- Large resync between W3C and Gnome tree
- configure.in: 2.1.0 prerelease
- example/Makefile.am example/gjobread.c tree.h: work on
  libxml1 libxml2 convergence.
- nanoftp, nanohttp.c: fixed stalled connections probs
- HTMLtree.c SAX.c : support for attribute without values in
  HTML for andersca
- valid.c: Fixed most validation + namespace problems
- HTMLparser.c: start document callback for andersca
- debugXML.c xpath.c: lots of XPath fixups from Picdar Technology
- parser.h, SAX.c: serious speed improvement for large
  CDATA blocks
- encoding.[ch] xmlIO.[ch]: Improved seriously saving to
  different encoding
- config.h.in parser.c xmllint.c: added xmlCheckVersion()
  and the LIBXML_TEST_VERSION macro
41 files changed