Final release notes.
diff --git a/expat/Changes b/expat/Changes
index 0854e09..08897b9 100644
--- a/expat/Changes
+++ b/expat/Changes
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-Release 2.1.0 XXX March XX 2012
-		- Bug Fixes:
-		  #1742315: Harmful XML_ParserCreateNS suggestion.
-		  #2895533: Resource leak in readfilemap.c.
-		  #1785430: Expat build fails on linux-amd64 with gcc version>=4.1 -O3.
-		  #1983953, 2517952, 2517962, 2649838: 
-				Build modifications using autoreconf instead of
-		  #2815947, #2884086: OBJEXT and EXEEXT support while building.
-		  #1990430: Parser crash with specially formatted UTF-8 sequences.
-		  #2517938: xmlwf should return non-zero exit status if not well-formed.
-		  #2517946: Wrong statement about XMLDecl in xmlwf.1 and xmlwf.sgml.
-		  #2855609: Dangling positionPtr after error.
-		  #2894085: Buffer over-read and crash in big2_toUtf8().
-		  #2958794: Memory leak in poolGrow.
-		  #2990652: CMake support.
-		  #3010819: UNEXPECTED_STATE with a trailing "%" in entity value.
-		  #3206497: Unitialized memory returned from XML_Parse.
-		  #3287849: make check fails on mingw-w64.
-		  #3496608: CVE-2012-0876 - Hash DOS attack.
-		- Patches:
-		  #1749198: pkg-config support.
-		  #3010222: Fix for bug #3010819.
-		  #3312568: CMake support.
-		  #3446384: Report byte offsets for attr names and values.
-		- New Features / API changes:
-		  Added new API member XML_SetHashSalt() that allows setting an intial
-				value (salt) for hash calculations. This is part of the fix for
-				bug #3496608 to randomize hash parameters.
-		  When compiled with XML_ATTR_INFO defined, adds new API member
-				XML_GetAttributeInfo() that allows retrieving the byte
-				offsets for attribute names and values (patch #3446384).
-		  Added CMake build system.
-				See bug #2990652 and patch #3312568.
-		  Added run-benchmark target to - relies on testdata module
-				being present in the same location as in the repository.
+Release 2.1.0 Sat March 24 2012
+        - Bug Fixes:
+          #1742315: Harmful XML_ParserCreateNS suggestion.
+          #2895533: CVE-2012-1147 - Resource leak in readfilemap.c.
+          #1785430: Expat build fails on linux-amd64 with gcc version>=4.1 -O3.
+          #1983953, 2517952, 2517962, 2649838: 
+                Build modifications using autoreconf instead of
+          #2815947, #2884086: OBJEXT and EXEEXT support while building.
+          #1990430: CVE-2009-3720 - Parser crash with special UTF-8 sequences.
+          #2517938: xmlwf should return non-zero exit status if not well-formed.
+          #2517946: Wrong statement about XMLDecl in xmlwf.1 and xmlwf.sgml.
+          #2855609: Dangling positionPtr after error.
+          #2894085: CVE-2009-3560 - Buffer over-read and crash in big2_toUtf8().
+          #2958794: CVE-2012-1148 - Memory leak in poolGrow.
+          #2990652: CMake support.
+          #3010819: UNEXPECTED_STATE with a trailing "%" in entity value.
+          #3206497: Unitialized memory returned from XML_Parse.
+          #3287849: make check fails on mingw-w64.
+          #3496608: CVE-2012-0876 - Hash DOS attack.
+        - Patches:
+          #1749198: pkg-config support.
+          #3010222: Fix for bug #3010819.
+          #3312568: CMake support.
+          #3446384: Report byte offsets for attr names and values.
+        - New Features / API changes:
+          Added new API member XML_SetHashSalt() that allows setting an intial
+                value (salt) for hash calculations. This is part of the fix for
+                bug #3496608 to randomize hash parameters.
+          When compiled with XML_ATTR_INFO defined, adds new API member
+                XML_GetAttributeInfo() that allows retrieving the byte
+                offsets for attribute names and values (patch #3446384).
+          Added CMake build system.
+                See bug #2990652 and patch #3312568.
+          Added run-benchmark target to - relies on testdata module
+                present in the same relative location as in the repository.
 Release 2.0.1 Tue June 5 2007
         - Fixed bugs #1515266, #1515600: The character data handler's calling
           of XML_StopParser() was not handled properly; if the parser was