port patch from Marcus Meissner to add gcc checking for printf like

* include/libxml/parser.h include/libxml/xmlwriter.h
  include/libxml/relaxng.h include/libxml/xmlversion.h.in
  include/libxml/xmlwin32version.h.in include/libxml/valid.h
  include/libxml/xmlschemas.h include/libxml/xmlerror.h:
  port patch from Marcus Meissner to add gcc checking for
  printf like functions parameters, should fix #65068
* doc/apibuild.py doc/*: modified the script accordingly
  and regenerated
* xpath.c xmlmemory.c threads.c: fix a few warnings

svn path=/trunk/; revision=3813
18 files changed
tree: b12b3dd9c79fe1d35afe6142667d489eccc94f23
  1. bakefile/
  2. doc/
  3. example/
  4. include/
  5. macos/
  6. optim/
  7. python/
  8. result/
  9. test/
  10. vms/
  11. VxWorks/
  12. win32/
  13. xstc/
  14. .cvsignore
  15. acconfig.h
  16. acinclude.m4
  18. autogen.sh
  19. build_glob.py
  20. c14n.c
  21. catalog.c
  22. ChangeLog
  23. check-relaxng-test-suite.py
  24. check-relaxng-test-suite2.py
  25. check-xinclude-test-suite.py
  26. check-xml-test-suite.py
  27. check-xsddata-test-suite.py
  28. chvalid.c
  29. chvalid.def
  30. config.h.in
  31. configure.in
  32. Copyright
  33. dbgen.pl
  34. dbgenattr.pl
  35. debugXML.c
  36. dict.c
  37. DOCBparser.c
  38. elfgcchack.h
  39. encoding.c
  40. entities.c
  41. error.c
  42. genChRanges.py
  43. gentest.py
  44. genUnicode.py
  45. global.data
  46. globals.c
  48. hash.c
  49. HTMLparser.c
  50. HTMLtree.c
  52. install-sh
  53. legacy.c
  54. libxml-2.0-uninstalled.pc.in
  55. libxml-2.0.pc.in
  56. libxml.3
  57. libxml.h
  58. libxml.m4
  59. libxml.spec.in
  60. list.c
  62. Makefile.am
  63. Makefile.tests
  64. Makefile.win
  65. missing
  66. mkinstalldirs
  67. nanoftp.c
  68. nanohttp.c
  69. NEWS
  70. parser.c
  71. parserInternals.c
  72. pattern.c
  73. README
  74. README.cvs-commits
  75. README.tests
  76. regressions.py
  77. regressions.xml
  78. relaxng.c
  79. rngparser.c
  80. runsuite.c
  81. runtest.c
  82. runxmlconf.c
  83. SAX.c
  84. SAX2.c
  85. schematron.c
  86. testapi.c
  87. testAutomata.c
  88. testC14N.c
  89. testchar.c
  90. testdict.c
  91. testdso.c
  92. testHTML.c
  93. testModule.c
  94. testOOM.c
  95. testOOMlib.c
  96. testOOMlib.h
  97. testReader.c
  98. testrecurse.c
  99. testRegexp.c
  100. testRelax.c
  101. testSAX.c
  102. testSchemas.c
  103. testThreads.c
  104. testThreadsWin32.c
  105. testURI.c
  106. testXPath.c
  107. threads.c
  108. TODO
  110. tree.c
  111. trio.c
  112. trio.h
  113. triodef.h
  114. trionan.c
  115. trionan.h
  116. triop.h
  117. triostr.c
  118. triostr.h
  119. uri.c
  120. valid.c
  121. xinclude.c
  122. xlink.c
  123. xml2-config.1
  124. xml2-config.in
  125. xml2Conf.sh.in
  126. xmlcatalog.c
  127. xmlIO.c
  128. xmllint.c
  129. xmlmemory.c
  130. xmlmodule.c
  131. xmlreader.c
  132. xmlregexp.c
  133. xmlsave.c
  134. xmlschemas.c
  135. xmlschemastypes.c
  136. xmlstring.c
  137. xmlunicode.c
  138. xmlwriter.c
  139. xpath.c
  140. xpointer.c