector<std::string>>> RunArgs;
Arguments ParseArgs(cmRange<std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator> args,
bool isTryRun);
* This is the core code for try compile. It is here so that other
* commands, such as TryRun can access the same logic without
* duplication.
bool TryCompileCode(Arguments& arguments,
cmStateEnums::TargetType targetType);
* This deletes all the files created by TryCompileCode.
* This way we do not have to rely on the timing and
* dependencies of makefiles.
void CleanupFiles(std::string const& binDir);
* This tries to find the (executable) file created by
TryCompileCode. The result is stored in OutputFile. If nothing is found,
the error message is stored in FindErrorMessage.
void FindOutputFile(const std::string& targetName,
cmStateEnums::TargetType targetType);
std::string BinaryDirectory;
std::string OutputFile;
std::string FindErrorMessage;
bool SrcFileSignature = false;
cmMakefile* Makefile;