
- [codecs] Handle ``errors`` parameter different from 'strict' for the custom
  extended mac encodings (#2137, #2132).
- [featureVars] Raise better error message when a script is missing the required
  default language system (#2154).
- [COLRv1] Avoid abrupt change caused by rounding ``PaintRadialGradient.c0`` when
  the start circle almost touches the end circle's perimeter (#2148).
- [COLRv1] Support building unlimited lists of paints as 255-ary trees of
  ``PaintColrLayers`` tables (#2153).
- [subset] Prune redundant format-12 cmap subtables when all non-BMP characters
  are dropped (#2146).
- [basePen] Raise ``MissingComponentError`` instead of bare ``KeyError`` when a
  referenced component is missing (#2145).
Release 4.19.0
4 files changed