blob: de808904284e3589060f6edcb7ad6cbf76eea3d9 [file] [log] [blame]
A `JSON5 <>`_ serializer and parser library for Python 3 written in Cython.\n\
The serializer returns ASCII data that can safely be used in an HTML template.\n\
Apostrophes, ampersands, greater-than, and less-then signs are encoded as\n\
unicode escaped sequences. E.g. this snippet is safe for any and all input:\n\
.. code:: python\n\
\"<a onclick='alert(\" + encode(data) + \")'>show message</a>\"\n\
Unless the input contains infinite or NaN values, the result will be valid\n\
JSON data.\n\
All valid JSON5 1.0.0 and `JSON <>`_ data can be read,\n\
unless the nesting level is absurdly high.\n\