blob: 24d30bd88c59566aa3ba1428061c25e530fd09c1 [file] [log] [blame]
OpenVX conformance tests change log:
RELEASE: CTS-1.2-20171220
* Fixes for compiling with Windows Visual Studio
RELEASE: CTS-1.2-20171020
* First conformance test suite for OpenVX 1.2
* Optional tests for Neural-Network and Import-Export KHR extensions
RELEASE: CTS-1.1-20170301
* Fixed an incorrect 'return' from a function returning a value
* Include string.h in test_mem.c
* Clean/clarify the dangling refs management
* Remove include "vx_compatibility.h"
* Make ownCopyImage static
* Remove negative tests for vx_convolution object
* 16202 - Added API in test_utils to get path to the test images
* 16203 - Adding wrapper for malloc/free/memset
* 16177 - Remove user kernel at end of take10_kernel in test_graph.c
* 16116 - Replaced access/commit in test_array and test_vximage with copy or map/unmap
* Replace controversial error code checking by a more generic error checking
* 16160 - Fix Histogram.OnRandom/0/Immediate/U8 by writing the Distribution intead of reading it
* VX_REF_ATTRIBUTE_<name> -> VX_REFERENCE_<name> change
* 16146 - Fixed the ScaleImage/Bilinear conformance test
* 15932 - Remove include of string.h from vx_types.h
RELEASE: CTS-1.1-20160617
* fixed conformance test build under cygwin
* fixed build conformance test test-module as a package
* fix warnings on windows build
* Apply patch for fixing the pb with valid regions in pyramid tests
* Change testRegisterAutoAging to check data content instead of references
* Make concerto-built conformance-test-program-name match cmake and README
* 15901 - excluded test for read-only VX_IMAGE_RANGE attribute
* fix conformance test test_vximage
* 15899 - fixed build of conformance tests with pre-built OpenVX libraries
* 15896 - fix for Scalar conformance test
* Doesn't check VX_DISTRIBUTION_WINDOW when it is specified as invalid (when the range is not a multiple of nbins)
* 15887 - fixed test_vximage
* 15780 - fixed VX_NOGAP_X use in vxMapLUT calls in tests
* 15862 - fixed type of parameter in vxSetReferenceName test and sample impl
* 15863 - fixed sobel3x3 kernel validator and conformance test
* 15793 - fixed inclusion of extra files
* 15867 - removed dev specific path
* 15868 - fixed #if/else in vx_test.c
* 15860 - fix setting of valid rectangle callback
* 15793 - fix conformance test for vxUnloadKernels
* fix compilation warning on windows and linux for concerto build
* 15857 - apply patch to fix issues with C98 compiler
* 15718 - remove overlooked line with negative test
* deprecated funcs replaced with new ones for modules extra and debug
* 15718 - redesign conformance test according to the latest specification
* 13719 - fixed crash in Smoke test
* 14615 - changed copyright date
* 15791 - changed license notice
* 13337 - new attribute and callback to manage user kernel valid rectangle
* 12667 - graph and nodes status attributes
* 14205 - fixed vxVerifyGraph semantic
* 14351 - add smoke test for check required params
* 14561 - fixed non settable attributes
* 15793 - updated sample implementation and fixed test for vxUnloadKernels
* 15670 - change all internal identifier' prefix from 'vx' to 'own'
* 13797 - fix support for pyramids in the image processing functions
* 12667 - Graph and Node status attributes do not reflect execution status
* 14238 - Array of images and references support
* 15806 - Graph conformance test checks operation of performance
* counters without first enabling them
* 10584 - add vxCreateImageFromChannel and tests
* 13198 - add vxSetReferenceName and conformance tests
* 15618 - deprecated vxAccess/Commit funcs in tests
* 15718 - conformance test fixed
* 15803 - fixed test and vxMap/UnmapImagePatch funcs
* fixed build warnings
* sync with svn r32728
* 13196 - add vxCopyArrayRange, vxMapArrayRange, vxUnmapArrayRange and tests
* 13196 - add vxCopyLUT, vxMapLUT, vxUnmapLUT and tests
* 13196 - add vxCopyMatrix, vxCopyConvolutionCoefficients,
* vxCopyScalar and tests
* 13313 - improved test for auto aging delay
* 13811 - fixed sample implementation and test for delay as an output param
* 15618 - vxAccessImagePatch/vxCommitImagePatch and
* vxReadScalarValue/vxWriteScalarValue deprecated in conformance tests
* and test engine
* 15758 - removed test for VX_KERNEL_INVALID
* sync with svn r32696
* fixed sampl build issues (sync sample with changed attributes name)
* 13196 - add vxCopyImagePatch, vxMapImagePatch, vxUnmapImagePatch and tests
* add vxCopyDistribution, vxMapDistributionm vxUnmapDistribution
* and tests
* 13016 - fixed test (order of vxRemoveKernel call)
* 13821 - improved conformance test
* 15744 - fixed vxSwapImageHandle test
* 15743 - fixed ColorConvert sample impl and test
* 15641 - fixed typo in vxMultiply test
* 15706 - fixed vxLaplacianReconstruct test
* 15650 - fixed sample impl and test (delay semantics)
* sync with svn r32635 and restore codebase compilation
* 12972 - ignore threshold TRUE and FALSE vals in vxCannyEdgeDetectorNode
* 13399 - improve tests for vxSwapImageHandle
* 13309 - add new func vxSetMetaFormatFromReference and tests
* 14960 - change attribute names
* 13016 - add new func vxUnloadKernels and tests
* 14432 - consistent error management in getter funcs
* 13200 - add new func vxNonlinearFilterNode and tests
* 15291 - extended conformance test
* sync with svn r32583 and restore codebase compilation
* 14072 - the vxHint mechanism extended to allow arguments
* 12431 - adopted new type vx_pixel_value_t
* 14500 - removed attribute
* 13422 - hint was removed
* 14211 - canny tests extended for INT16 threshold
* 14493 - canny tests extended for INT16 threshold
* 11676 - check every vxAddReference for status
* 15558 - fixed optical flow conformance test (zero stride)
* sync with svn r32541 and restore codebase compilation
* (changed sources to match changes in headers)
* 11676 check every vxAddReference
* 14019: fixed double call of vxReleaseGraph in Canny, HarrisCorners,
* GaussianPyramid, LaplacianPyramid, LaplacianReconstruct and
* HalfScaleGaussian kernels.
* Also sync cmake script for sample/vxu folder
* 9600: improved tests for vxSetNodeTarget, vxSetImmediateNodeTarget
* 13338: fixed vxReleaseReference func for different reference types
* 13399: improved tests for vxSwapImageHandle
* 12652: fixed sobel dx kernels
* 10847: fixed tests for vxLaplacianPyramid, vxLaplacianReconstruct
* 9600: add tests for vxSetNodeTarget and vxSetImmediateModeTarget
* 15303: fixed rectangle in vxCommitImagePatch for MeanStdDev kernel
* 13340: add test for image containment/overlapping relationship
* 14019: fixed resource leaks at vxVerifyGraph for vxHalfScaleGaussianNode,
* vxHarrisCornersNode, vxCannyEdgeDetectorNode, vxGaussianPyramidNode,
* vxLaplacianPyramidNode, vxLaplacianReconstructNode
* 15178: fixed type of convolution attributes
* 15176: fixed too strong check in convolution input validator
* 13797: implemented with creation of actual hidden nodes. No array of object support and no propagation of changes in parameters or attributes.
* implemented support for replicate add/sub/mul/lut nodes.
* remove reference to object arrays in func description (support of object arrays not implemented yet)
* fixed warnings 'passing argument from incompatible pointer type'
* 13725: implemented unsupported border mode policy
* 12972: restored default value 255 for vx_true_e
* 10847: replace 16x16 size with 128x128 for laplacian reconstruct immediate mode
* remove 16x16 size from test (too small for laplacian pyramid with 5x5 filter kernel)
* fixed undefined border bounds computation in test
* add VX_API_CALL to vxLaplacianReconstructNode impl
* add missed VX_API_CALL for vxLaplacianReconstructNode func
* fixed vxRegisterAutoAging declaration. fixed roi computation for laplacian pyramid tests
* fix comparison of ref and tst images (exclude border pixels because of undfined border mode)
* fixed typo after hand-merge of conflicts
* added setNodeTarget calls to 2 new vxu functions
* extended laplacian pyramid bitdepth from U8 to S16 to avoid overflows. this also involved add S16 support to vxScaleImage function (as not documented feature of sample implementation)
* add vxLaplacianReconstructNode, vxuLaplacianReconstruct and tests
* add vxLaplacianPyramidNode, vxuLaplacianPyramid functions and tests
* 9600: implemented node affinity capability feature
* fix build of vxu.dll
* clean sources
* 14654: implemented new user-kernel validation callback
* fixed typo in comment
* fixed explicit checks for function return value
* 13932: added kernel_size=1 to HalfScaleGaussian
* 13399: add vxSwapImageHandle and test. also fixed compilation warning in histogram test.
* fixed typo
* strenghten bad params check
* 13338: improved SmokeTest.vxReleaseReference test
* 13197: added SmokeTest.vxRetainReference test
* 14733: changed SobelMxN output to F32 to get rid of 7x7 overflow, enabled HarrisCorners GRADIENT_SIZE=7 tests
* 14439: implemented a note #2 on vxCreateImageFromHandle:
* 2- In the vx_imagepatch_addressing_t structures of the 'addr[]' parameter
* 2.1- Only dim_x, dim_y, stride_x and stride_y fields must be provided by the application. Other fields (step_x, step_y, scale_x & scale_y) are ignored by the vxCreateImageFromHandle function.
* 2.2- the layout of the imported memory must follow a row-major order. In other words, stride_x should be sufficiently large so that there is no overlap between data elements corresponding to different pixels, and stride_y >= stride_x * dim_x.
* 14193: vxCreateImageFromHandle - added const keyword
* 13795: added support for VX_TYPE_INT16, LUT non-zero offset; added S16 tests
* 13338: add vxReleaseReference func and smoke test
* 13313: add vxRegisterAutoAging func and simple test
* 13197: implemented vxRetainReference function
* 12972: threshold, canny kernels and conformance tests changed to use attributes TRUE_VALUE and FALSE_VALUE
* 14830: changed accumulation of result - int32 to uint32, as proposed in bug description
* 14298: added VX_VERSION changes made in 14823
* provided backward compatibility with 1.0 (vx_khr_opencl.h)
* implemented semantics of the 'new' histogram formula - see 14298, 12483, 14342
* 13812: implemented vxSetMetaFormatFromReference func
* 14109: improvements in HarrisCorners conformance tests
* 14652: fixed vxHint to accept all openvx data object types
* 14649: fixed wrong parameter check in UserNode.Simple test
* 14793: fixed typo in vx_threshold_t members description
* 14037: clarified ambiguity of "disabled" test in conformance test log
* 14067: fixed missing vxReleaseKernel after vxFinalizeNode in test_usernode.c
* 13911: removed references to sample implementation examples in public header
* 13400: replace VX_ID_KHRONOS with VX_ID_DEFAULT in example
* 13398: change the type of num_corners in vxFastCorners
* 12567: add initialization for unused fields of vx_keypoint_t data structure
* 14112: tighten RGB/YUV conversion conformance
* 13856: fixed signed/unsigned mismatch in vxEuclideanNonMaxSuppression
* updated vx_uint32/vx_size type policy
* updated kernel names
* removed GraphCallback.testRestart test
* AccumulateSquare: S16 input without negative values
* Dilate/Erode: boolean images with 0/255 values
* added Array tests
* added Image CopyWrite/CopyRead tests
* added AbsDiff S16 tests
* Scale image test: replaced exact check from some tests
* HarrisCorners test uses normalization
* fix OpticalFlow check for lost points
* removed Scale tests with BILINEAR interpolation and bit-exact checks
* fix tolerance check in GaussianPyramid tests
* tests for OpticalFlow with pre-calculated reference input pyramids
* disabled tests for REPLICATE and CONSTANT borders for filter tests
* added tests package version information to #REPORT string