
- [varLib.merger] Remove Extensions subtables before merging (f7c20cf8).
- [varLib] Initialize the avar segment map with required default entries
- [varLib] Implemented optimal IUP optmiziation (#1019).
- [otData] Add ``AxisValueFormat4`` for STAT table v1.2 from OT v1.8.2
- [name] Fixed BCP46 language tag for Mac langID=9: 'si' -> 'sl'.
- [subset] Return value from ``_DehintingT2Decompiler.op_hintmask``
- [cffLib] Allow to get TopDict by index as well as by name (dca96c9c).
- [cffLib] Removed global ``isCFF2`` state; use one set of classes for
  both CFF and CFF2, maintaining backward compatibility existing codeĀ (#1007).
- [cffLib] Deprecated maxstack operator, per OpenType spec update 1.8.1.
- [cffLib] Added missing default (-100) for UnderlinePosition (#983).
- [feaLib] Enable setting nameIDs greater than 255 (#1003).
- [varLib] Recalculate ValueFormat when merging SinglePos (#996).
- [varLib] Do not emit MVAR if there are no entries in the variation store
- [ttx] For ``-x`` option, pad with space if table tag length is < 4.
Release 3.14.0
4 files changed