
- [sfnt] Make ``SFNTReader`` pickleable even when TTFont is loaded with lazy=True
  option and thus keeps a reference to an external file (#1962, #1967).
- [feaLib.ast] Restore backward compatibility (broken in 4.10 with #1905) for
  ``ChainContextPosStatement`` and ``ChainContextSubstStatement`` classes.
  Make them accept either list of lookups or list of lists of lookups (#1961).
- [docs] Document some modules in ``fontTools.misc`` package: ``arrayTools``,
  ``bezierTools`` ``cliTools`` and ``eexec`` (#1956).
- [ttLib._n_a_m_e] Fixed ``findMultilingualName()`` when name record's ``string`` is
  encoded as bytes sequence (#1963).
Release 4.10.1
4 files changed