
- [varLib] Added support for building ``avar`` table, using the designspace
  ``<map>`` elements.
- [varLib] Removed unused ``build(..., axisMap)`` argument. Axis map should
  be specified in designspace file now. We do not accept nonstandard axes
  if ``<axes>`` element is not present.
- [varLib] Removed "custom" axis from the ``standard_axis_map``. This was
  added before when glyphsLib was always exporting the (unused) custom axis.
- [varLib] Added partial support for building ``MVAR`` table; does not
  implement ``gasp`` table variations yet.
- [pens] Added FilterPen base class, for pens that control another pen;
  factored out ``addComponent`` method from BasePen into a separate abstract
  DecomposingPen class; added DecomposingRecordingPen, which records
  components decomposed as regular contours.
- [TSI1] Fixed computation of the textLength of VTT private tables (#913).
- [loggingTools] Added ``LogMixin`` class providing a ``log`` property to
  subclasses, which returns a ``logging.Logger`` named after the latter.
- [loggingTools] Added ``assertRegex`` method to ``CapturingLogHandler``.
- [py23] Added backport for python 3's ``types.SimpleNamespace`` class.
- [EBLC] Fixed issue with python 3 ``zip`` iterator.
Release 3.10.0
4 files changed