
- New pens: MomentsPen, StatisticsPen, RecordingPen, and TeePen.
- [misc] Added new ``fontTools.misc.symfont`` module, for symbolic font
  statistical analysis; requires ``sympy`` (http://www.sympy.org/en/index.html)
- [varLib] Added experimental ``fontTools.varLib.interpolatable`` module for
  finding wrong contour order between different masters
- [varLib] designspace.load() now returns a dictionary, instead of a tuple,
  and supports <axes> element (#864); the 'masters' item was renamed 'sources',
  like the <sources> element in the designspace document
- [ttLib] Fixed issue with recalculating ``head`` modified timestamp when
  saving CFF fonts
- [ttLib] In TupleVariation, round deltas before compiling (#861, fixed #592)
- [feaLib] Ignore duplicate glyphs in classes used as MarkFilteringSet and
  MarkAttachmentType (#863)
- [merge] Changed the ``gasp`` table merge logic so that only the one from
  the first font is retained, similar to other hinting tables (#862)
- [Tests] Added tests for the ``varLib`` package, as well as test fonts
  from the "Annotated OpenType Specification" (AOTS) to exercise ``ttLib``'s
  table readers/writers (<https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/aots>)
Release 3.8.0
4 files changed