
- [subset] Fixed subsetting of FeatureVariations table. The subsetter no longer drops
  FeatureVariationRecords that have empty substitutions as that will keep the search
  going and thus change the logic. It will only drop empty records that occur at the
  end of the FeatureVariationRecords array (#1881).
- [subset] Remove FeatureVariations table and downgrade GSUB/GPOS to version 0x10000
  when FeatureVariations contain no FeatureVariationRecords after subsetting (#1903).
- [agl] Add support for legacy Adobe Glyph List of glyph names in ``fontTools.agl``
- [feaLib] Ignore superfluous script statements (#1883).
- [feaLib] Hide traceback by default on ``fonttools feaLib`` command line.
  Use ``--traceback`` option to show (#1898).
- [feaLib] Check lookup index in chaining sub/pos lookups and print better error
  message (#1896, #1897).
- [feaLib] Fix building chained alt substitutions (#1902).
- [Doc] Included all fontTools modules in the sphinx-generated documentation, and
  published it to ReadTheDocs for continuous documentation of the fontTools project
  (#1333). Check it out at https://fonttools.readthedocs.io/. Thanks to Chris Simpkins!
- [transform] The ``Transform`` class is now subclass of ``typing.NamedTuple``. No
  change in functionality (#1904).
Release 4.9.0
4 files changed