Release diesel 1.4.0

New Features

In contrast to the last release most changes in this release are minor or internal. We've added support for newer versions of some dependency crates (libsqlite-sys, uuid, ipnetwork).

Diesel CLI got a command line flag to check if a generated schema matches  the already existing one. This is useful for CI setups to check there if the committed generated schema file matches the committed migrations.

We've added support for the `diesel_mange_updated_at('table_name')` SQL function on SQLite. This function handles the setup of an trigger that automatically updates the `updated_at` column on update operations.

Additionally several helpers were added to support the deserialisation of tuples and composite types on PostgreSQL.

As always, for a full list of changes you can find it in [the changelog](


Thank you to everyone who helped make this release happen through bug reports, and discussion on Gitter. While we don't have a way to collect stats on that form of contribution, it's greatly appreciated.

In addition to the Diesel core team, 29 people contributed code to this release. A huge thank you to:

* Aleksey Ivanov
* Andrew Speed
* Carlos Diaz-Padron
* Daniel Silverstone
* Dirkjan Ochtman
* Dominik Sander
* Eyal Kalderon
* Galuh Sahid
* Hirokazu Hata
* Jake Goulding
* Jo Liss
* Josh Leeb-du Toit
* Kevin Stenerson
* kpcyrd
* Marcus Stollsteimer
* Matej Stuchlik
* Nikita Sivakov
* notryanb
* Rasmus Kaj
* Richard Petrie
* Rotem Yaari
* Ryan Leckey
* Sergio Benitez
* Simon Heath
* Stephen Muss
* Trinh Hoang Anh
Release diesel 1.4.0

New Features

In contrast to the last release most changes in this release are minor or internal. We've added support for newer versions of some dependency crates (libsqlite-sys, uuid, ipnetwork).

Diesel CLI got a command line flag to check if a generated schema matches  the already existing one. This is useful for CI setups to check there if the committed generated schema file matches the committed migrations.

We've added support for the `diesel_mange_updated_at('table_name')` SQL function on SQLite. This function handles the setup of an trigger that automatically updates the `updated_at` column on update operations.

Additionally several helpers were added to support the deserialisation of tuples and composite types on PostgreSQL.

As always, for a full list of changes you can find it in [the changelog](


Thank you to everyone who helped make this release happen through bug reports, and discussion on Gitter. While we don't have a way to collect stats on that form of contribution, it's greatly appreciated.

In addition to the Diesel core team, 29 people contributed code to this release. A huge thank you to:

* Aleksey Ivanov
* Andrew Speed
* Carlos Diaz-Padron
* Daniel Silverstone
* Dirkjan Ochtman
* Dominik Sander
* Eyal Kalderon
* Galuh Sahid
* Hirokazu Hata
* Jake Goulding
* Jo Liss
* Josh Leeb-du Toit
* Kevin Stenerson
* kpcyrd
* Marcus Stollsteimer
* Matej Stuchlik
* Nikita Sivakov
* notryanb
* Rasmus Kaj
* Richard Petrie
* Rotem Yaari
* Ryan Leckey
* Sergio Benitez
* Simon Heath
* Stephen Muss
* Trinh Hoang Anh
24 files changed
tree: 6afadb6b74826f08fa0270317b44af4abe655483
  1. .github/
  2. _build/
  3. bin/
  4. diesel/
  5. diesel_cli/
  6. diesel_compile_tests/
  7. diesel_derives/
  8. diesel_migrations/
  9. diesel_tests/
  10. docker/
  11. examples/
  12. guide_drafts/
  13. migrations/
  14. .appveyor.yml
  15. .editorconfig
  16. .env.sample
  17. .gitignore
  18. .travis.yml
  19. azure-pipelines.yml
  20. Cargo.toml
  22. clippy.toml
  25. docker-compose.yml
  29. rust-toolchain

A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust

Build Status Azure Pipeline Build Status Appveyor Build Status Gitter

API Documentation: latest releasemaster branch


Diesel gets rid of the boilerplate for database interaction and eliminates runtime errors without sacrificing performance. It takes full advantage of Rust's type system to create a low overhead query builder that “feels like Rust.”

Getting Started

Find our extensive Getting Started tutorial at Guides on more specific features are coming soon.

Getting help

If you run into problems, Diesel has a very active Gitter room. You can come ask for help at For help with longer questions and discussion about the future of Diesel, visit our discourse forum.

Code of conduct

Anyone who interacts with Diesel in any space, including but not limited to this GitHub repository, must follow our code of conduct.


Licensed under either of these:


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution you intentionally submit for inclusion in the work, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual-licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.