SignedCapsulePkg: Removing ipf which is no longer supported from edk2.

Removing rules for Ipf sources file:
* Remove the source file which path with "ipf" and also listed in
  [Sources.IPF] section of INF file.
* Remove the source file which listed in [Components.IPF] section
  of DSC file and not listed in any other [Components] section.
* Remove the embedded Ipf code for MDE_CPU_IPF.

Removing rules for Inf file:
* Remove IPF from VALID_ARCHITECTURES comments.
* Remove DXE_SAL_DRIVER from LIBRARY_CLASS in [Defines] section.
* Remove the INF which only listed in [Components.IPF] section in DSC.
* Remove statements from [BuildOptions] that provide IPF specific flags.
* Remove any IPF sepcific sections.

Removing rules for Dec file:
* Remove [Includes.IPF] section from Dec.

Removing rules for Dsc file:
* Remove IPF from SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES in [Defines] section of DSC.
* Remove any IPF specific sections.
* Remove statements from [BuildOptions] that provide IPF specific flags.

Cc: Jiewen Yao <>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <>
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1
Signed-off-by: Chen A Chen <>
Reviewed-by: <>
4 files changed
tree: 84444a41ff5f97257c37f889eb1bd1645e886433
  1. AppPkg/
  2. ArmPkg/
  3. ArmPlatformPkg/
  4. ArmVirtPkg/
  5. BaseTools/
  6. BeagleBoardPkg/
  7. Conf/
  8. CorebootModulePkg/
  9. CorebootPayloadPkg/
  10. CryptoPkg/
  11. DuetPkg/
  12. EdkCompatibilityPkg/
  13. EdkShellBinPkg/
  14. EdkShellPkg/
  15. EmbeddedPkg/
  16. EmulatorPkg/
  17. FatBinPkg/
  18. FatPkg/
  19. FmpDevicePkg/
  20. IntelFrameworkModulePkg/
  21. IntelFrameworkPkg/
  22. IntelFsp2Pkg/
  23. IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/
  24. IntelFspPkg/
  25. IntelFspWrapperPkg/
  26. IntelSiliconPkg/
  27. MdeModulePkg/
  28. MdePkg/
  29. NetworkPkg/
  30. Nt32Pkg/
  31. Omap35xxPkg/
  32. OptionRomPkg/
  33. OvmfPkg/
  34. PcAtChipsetPkg/
  35. QuarkPlatformPkg/
  36. QuarkSocPkg/
  37. SecurityPkg/
  38. ShellBinPkg/
  39. ShellPkg/
  40. SignedCapsulePkg/
  41. SourceLevelDebugPkg/
  42. StandaloneMmPkg/
  43. StdLib/
  44. StdLibPrivateInternalFiles/
  45. UefiCpuPkg/
  46. UnixPkg/
  47. Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/
  48. Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/
  49. .gitignore
  50. .gitmodules
  51. BuildNotes2.txt
  52. Contributions.txt
  53. edksetup.bat
  55. License.txt
  56. Maintainers.txt

EDK II Project

A modern, feature-rich, cross-platform firmware development environment for the UEFI and PI specifications from

Contributions to the EDK II open source project are covered by the TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1

The majority of the content in the EDK II open source project uses a BSD 2-Clause License. The EDK II open source project contains the following components that are covered by additional licenses:

The EDK II Project is composed of packages. The maintainers for each package are listed in Maintainers.txt.
