blob: 8805f9aab45d1c2cf1b3e4e085f2ef4c74163a06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef F2FS_SEGMENT_H_
#define F2FS_SEGMENT_H_
namespace f2fs {
/* constant macro */
#define NULL_SEGNO ((unsigned int)(~0))
/* V: Logical segment # in volume, R: Relative segment # in main area */
#define GET_L2R_SEGNO(free_i, segno) (segno - free_i->start_segno)
#define GET_R2L_SEGNO(free_i, segno) (segno + free_i->start_segno)
#define IS_DATASEG(t) ((t == CURSEG_HOT_DATA) || (t == CURSEG_COLD_DATA) || (t == CURSEG_WARM_DATA))
#define IS_NODESEG(t) ((t == CURSEG_HOT_NODE) || (t == CURSEG_COLD_NODE) || (t == CURSEG_WARM_NODE))
#define IS_CURSEG(sbi, segno) \
((segno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_HOT_DATA)->segno) || \
(segno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_WARM_DATA)->segno) || \
(segno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_COLD_DATA)->segno) || \
(segno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_HOT_NODE)->segno) || \
(segno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_WARM_NODE)->segno) || \
(segno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_COLD_NODE)->segno))
#define IS_CURSEC(sbi, secno) \
((secno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_HOT_DATA)->segno / (sbi)->segs_per_sec) || \
(secno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_WARM_DATA)->segno / (sbi)->segs_per_sec) || \
(secno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_COLD_DATA)->segno / (sbi)->segs_per_sec) || \
(secno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_HOT_NODE)->segno / (sbi)->segs_per_sec) || \
(secno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_WARM_NODE)->segno / (sbi)->segs_per_sec) || \
(secno == CURSEG_I(sbi, CURSEG_COLD_NODE)->segno / (sbi)->segs_per_sec))
#define START_BLOCK(sbi, segno) \
(SM_I(sbi)->seg0_blkaddr + (GET_R2L_SEGNO(FREE_I(sbi), segno) << (sbi)->log_blocks_per_seg))
#define NEXT_FREE_BLKADDR(sbi, curseg) (START_BLOCK(sbi, curseg->segno) + curseg->next_blkoff)
#define MAIN_BASE_BLOCK(sbi) (SM_I(sbi)->main_blkaddr)
#define GET_SEGOFF_FROM_SEG0(sbi, blk_addr) ((blk_addr)-SM_I(sbi)->seg0_blkaddr)
#define GET_SEGNO_FROM_SEG0(sbi, blk_addr) \
(GET_SEGOFF_FROM_SEG0(sbi, blk_addr) >> (sbi)->log_blocks_per_seg)
#define GET_SEGNO(sbi, blk_addr) \
(((blk_addr == NULL_ADDR) || (blk_addr == NEW_ADDR)) \
: GET_L2R_SEGNO(FREE_I(sbi), GET_SEGNO_FROM_SEG0(sbi, blk_addr)))
#define GET_SECNO(sbi, segno) ((segno) / (sbi)->segs_per_sec)
#define GET_ZONENO_FROM_SEGNO(sbi, segno) ((segno / (sbi)->segs_per_sec) / (sbi)->secs_per_zone)
#define GET_SUM_BLOCK(sbi, segno) (((sbi)->sm_info->ssa_blkaddr) + segno)
#define SIT_ENTRY_OFFSET(sit_i, segno) (segno % (sit_i)->sents_per_block)
#define SIT_BLOCK_OFFSET(sit_i, segno) (segno / SIT_ENTRY_PER_BLOCK)
#define START_SEGNO(sit_i, segno) (SIT_BLOCK_OFFSET(sit_i, segno) * SIT_ENTRY_PER_BLOCK)
#define f2fs_bitmap_size(nr) (BITS_TO_LONGS(nr) * sizeof(unsigned long))
#define TOTAL_SEGS(sbi) (SM_I(sbi)->main_segments)
/* during checkpoint, bio_private is used to synchronize the last bio */
struct bio_private {
bool is_sync;
void *wait;
* indicate a block allocation direction: RIGHT and LEFT.
* RIGHT means allocating new sections towards the end of volume.
* LEFT means the opposite direction.
* In the victim_sel_policy->alloc_mode, there are two block allocation modes.
* LFS writes data sequentially with cleaning operations.
* SSR (Slack Space Recycle) reuses obsolete space without cleaning operations.
enum { LFS = 0, SSR };
* In the victim_sel_policy->gc_mode, there are two gc, aka cleaning, modes.
* GC_CB is based on cost-benefit algorithm.
* GC_GREEDY is based on greedy algorithm.
enum { GC_CB = 0, GC_GREEDY };
* BG_GC means the background cleaning job.
* FG_GC means the on-demand cleaning job.
enum { BG_GC = 0, FG_GC };
/* for a function parameter to select a victim segment */
struct victim_sel_policy {
int alloc_mode; /* LFS or SSR */
int gc_mode; /* GC_CB or GC_GREEDY */
unsigned long *dirty_segmap; /* dirty segment bitmap */
unsigned int offset; /* last scanned bitmap offset */
unsigned int ofs_unit; /* bitmap search unit */
unsigned int min_cost; /* minimum cost */
unsigned int min_segno; /* segment # having min. cost */
struct seg_entry {
unsigned short valid_blocks; /* # of valid blocks */
unsigned char *cur_valid_map; /* validity bitmap of blocks */
* # of valid blocks and the validity bitmap stored in the the last
* checkpoint pack. This information is used by the SSR mode.
unsigned short ckpt_valid_blocks;
unsigned char *ckpt_valid_map;
unsigned char type; /* segment type like CURSEG_XXX_TYPE */
unsigned long long mtime; /* modification time of the segment */
struct sec_entry {
unsigned int valid_blocks; /* # of valid blocks in a section */
struct segment_allocation {
void (*allocate_segment)(struct f2fs_sb_info *, int, bool);
struct sit_info {
const struct segment_allocation *s_ops;
block_t sit_base_addr; /* start block address of SIT area */
block_t sit_blocks; /* # of blocks used by SIT area */
block_t written_valid_blocks; /* # of valid blocks in main area */
char *sit_bitmap; /* SIT bitmap pointer */
unsigned int bitmap_size; /* SIT bitmap size */
unsigned long *dirty_sentries_bitmap; /* bitmap for dirty sentries */
unsigned int dirty_sentries; /* # of dirty sentries */
unsigned int sents_per_block; /* # of SIT entries per block */
mtx_t sentry_lock; /* to protect SIT cache */
struct seg_entry *sentries; /* SIT segment-level cache */
struct sec_entry *sec_entries; /* SIT section-level cache */
/* for cost-benefit algorithm in cleaning procedure */
unsigned long long elapsed_time; /* elapsed time after mount */
unsigned long long mounted_time; /* mount time */
unsigned long long min_mtime; /* min. modification time */
unsigned long long max_mtime; /* max. modification time */
struct free_segmap_info {
unsigned int start_segno; /* start segment number logically */
unsigned int free_segments; /* # of free segments */
unsigned int free_sections; /* # of free sections */
rwlock_t segmap_lock; /* free segmap lock */
unsigned long *free_segmap; /* free segment bitmap */
unsigned long *free_secmap; /* free section bitmap */
/* Notice: The order of dirty type is same with CURSEG_XXX in f2fs.h */
enum dirty_type {
DIRTY_HOT_DATA, /* dirty segments assigned as hot data logs */
DIRTY_WARM_DATA, /* dirty segments assigned as warm data logs */
DIRTY_COLD_DATA, /* dirty segments assigned as cold data logs */
DIRTY_HOT_NODE, /* dirty segments assigned as hot node logs */
DIRTY_WARM_NODE, /* dirty segments assigned as warm node logs */
DIRTY_COLD_NODE, /* dirty segments assigned as cold node logs */
DIRTY, /* to count # of dirty segments */
PRE, /* to count # of entirely obsolete segments */
struct dirty_seglist_info {
const struct victim_selection *v_ops; /* victim selction operation */
unsigned long *dirty_segmap[NR_DIRTY_TYPE];
mtx_t seglist_lock; /* lock for segment bitmaps */
int nr_dirty[NR_DIRTY_TYPE]; /* # of dirty segments */
unsigned long *victim_segmap[2]; /* BG_GC, FG_GC */
/* victim selection function for cleaning and SSR */
struct victim_selection {
int (*get_victim)(struct f2fs_sb_info *, unsigned int *, int, int, char);
/* for active log information */
struct curseg_info {
mtx_t curseg_mutex; /* lock for consistency */
struct f2fs_summary_block *sum_blk; /* cached summary block */
unsigned char alloc_type; /* current allocation type */
unsigned int segno; /* current segment number */
unsigned short next_blkoff; /* next block offset to write */
unsigned int zone; /* current zone number */
unsigned int next_segno; /* preallocated segment */
class SegMgr {
// Not copyable or moveable
SegMgr(const SegMgr &) = delete;
SegMgr &operator=(const SegMgr &) = delete;
SegMgr(SegMgr &&) = delete;
SegMgr &operator=(SegMgr &&) = delete;
// TODO: Implement constructor
SegMgr(F2fs *fs);
// TODO: Implement destructor
~SegMgr() = default;
// Static functions
static struct curseg_info *CURSEG_I(f2fs_sb_info *sbi, int type);
static int LookupJournalInCursum(struct f2fs_summary_block *sum, int type, unsigned int val,
int alloc);
// Public functions
zx_status_t BuildSegmentManager();
void DestroySegmentManager();
void RewriteNodePage(Page *page, struct f2fs_summary *sum, block_t old_blkaddr,
block_t new_blkaddr);
F2fs *fs_;
// Inline functions
struct seg_entry *GetSegEntry(unsigned int segno);
struct sec_entry *GetSecEntry(unsigned int segno);
unsigned int GetValidBlocks(unsigned int segno, int section);
void SegInfoFromRawSit(struct seg_entry *se, struct f2fs_sit_entry *rs);
void SegInfoToRawSit(struct seg_entry *se, struct f2fs_sit_entry *rs);
unsigned int FindNextInuse(struct free_segmap_info *free_i, unsigned int max, unsigned int segno);
void __SetFree(unsigned int segno);
void __SetInuse(unsigned int segno);
void __SetTestAndFree(unsigned int segno);
void __SetTestAndInuse(unsigned int segno);
void GetSitBitmap(void *dst_addr);
#if 0 // porting needed
block_t WrittenBlockCount();
unsigned int FreeSegments();
int ReservedSegments();
unsigned int FreeSections();
unsigned int PrefreeSegments();
unsigned int DirtySegments();
int OverprovisionSegments();
int OverprovisionSections();
int ReservedSections();
bool NeedSSR();
int GetSsrSegment(int type);
bool HasNotEnoughFreeSecs();
int Utilization();
bool NeedInplaceUpdate(VnodeF2fs *vnode);
unsigned int CursegSegno(int type);
unsigned char CursegAllocType(int type);
unsigned short CursegBlkoff(int type);
void CheckSegRange(unsigned int segno);
#if 0 // porting needed
void VerifyBlockAddr(block_t blk_addr);
void CheckBlockCount(int segno, struct f2fs_sit_entry *raw_sit);
pgoff_t CurrentSitAddr(unsigned int start);
pgoff_t NextSitAddr(pgoff_t block_addr);
void SetToNextSit(struct sit_info *sit_i, unsigned int start);
unsigned long long GetMtime();
void SetSummary(struct f2fs_summary *sum, nid_t nid, unsigned int ofs_in_node,
unsigned char version);
block_t StartSumBlock();
block_t SumBlkAddr(int base, int type);
// Functions
int NeedToFlush();
void F2fsBalanceFs();
void __LocateDirtySegment(unsigned int segno, enum dirty_type dirty_type);
void __RemoveDirtySegment(unsigned int segno, enum dirty_type dirty_type);
void LocateDirtySegment(unsigned int segno);
void SetPrefreeAsFreeSegments();
void ClearPrefreeSegments();
void __MarkSitEntryDirty(unsigned int segno);
void __SetSitEntryType(int type, unsigned int segno, int modified);
void UpdateSitEntry(block_t blkaddr, int del);
void RefreshSitEntry(block_t old_blkaddr, block_t new_blkaddr);
void InvalidateBlocks(block_t addr);
void __AddSumEntry(int type, struct f2fs_summary *sum, unsigned short offset);
int NpagesForSummaryFlush();
Page *GetSumPage(unsigned int segno);
void WriteSumPage(struct f2fs_summary_block *sum_blk, block_t blk_addr);
unsigned int CheckPrefreeSegments(int ofs_unit, int type);
void GetNewSegment(unsigned int *newseg, bool new_sec, int dir);
void ResetCurseg(int type, int modified);
void NewCurseg(int type, bool new_sec);
void __NextFreeBlkoff(struct curseg_info *seg, block_t start);
void __RefreshNextBlkoff(struct curseg_info *seg);
void ChangeCurseg(int type, bool reuse);
void AllocateSegmentByDefault(int type, bool force);
void AllocateNewSegments();
#if 0 // porting needed
// const struct segment_allocation default_salloc_ops = {
// .allocate_segment = AllocateSegmentByDefault,
// };
#if 0 // porting needed
void F2fsEndIoWrite(struct bio *bio, int err);
struct bio *F2fsBioAlloc(struct block_device *bdev, sector_t first_sector, int nr_vecs,
gfp_t gfp_flags);
void DoSubmitBio(enum page_type type, bool sync);
void F2fsSubmitBio(enum page_type type, bool sync);
void SubmitWritePage(Page *page, block_t blk_addr, enum page_type type);
bool __HasCursegSpace(int type);
int __GetSegmentType2(Page *page, enum page_type p_type);
int __GetSegmentType4(Page *page, enum page_type p_type);
int __GetSegmentType6(Page *page, enum page_type p_type);
int __GetSegmentType(Page *page, enum page_type p_type);
void DoWritePage(Page *page, block_t old_blkaddr, block_t *new_blkaddr, struct f2fs_summary *sum,
enum page_type p_type);
int WriteMetaPage(Page *page, struct writeback_control *wbc);
void WriteNodePage(Page *page, unsigned int nid, block_t old_blkaddr, block_t *new_blkaddr);
void WriteDataPage(VnodeF2fs *vnode, Page *page, struct dnode_of_data *dn, block_t old_blkaddr,
block_t *new_blkaddr);
void RewriteDataPage(Page *page, block_t old_blk_addr);
void RecoverDataPage(Page *page, struct f2fs_summary *sum, block_t old_blkaddr,
block_t new_blkaddr);
int ReadCompactedSummaries();
int ReadNormalSummaries(int type);
int RestoreCursegSummaries();
void WriteCompactedSummaries(block_t blkaddr);
void WriteNormalSummaries(block_t blkaddr, int type);
void WriteDataSummaries(block_t start_blk);
void WriteNodeSummaries(block_t start_blk);
Page *GetCurrentSitPage(unsigned int segno);
Page *GetNextSitPage(unsigned int start);
bool FlushSitsInJournal();
void FlushSitEntries();
//////////////////////////////////////////// BUILD
int BuildSitInfo();
int BuildFreeSegmap();
int BuildCurseg();
void BuildSitEntries();
void InitFreeSegmap();
void InitDirtySegmap();
int InitVictimSegmap();
int BuildDirtySegmap();
void InitMinMaxMtime();
void DiscardDirtySegmap(enum dirty_type dirty_type);
void ResetVictimSegmap();
void DestroyVictimSegmap();
void DestroyDirtySegmap();
void DestroyCurseg();
void DestroyFreeSegmap();
void DestroySitInfo();
inline struct curseg_info *SegMgr::CURSEG_I(f2fs_sb_info *sbi, int type) {
return (struct curseg_info *)(SM_I(sbi)->curseg_array + type);
} // namespace f2fs
#endif // F2FS_SEGMENT_H_