blob: b1c9ce3b11076a81d96820293125855f30641e52 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
file Copyright.txt or for details. */
#pragma once
#include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <iosfwd>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <cm/string_view>
#include "cmGeneratorExpression.h"
class cmExportSet;
class cmGeneratorTarget;
class cmLocalGenerator;
#define DEVEL_CMAKE_VERSION(major, minor) \
(CMake_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, 0) > \
: #major "." #minor ".0")
/** \class cmExportFileGenerator
* \brief Generate files exporting targets from a build or install tree.
* cmExportFileGenerator is the interface class for generating export files.
class cmExportFileGenerator
virtual ~cmExportFileGenerator() = default;
/** Set the full path to the export file to generate. */
void SetExportFile(char const* mainFile);
std::string const& GetMainExportFileName() const;
/** Set the namespace in which to place exported target names. */
void SetNamespace(std::string const& ns) { this->Namespace = ns; }
std::string GetNamespace() const { return this->Namespace; }
/** Add a configuration to be exported. */
void AddConfiguration(std::string const& config);
/** Create and actually generate the export file. Returns whether there was
an error. */
bool GenerateImportFile();
using ImportPropertyMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
// Collect properties with detailed information about targets beyond
// their location on disk.
void SetImportDetailProperties(std::string const& config,
std::string const& suffix,
cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
ImportPropertyMap& properties);
enum class ImportLinkPropertyTargetNames
template <typename T>
void SetImportLinkProperty(std::string const& suffix,
cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
std::string const& propName,
std::vector<T> const& entries,
ImportPropertyMap& properties,
ImportLinkPropertyTargetNames targetNames);
/** Generate the export file to the given output stream. Returns whether
there was an error. */
virtual bool GenerateImportFile(std::ostream& os) = 0;
/** Each subclass knows how to generate its kind of export file. */
virtual bool GenerateMainFile(std::ostream& os) = 0;
/** Generate per-configuration target information to the given output
stream. */
virtual void GenerateImportConfig(std::ostream& os,
std::string const& config);
/** Each subclass knows where the target files are located. */
virtual void GenerateImportTargetsConfig(std::ostream& os,
std::string const& config,
std::string const& suffix) = 0;
/** Record a target referenced by an exported target. */
virtual bool NoteLinkedTarget(cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
std::string const& linkedName,
cmGeneratorTarget const* linkedTarget);
/** Each subclass knows how to deal with a target that is missing from an
* export set. */
virtual void HandleMissingTarget(std::string& link_libs,
cmGeneratorTarget const* depender,
cmGeneratorTarget* dependee) = 0;
/** Complain when a duplicate target is encountered. */
virtual void ComplainAboutDuplicateTarget(
std::string const& targetName) const = 0;
virtual cm::string_view GetImportPrefixWithSlash() const = 0;
void AddImportPrefix(std::string& exportDirs) const;
void PopulateInterfaceProperty(std::string const& propName,
cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
ImportPropertyMap& properties) const;
void PopulateInterfaceProperty(std::string const& propName,
cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
ImportPropertyMap& properties);
bool PopulateInterfaceLinkLibrariesProperty(
cmGeneratorTarget const* target, cmGeneratorExpression::PreprocessContext,
ImportPropertyMap& properties);
bool PopulateInterfaceProperties(
cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
std::string const& includesDestinationDirs,
cmGeneratorExpression::PreprocessContext preprocessRule,
ImportPropertyMap& properties);
virtual void ReportError(std::string const& errorMessage) const = 0;
using ExportInfo = std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::string>;
/** Find the set of export files and the unique namespace (if any) for a
* target. */
virtual ExportInfo FindExportInfo(cmGeneratorTarget const* target) const = 0;
enum FreeTargetsReplace
void ResolveTargetsInGeneratorExpressions(
std::string& input, cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
FreeTargetsReplace replace = NoReplaceFreeTargets);
virtual cmExportSet* GetExportSet() const { return nullptr; }
virtual void ReplaceInstallPrefix(std::string& input) const;
virtual std::string InstallNameDir(cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
std::string const& config) = 0;
/** Get the temporary location of the config-agnostic C++ module file. */
virtual std::string GetCxxModuleFile(std::string const& name) const = 0;
virtual std::string GetCxxModulesDirectory() const = 0;
virtual void GenerateCxxModuleConfigInformation(std::string const&,
std::ostream& os) const = 0;
bool AddTargetNamespace(std::string& input, cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
cmLocalGenerator const* lg);
// The namespace in which the exports are placed in the generated file.
std::string Namespace;
// The set of configurations to export.
std::vector<std::string> Configurations;
// The file to generate.
std::string MainImportFile;
std::string FileDir;
std::string FileBase;
std::string FileExt;
bool AppendMode = false;
// The set of targets included in the export.
std::set<cmGeneratorTarget const*> ExportedTargets;
std::vector<std::string> MissingTargets;
std::set<cmGeneratorTarget const*> ExternalTargets;
void PopulateInterfaceProperty(std::string const& propName,
std::string const& outputName,
cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
ImportPropertyMap& properties);
void PopulateCompatibleInterfaceProperties(
cmGeneratorTarget const* target, ImportPropertyMap& properties) const;
void PopulateCustomTransitiveInterfaceProperties(
cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
cmGeneratorExpression::PreprocessContext preprocessRule,
ImportPropertyMap& properties);
bool PopulateCxxModuleExportProperties(
cmGeneratorTarget const* gte, ImportPropertyMap& properties,
cmGeneratorExpression::PreprocessContext ctx,
std::string const& includesDestinationDirs, std::string& errorMessage);
bool PopulateExportProperties(cmGeneratorTarget const* gte,
ImportPropertyMap& properties,
std::string& errorMessage) const;
void ResolveTargetsInGeneratorExpression(std::string& input,
cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
cmLocalGenerator const* lg);
extern template void cmExportFileGenerator::SetImportLinkProperty<std::string>(
std::string const&, cmGeneratorTarget const*, std::string const&,
std::vector<std::string> const&, ImportPropertyMap& properties,
extern template void cmExportFileGenerator::SetImportLinkProperty<cmLinkItem>(
std::string const&, cmGeneratorTarget const*, std::string const&,
std::vector<cmLinkItem> const&, ImportPropertyMap& properties,