[flutter_mobx] Remove null-aware operator to work with flutter

This commit is not going to pass in CQ because it is not compatible
with the version of flutter that is in tree right now. This change will
be pulled in when we update our version of flutter and CQ will run
during that process.

Change-Id: I832795dc683728668a83a1e3ad2d25f9666794bb
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/third_party/dart-pkg/+/671725
Reviewed-by: Darren Chan <chandarren@google.com>
1 file changed
tree: 8455a64391a3ad172ab888c4852328ab51ec3404
  1. _discoveryapis_commons/
  2. _fe_analyzer_shared/
  3. analyzer/
  4. archive/
  5. args/
  6. async/
  7. boolean_selector/
  8. browser_launcher/
  9. build/
  10. built_collection/
  11. built_value/
  12. characters/
  13. charcode/
  14. checked_yaml/
  15. cli_util/
  16. clock/
  17. code_builder/
  18. collection/
  19. completion/
  20. convert/
  21. coverage/
  22. crypto/
  23. csslib/
  24. dart2_constant/
  25. dart_style/
  26. dds/
  27. dds_service_extensions/
  28. devtools_shared/
  29. dwds/
  30. edit_distance/
  31. fake_async/
  32. ffi/
  33. file/
  34. fixnum/
  35. flutter_flux/
  36. flutter_image/
  37. flutter_mobx/
  38. flutter_staggered_grid_view/
  39. flutter_svg/
  40. flutter_template_images/
  41. frontend_server_client/
  42. gcloud/
  43. glob/
  44. googleapis/
  45. googleapis_auth/
  46. grpc/
  47. html/
  48. html_unescape/
  49. http/
  50. http2/
  51. http_multi_server/
  52. http_parser/
  53. image/
  54. intl/
  55. io/
  56. js/
  57. json_annotation/
  58. json_rpc_2/
  59. json_schema/
  60. lists/
  61. logging/
  62. markdown/
  63. matcher/
  64. material_color_utilities/
  65. meta/
  66. mime/
  67. mobx/
  68. mobx_codegen/
  69. mockito/
  70. multicast_dns/
  71. mustache_template/
  72. native_stack_traces/
  73. nested/
  74. node_preamble/
  75. package_config/
  76. path/
  77. path_drawing/
  78. path_parsing/
  79. pedantic/
  80. petitparser/
  81. platform/
  82. plugin_platform_interface/
  83. pool/
  84. process/
  85. protobuf/
  86. protoc_plugin/
  87. provider/
  88. pub_semver/
  89. pubspec_parse/
  90. quiver/
  91. retry/
  92. shelf/
  93. shelf_packages_handler/
  94. shelf_proxy/
  95. shelf_static/
  96. shelf_web_socket/
  97. source_gen/
  98. source_map_stack_trace/
  99. source_maps/
  100. source_span/
  101. sse/
  102. stack_trace/
  103. stream_channel/
  104. string_scanner/
  105. strings/
  106. sync_http/
  107. term_glyph/
  108. test/
  109. test_api/
  110. test_core/
  111. tuple/
  112. typed_data/
  113. unicode/
  114. usage/
  115. uuid/
  116. vector_math/
  117. vm_service/
  118. vm_snapshot_analysis/
  119. watcher/
  120. web_socket_channel/
  121. webdriver/
  122. webkit_inspection_protocol/
  123. webview_flutter/
  124. webview_flutter_android/
  125. webview_flutter_platform_interface/
  126. webview_flutter_wkwebview/
  127. xml/
  128. yaml/
  129. .gitignore
  130. AUTHORS
  132. LICENSE
  133. package_config.json
  134. README.md

Fuchsia Dart package mirror repository

This repository contains a copy of Dart packages used in the rest of Fuchsia that are mirrored from other locations, such as pub.dartlang.org. It is checked out to //third_party/dart-pkg/pub.

To update, please see Third-party Dart packages.