Thanks for your interest in contributing to Diesel! We very much look forward to your suggestions, bug reports, and pull requests.
We run an active Gitter channel where you can ask Diesel-related questions and get help. Feel free to ask there before opening a GitHub issue or pull request.
Note: Anyone who interacts with Diesel in any space, including but not limited to this GitHub repository, must follow our code of conduct.
Have a look at our issue tracker. If you can't find an issue (open or closed) describing your problem (or a very similar one) there, please open a new issue with the following details:
Thank you! We'll try to respond as quickly as possible.
Diesel's issue tracker is meant to represent our current roadmap. An open issue represents either a bug, or a new feature that a member of the Diesel team is actively working on.
This means that you should not submit a feature request to our issue tracker, unless you were asked to do so by a member of the Diesel team. Feature requests should instead be posted in our discussion forum.
If you can't find thread describing your idea on our forum, create a new one. Adding answers to the following questions in your description is +1:
Thank you! We'll try to respond as quickly as possible.
Install Rust using rustup, which allows you to easily switch between Rust versions. Diesel currently supports Rust Stable, Nightly, Rust Beta.
Install the system libraries needed to interface with the database systems you wish to use.
These are the same as when compiling Diesel. It's generally a good idea to install all drivers so you can run all tests locally.
Shortcut: On macOS, you don‘t need to install anything to work with SQLite. For PostgreSQL, you’ll only need the server (libpq
is installed by default). To get started, brew install postgresql@15 mysql
and follow the instructions shown to set up the database servers. Other versions of PostgreSQL should work as well.
Clone this repository and open it in your favorite editor.
Create a .env
file in this directory, and add the connection details for your databases.
Additional note: The MySQL tests currently fail when running on MySQL 5.6 or lower. If you have 5.6 or lower installed locally and cannot upgrade for some reason, you may want to consider setting up Docker as mentioned below.
See .env.sample for an example that works with a trivial local setup.
Note: If you didn‘t specify the MySQL user to be one with elevated permissions, you’ll want to run a command like mysql -c "GRANT ALL ON `diesel_%`.* TO ''@'localhost';" -uroot
, or something similar for the user that you've specified.
If you have Docker, the following snippet might help you to get Postgres and MySQL running (with the above .env
#!/usr/bin/env sh set -e docker run -d --name diesel.mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true mysql while sleep 1; ! echo 'CREATE DATABASE diesel_test; CREATE DATABASE diesel_unit_test;' | docker exec -i diesel.mysql mysql do sleep 1; done docker run -d --name diesel.postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres while sleep 1; ! echo 'CREATE DATABASE diesel_test;' | docker exec -i diesel.postgres psql -U postgres do :; done
If you want to use docker-compose, you can execute docker-compose command like this.
$ docker-compose up
Now, try running the test suite to confirm everything works for you locally by executing bin/test
. (Initially, this will take a while to compile everything.) In addition, if you want to compile and test a crate separately, you can refer to the commands in bin/test
We follow the Rust Style Guide, enforced using rustfmt. To run rustfmt tests locally:
Use rustup to set rust toolchain to the version specified in the rust-toolchain file.
Install the rustfmt and clippy by running
rustup component add rustfmt-preview rustup component add clippy-preview
Run clippy using cargo from the root of your diesel repo.
cargo clippy --all
Each PR needs to compile without warning.
Run rustfmt using cargo from the root of your diesel repo.
To see changes that need to be made, run
cargo fmt --all -- --check
If all code is properly formatted (e.g. if you have not made any changes), this should run without error or output. If your code needs to be reformatted, you will see a diff between your code and properly formatted code. If you see code here that you didn't make any changes to then you are probably running the wrong version of rustfmt. Once you are ready to apply the formatting changes, run
cargo fmt --all
You won't see any output, but all your files will be corrected.
You can also use rustfmt to make corrections or highlight issues in your editor. Check out their README for details.
: Sql Type. Basically always has the NativeSqlType
: Database. Basically always has the Backend
: Query Source. Usually doesn't have a constraint, but sometimes will have QuerySource
: Primary Key
: Left Hand Side
: Right Hand Side
: Connection
Generally, we prefer to give our types meaningful names. Lhs
and Rhs
vs T
and U
for a binary expression, for example.