Remote: specify the refspecs and callbacks in Fetch

The Remote interface mixes the configuration of a remote with overriding
the configuration for a paritcular operation. This makes the remotes
trickier to use than they should be.

Move towards letting the user specify the refspecs and callbacks they
want for a particular Fetch() operation intsead of setting it for a
Remote object that they then need to throw away.
1 file changed
tree: afa336e8e14d30e55a7df5838ea1084839d901b2
  1. script/
  2. settings/
  3. .travis.yml
  4. blob.go
  5. branch.go
  6. branch_test.go
  7. checkout.go
  8. clone.go
  9. clone_test.go
  10. commit.go
  11. config.go
  12. credentials.go
  13. diff.go
  14. diff_test.go
  15. git.go
  16. git_test.go
  17. index.go
  18. index_test.go
  20. merge.go
  21. merge_test.go
  22. object.go
  23. object_test.go
  24. odb.go
  25. odb_test.go
  26. packbuilder.go
  27. patch.go
  28. patch_test.go
  29. push.go
  30. push_test.go
  32. refdb.go
  33. reference.go
  34. reference_test.go
  35. remote.go
  36. remote_test.go
  37. repository.go
  38. submodule.go
  39. tree.go
  40. walk.go
  41. wrapper.c


Go bindings for libgit2. These bindings are for top-of-the-branch libgit2, and they move fast, things may or may not work. Operator get me Beijing-jing-jing-jing!


Just go get You'll need to have top-of-the-branch libgit2 from development installed in your system and available via pkg-config. These bindings are in sync with the top of development.


M to the I to the T. See the LICENSE file if you've never seen a MIT license before.


  • Carlos Martín (@carlosmn)
  • Vicent Martí (@vmg)