load correct URLs with each item
1 file changed
tree: 38acc96691bfdc0c16f408abfa644e5ac509de1b
  1. android/
  2. ios/
  3. lib/
  4. misc_build_files/
  5. BUILD.gn
  6. dart_dependencies.yaml
  7. pubspec.yaml
  8. README.md
  9. startup.config

Fuchsia Dashboard

Simple Flutter module to display the Fuchsia build status. This can be built both as an iOS/Android stand-alone Flutter application, or as a module for Fuchsia.

How to use in a Fuchsia build

  1. cd $SRC/apps
  2. git clone git@github.com:gregsimon/fuchsia_build_status.git dashboard
  3. cp $SRC/apps/dashboard/misc_build_files/dashboard $SRC/packages/gn/
  4. Modify $SRC/packages/gn/modules adding "dashboard" to the “imports” section:

"labels": [ "//apps/modules" ], "imports": [ "chat", "contacts", "calendar", "dashboard", "email" ], "binaries": [ { ...
  1. Build Fuchsia.
  2. Run Fuchsia.
  3. On the Fuchsia console: device_runner --user_shell=dev_user_shell --user_shell_args=--root_module=dashboard