Merge branch 'master' into remove-gvar-zero-workaround

* master: (70 commits)
  Bump version: 4.4.0 → 4.4.1.dev0
  Release 4.4.0
  Update changelog [skip ci]
  fontBuilder: allow to build v1 from setupCPAL method
  colorLib_test: add tests for buildCPAL v1
  colorLib: allow to build CPAL version=1
  [CPAL] the absence of a color palette label nameID is 0xFFFF, not 0
  colorLib: add type annotations
  add tests for buildCORL and buildCPAL
  fontBuilder: add setupCOLR and setupCPAL methods
  colorLib: add buildCOLR and buildCPAL
  ufoLib: don't crash if UFO2 has openTypeHheaCaretOffset=0.0
  _g_l_y_f_test: add tests for Glyph.getCoordinates and
  [glyf] if comp uses anchors compute firstPt-secondPt offset after applying transform
  Update NEWS.rst
  merger: Convert input checking asserts into proper exceptions
  featureVars: Use new exceptions
  cff: Use new exceptions
  models: Use new exceptions where input is checked
  init: Convert input checking asserts into proper exceptions