ANSI / Xterm 256 color library for Dart

Feel like you're missing some color in your terminal programs? Use AnsiPen to add ANSI color codes to your log messages.

Easy to disable for production, just set color_disabled = false and all codes will be empty - no re-writing debug messages.


Note: Be mindful of contrasting colors. If you set “bright white” foreground and don‘t adjust the background, you’ll have a bad time with lighter terminals.

Foreground to bright white with default background:

AnsiPen pen = new AnsiPen()..white(bold: true);
print(pen("Bright white foreground") + " this text is default fg/bg");

Background as a peach, foreground as white:

AnsiPen pen = new AnsiPen()..white()..rgb(r: 1.0, g: 0.8, b: 0.2);
print(pen("White foreground with a peach background"));

Rainbow Demo

If you want a specific color, you can call the xterm() with the index listed in the rainbow below. To show the rainbow on your own terminal, just call print(ansi_demo()); or run src/demo.dart

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