Allow arrays with a non-zero lower bound

When I originally implemented support for arrays, I didn't really
understand what `lower_bound` was, and observed it was always 1. For
that reason, I added the assertion that it must be 1 since I didn't know
if our behavior was correct when it was some number other than 1 (at the
time I thought it was related to multidimensional arrays)

So it turns out that it's literally just the index of the first element
of the array. For whatever reason, PG arrays are 1 indexed by default,
and they have a syntax which lets you have arrays starting at *any*
index. Knowing this, we can safely ignore it.

We will continue to give you a zero indexed `Vec` regardless of what the
lower bound is, since the only other alternative would be to always
deserialize to `Vec<Option<T>>`. If we did this, it would mean that
`ARRAY[1, 2, 3]` would deserialize to `vec![None, Some(1), Some(2),
Some(3)]`. While this is technically more faithful to what PG gives us,
I don't think anybody expects that behavior.
2 files changed
tree: c68dcaa65c4424229b425fb8d05ba181a16e56d9
  1. .github/
  2. bin/
  3. diesel/
  4. diesel_cli/
  5. diesel_compile_tests/
  6. diesel_derives/
  7. diesel_migrations/
  8. diesel_tests/
  9. examples/
  10. guide_drafts/
  11. migrations/
  12. .appveyor.yml
  13. .editorconfig
  14. .env.sample
  15. .gitignore
  16. .travis.yml
  17. Cargo.toml
  19. clippy.toml

A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust

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