EmulatorPkg/EmuFileSystem: Fix a bug that causes Close() assertion

REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1117

The root cause is when a file is opened through File.Open(), the
private data for the File is not allocated, so when later
when File.Close() is called, the signature check in CR() causes
the assertion.

The private data for the File is allocated properly when the file
is opened from FS.OpenVolume().

The patch also fixes a minor issue that wrongly assigns
revision number to File.

Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1
Signed-off-by: Ruiyu Ni <ruiyu.ni@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Hao Wu <hao.a.wu@intel.com>
Cc: Andrew Fish <afish@apple.com>
1 file changed
tree: e2e522f9f88982e26054059797531c599cff5d1b
  1. AppPkg/
  2. ArmPkg/
  3. ArmPlatformPkg/
  4. ArmVirtPkg/
  5. BaseTools/
  6. BeagleBoardPkg/
  7. Conf/
  8. CorebootModulePkg/
  9. CorebootPayloadPkg/
  10. CryptoPkg/
  11. DuetPkg/
  12. EdkCompatibilityPkg/
  13. EdkShellBinPkg/
  14. EdkShellPkg/
  15. EmbeddedPkg/
  16. EmulatorPkg/
  17. FatBinPkg/
  18. FatPkg/
  19. FmpDevicePkg/
  20. IntelFrameworkModulePkg/
  21. IntelFrameworkPkg/
  22. IntelFsp2Pkg/
  23. IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/
  24. IntelFspPkg/
  25. IntelFspWrapperPkg/
  26. IntelSiliconPkg/
  27. MdeModulePkg/
  28. MdePkg/
  29. NetworkPkg/
  30. Nt32Pkg/
  31. Omap35xxPkg/
  32. OptionRomPkg/
  33. OvmfPkg/
  34. PcAtChipsetPkg/
  35. QuarkPlatformPkg/
  36. QuarkSocPkg/
  37. SecurityPkg/
  38. ShellBinPkg/
  39. ShellPkg/
  40. SignedCapsulePkg/
  41. SourceLevelDebugPkg/
  42. StandaloneMmPkg/
  43. StdLib/
  44. StdLibPrivateInternalFiles/
  45. UefiCpuPkg/
  46. UnixPkg/
  47. Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/
  48. Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/
  49. .gitignore
  50. .gitmodules
  51. BuildNotes2.txt
  52. Contributions.txt
  53. edksetup.bat
  54. edksetup.sh
  55. License.txt
  56. Maintainers.txt
  57. Readme.md

EDK II Project

A modern, feature-rich, cross-platform firmware development environment for the UEFI and PI specifications from www.uefi.org.

Contributions to the EDK II open source project are covered by the TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1

The majority of the content in the EDK II open source project uses a BSD 2-Clause License. The EDK II open source project contains the following components that are covered by additional licenses:

The EDK II Project is composed of packages. The maintainers for each package are listed in Maintainers.txt.
