
- [plistlib] Added typing annotations to plistlib module. Set up mypy static
  typechecker to run automatically on CI (#2061).
- [ttLib] Implement private ``Debg`` table, a reverse-DNS namespaced JSON dict.
- [feaLib] Optionally add an entry into the ``Debg`` table with the original
  lookup name (if any), feature name / script / language combination (if any),
  and original source filename and line location. Annotate the ttx output for
  a lookup with the information from the Debg table (#2052).
- [sfnt] Disabled checksum checking by default in ``SFNTReader`` (#2058).
- [Docs] Document ``mtiLib`` module (#2027).
- [varLib.interpolatable] Added checks for contour node count and operation type
  of each node (#2054).
- [ttLib] Added API to register custom table packer/unpacker classes (#2055).
Release 4.15.0
4 files changed