blob: be5b92bb56c6152fc6634332ab0d68cc0985cff9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# There's a couple key GYP variables that control how FFmpeg is built:
# ffmpeg_branding
# Controls whether we build the Chromium or Google Chrome version of
# FFmpeg. The Google Chrome version contains additional codecs.
# Typical values are Chromium, Chrome, ChromiumOS, and ChromeOS.
# ffmpeg_component
# Set true to build ffmpeg as a shared library. NOTE: this means we should
# always consult the value of 'ffmpeg_component' instead of 'component' for
# this file. This helps linux chromium packagers that swap out our
# with their own. See discussion here
'target_defaults': {
'variables': {
# Since we are not often debugging FFmpeg, and performance is
# unacceptable without optimization, freeze the optimizations to -O2.
# If someone really wants -O1 , they can change these in their checkout.
# If you want -O0, see the Gotchas in README.Chromium for why that
# won't work.
'release_optimize': '2',
'debug_optimize': '2',
'mac_debug_optimization': '2',
# In addition to the above reasons, /Od optimization won't remove symbols
# that are under "if (0)" style sections. Which lead to link time errors
# when for example it tries to link an ARM symbol on X86.
'win_debug_Optimization': '2',
# Run time checks are incompatible with any level of optimizations.
'win_debug_RuntimeChecks': '0',
'conditions': [
['OS == "win"', {
# Setting the optimizations to 'speed' or to 'max' results in a lot of
# unresolved symbols. The only supported mode is 'size_no_ltcg' (see
'optimize' :'size_no_ltcg',
'variables': {
# Make sure asm_sources is always defined even if an arch doesn't have any
# asm sources (e.g. mips or x86 with forcefully disabled asm).
'asm_sources': [
# Allow overriding the selection of which FFmpeg binaries to copy via an
# environment variable. Affects the ffmpeg_binaries target.
'conditions': [
# Android ia32 can't handle textrels and ffmpeg can't compile without them.
['(OS == "android" and target_arch == "ia32") or msan==1', {
'disable_ffmpeg_asm%': 1,
}, {
'disable_ffmpeg_asm%': 0,
['target_arch == "arm" and arm_version >= 7 and arm_neon == 1', {
# Need a separate config for arm+neon vs arm
'ffmpeg_config%': 'arm-neon',
}, {
'ffmpeg_config%': '<(target_arch)',
['OS == "mac" or OS == "win" or OS == "openbsd" or OS == "android"', {
'os_config%': '<(OS)',
}, { # all other Unix OS's use the linux config
'conditions': [
['msan==1', {
# MemorySanitizer doesn't like assembly code.
'os_config%': 'linux-noasm',
}, {
'os_config%': 'linux',
['chromeos == 1', {
'ffmpeg_branding%': '<(branding)OS',
}, { # otherwise, assume Chrome/Chromium.
'ffmpeg_branding%': '<(branding)',
'ffmpeg_component%': '<(component)',
# Locations for generated artifacts.
'shared_generated_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/third_party/ffmpeg',
# Stub generator script and signatures of all functions used by Chrome.
'generate_stubs_script': '../../tools/generate_stubs/',
'sig_files': ['chromium/ffmpeg.sigs'],
'conditions': [
['(target_arch == "ia32" or target_arch == "x64") and disable_ffmpeg_asm == 0', {
'targets': [
'target_name': 'ffmpeg_yasm',
'type': 'static_library',
'includes': [
'sources': [
# XCode doesn't want to link a pure assembly target and will fail
# to link when it creates an empty file list. So add a dummy file
# keep the linker happy. See
'variables': {
# Path to platform configuration files.
'platform_config_root': 'chromium/config/<(ffmpeg_branding)/<(os_config)/<(ffmpeg_config)',
'conditions': [
['target_arch == "ia32"', {
'more_yasm_flags': [
}, {
'more_yasm_flags': [
['OS == "mac"', {
'more_yasm_flags': [
# Necessary to ensure symbols end up with a _ prefix; added by
# yasm_compile.gypi for Windows, but not Mac.
'yasm_flags': [
'-I', '<(platform_config_root)',
'-I', 'libavcodec/x86/',
'-I', 'libavutil/x86/',
'-I', '.',
# Disable warnings, prevents log spam for things we won't fix.
'-P', 'config.asm',
'yasm_includes': [
# Sets visibility hidden for cglobal functions. Explicitly included
# to avoid overlooking changes to this file in incremental builds.
'yasm_output_path': '<(shared_generated_dir)/yasm'
] # targets
}], # (target_arch == "ia32" or target_arch == "x64")
'targets': [{
'target_name': 'ffmpeg',
'type': '<(ffmpeg_component)',
'variables': {
# Path to platform configuration files.
'platform_config_root': 'chromium/config/<(ffmpeg_branding)/<(os_config)/<(ffmpeg_config)',
'conditions': [
# This looks crazy, but it seems to be the only way to make this work. Without this
# conditions block, platform_config_root will be undefined when expanded below.
['1 == 1',
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'../..', # The chromium 'src' directory.
'includes': [
'sources': [
'include_dirs': [
'defines': [
# Disable deprecated features that generate spammy warnings.
# & media/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_common.h must be kept in sync.
# Upstream libavcodec/utils.c still uses the deprecated
# av_dup_packet(), causing deprecation warnings.
# The normal fix for such things is to disable the feature as below,
# but the upstream code does not yet compile with it disabled.
# (In this case, the fix is replacing the call with a new function.)
# In the meantime, we directly disable those warnings in the C file.
'variables': {
'clang_warning_flags': [
# ffmpeg uses its own deprecated functions.
# ffmpeg doesn't care about pointer constness.
# ffmpeg doesn't follow usual parentheses conventions.
# ffmpeg doesn't care about pointer signedness.
# ffmpeg doesn't believe in exhaustive switch statements.
# matroskadec.c has a "failed:" label that's only used if some
# CONFIG_ flags we don't set are set.
# ffmpeg has a lot of unused variables.
# This fires on `av_assert0(!"valid element size")` in utils.c
# This fires on `pos_min` and `pos_max` in
# autorename_libavformat_utils.c
# ffmpeg contains static functions in header files, which lead
# to unused function warnings. There are a few legit unused
# functions too.
# vp3data.h's vp31_inter_dequant stores '128' in an int8_t array.
'cflags': [
# ffmpeg uses its own deprecated functions.
# Silence a warning in libc++ builds (C code doesn't need this flag).
'ldflags!': [ '-stdlib=libc++', ],
'conditions': [
['(target_arch == "ia32" or target_arch == "x64") and disable_ffmpeg_asm == 0', {
'dependencies': [
['clang != 1', {
'cflags': [
# gcc doesn't have flags for specific warnings, so disable them
# all.
['target_arch == "ia32"', {
# Turn off valgrind build option that breaks ffmpeg builds.
'cflags!': [
'debug_extra_cflags!': [
'release_extra_cflags!': [
}], # target_arch == "ia32"
['target_arch == "arm" or target_arch == "arm64"', {
# On arm we use gcc to compile the assembly.
'sources': [
'conditions': [
['arm_float_abi == "hard"', {
'cflags': [
}, {
'cflags': [
['clang==1', {
# TODO(hans) Enable integrated-as (
'cflags': [ '-fno-integrated-as' ],
'conditions': [
['OS == "android"', {
# Else /usr/bin/as gets picked up.
'cflags': [ '-B<(android_toolchain)' ],
['os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac"', {
'defines': [
# BUG(ihf): ffmpeg compiles with this define. But according to
# ajwong: I wouldn't change _FILE_OFFSET_BITS. That's a scary change
# because it affects the default length of off_t, and fpos_t,
# which can cause strange problems if the loading code doesn't
# have it set and you start passing FILE*s or file descriptors
# between symbol contexts.
'cflags': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
'conditions': [
['OS != "android"', {
'link_settings': {
# OS=android requires that both -lz and -lm occur
# after -lc++_shared on the link command
# line. Android link rules already include -lm, and
# we get -lz as a transitive dependency of
#, so simply moving both to the
# non-Android section solves the problem.
# The root cause of this problem is certain system
# libraries (libm starting with MNC and libz before
# MNC, among others) re-export the libgcc unwinder,
# and libc++ exports the libc++abi unwinder. As we
# build against libc++ headers, libc++ must be the
# first in the runtime symbol lookup order (among
# all unwinder-providing libraries).
'libraries': [
['ffmpeg_component == "shared_library"', {
# Export all symbols when building as component.
'cflags!': [
# Fixes warnings PIC relocation when building as component.
# *WARNING* -- DO NOT put this inside of a link_settings
# section or these flags will be propagated outside of the
# ffmpeg target and cause debug allocator crashes.
'ldflags': [
}], # os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac"
['OS == "openbsd"', {
# OpenBSD's gcc (4.2.1) does not support this flag
'cflags!': [
['OS == "mac"', {
'defines': [
'conditions': [
['ffmpeg_component == "shared_library"', {
'xcode_settings': {
# GCC version of no -fvisiliity=hidden. Ensures that all
# symbols are exported for component builds.
}], # OS == "mac"
['OS == "win"', {
# Disable /analyze because of internal compiler error on log.c
# with VS 2015 Update 1 when building with /analyze:
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'AdditionalOptions!': [ '/analyze:WX-' ]
# TODO(dalecurtis): We should fix these.
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
4996, 4018, 4090, 4305, 4133, 4146, 4554, 4028, 4334, 4101, 4102,
4116, 4307, 4273, 4005, 4056, 4756,
'conditions': [
['clang == 1', {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
# This corresponds to msvs_disabled_warnings 4273 above.
'AdditionalOptions': [ '-Wno-inconsistent-dllimport' ],
['MSVS_VERSION == "2013" or MSVS_VERSION == "2013e"', {
'defines': [
['target_arch == "x64"', {
# TODO(wolenetz): We should fix this.
'msvs_disabled_warnings' : [
['ffmpeg_component == "shared_library"', {
# Fix warnings about a local symbol being inefficiently imported.
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'AdditionalOptions': [
'sources': [
'conditions': [
['OS=="win" and win_use_allocator_shim==1', {
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
'actions': [
'action_name': 'generate_def',
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
'action': ['python',
'-o', '<(shared_generated_dir)',
'-t', 'windows_def',
'-m', 'ffmpeg.dll',
'message': 'Generating FFmpeg export definitions',