
- [EBLC/CBLC] Fixed incorrect padding length calculation for Format 3 IndexSubTable
  (#1817, #1818).
- [varLib] Fixed error when merging OTL tables and TTFonts were loaded as ``lazy=True``
  (#1808, #1809).
- [varLib] Allow to use master fonts containing ``CFF2`` table when building VF (#1816).
- [ttLib] Make ``recalcBBoxes`` option work also with ``CFF2`` table (#1816).
- [feaLib] Don't reset ``lookupflag`` in lookups defined inside feature blocks.
  They will now inherit the current ``lookupflag`` of the feature. This is what
  Adobe ``makeotf`` also does in this case (#1815).
- [feaLib] Fixed bug with mixed single/multiple substitutions. If a single substitution
  involved a glyph class, we were incorrectly using only the first glyph in the class
Release 4.3.0
4 files changed