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How to build and run conformance tests on Android
This guide assumes the following:
- adb is installed and configured (connected to device);
- Android NDK is installed and configured;
- you have Android build of tested OpenVX implementation;
- you use Linux bash or equivalent shell;
Also commands below assume that tested package of OpenVX implementation contains:
* 'include' subdirectory that contains OpenVX header files;
* 'lib' subdirectory that contains implementation binaries ( and;
If it is not, then commands below should be updated to actual state.
1. Set Android ABI:
export ANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a
# or ANDROID_ABI=x86
# or ANDROID_ABI=mips
This ABI must be equal to ABI of OpenVX implementation binaries.
2. Change directory:
cd conformance_tests/android
3. Build conformance tests binaries:
export OPENVX_DIR=<path to tested OpenVX implementation package>
4. Deploy files on device and run conformance tests. Use commands below as a sample:
# Upload test executable to device
adb push `pwd`/libs/${ANDROID_ABI}/vx_test_conformance /data/local/tmp/openvx/
adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/openvx/vx_test_conformance
# Upload shared libraries to device (OPTIONAL step, refer to OpenVX implementation documentation)
(cd ${OPENVX_DIR}/lib; find ./ -name '*.so' -exec adb push {} /data/local/tmp/openvx/lib/{} \;)
# Upload test data to device
(cd ../test_data; find ./ -exec adb push {} /data/local/tmp/openvx/test_data/{} \;)
# Run test on device
adb shell 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/openvx/lib/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; export VX_TEST_DATA_PATH=/data/local/tmp/openvx/test_data/; /data/local/tmp/openvx/vx_test_conformance'