Update Dart dependencies, remove override for 'usage' package

This updates Dart packages and removes the override for the 'usage'
package. This was pinned due to a crash when LANG was unset, but based
on local testing this doesn't seem to be needed any more.

Change-Id: I524639d73cf4b3807dd248b801696734248a580a
297 files changed
tree: 4221de93f2e839c44d353e7c89d1f6483ca11cec
  1. importer/
  2. pub/
  3. .gitignore
  5. dart_dependencies.yaml
  7. README.md

Fuchsia Dart package mirror repository

This repository contains a copy of Dart packages used in the rest of Fuchsia that are mirrored from other locations, such as pub.dartlang.org.

importer/third_party contains a copy of PyYAML 3.12 from pyyaml.org.