blob: aba0de4f15c875b3c961cc55d9771806b24b422a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of gcloud.pubsub;
class _PubSubImpl implements PubSub {
final String project;
final pubsub.PubsubApi _api;
final String _topicPrefix;
final String _subscriptionPrefix;
_PubSubImpl(http.Client client, this.project)
: _api = pubsub.PubsubApi(client),
_topicPrefix = 'projects/$project/topics/',
_subscriptionPrefix = 'projects/$project/subscriptions/';
_PubSubImpl.rootUrl(http.Client client, this.project, String rootUrl)
: _api = pubsub.PubsubApi(client, rootUrl: rootUrl),
_topicPrefix = 'projects/$project/topics/',
_subscriptionPrefix = 'projects/$project/subscriptions/';
String _fullTopicName(String name) {
return name.startsWith('projects/') ? name : '$_topicPrefix$name';
String _fullSubscriptionName(String name) {
return name.startsWith('projects/') ? name : '$_subscriptionPrefix$name';
Future<pubsub.Topic> _createTopic(String name) {
return _api.projects.topics.create(null, name);
Future _deleteTopic(String name) {
// The Pub/Sub delete API returns an instance of Empty.
return _api.projects.topics.delete(name).then((_) => null);
Future<pubsub.Topic> _getTopic(String name) {
return _api.projects.topics.get(name);
Future<pubsub.ListTopicsResponse> _listTopics(
int pageSize, String nextPageToken) {
return _api.projects.topics.list('projects/$project',
pageSize: pageSize, pageToken: nextPageToken);
Future<pubsub.Subscription> _createSubscription(
String name, String topic, Uri endpoint) {
var subscription = pubsub.Subscription()..topic = topic;
if (endpoint != null) {
var pushConfig = pubsub.PushConfig()..pushEndpoint = endpoint.toString();
subscription.pushConfig = pushConfig;
return _api.projects.subscriptions.create(subscription, name);
Future _deleteSubscription(String name) {
// The Pub/Sub delete API returns an instance of Empty.
return _api.projects.subscriptions
.then((_) => null);
Future<pubsub.Subscription> _getSubscription(String name) {
return _api.projects.subscriptions.get(name);
Future<pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse> _listSubscriptions(
String topic, int pageSize, String nextPageToken) {
return _api.projects.subscriptions.list('projects/$project',
pageSize: pageSize, pageToken: nextPageToken);
Future _modifyPushConfig(String subscription, Uri endpoint) {
var pushConfig = pubsub.PushConfig()
..pushEndpoint = endpoint != null ? endpoint.toString() : null;
var request = pubsub.ModifyPushConfigRequest()..pushConfig = pushConfig;
return _api.projects.subscriptions.modifyPushConfig(request, subscription);
Future _publish(
String topic, List<int> message, Map<String, String> attributes) {
var request = pubsub.PublishRequest()
..messages = [
..dataAsBytes = message
..attributes = attributes)
// TODO(sgjesse): Handle PublishResponse containing message ids.
return _api.projects.topics.publish(request, topic).then((_) => null);
Future<pubsub.PullResponse> _pull(
String subscription, bool returnImmediately) {
var request = pubsub.PullRequest()
..maxMessages = 1
..returnImmediately = returnImmediately;
return _api.projects.subscriptions.pull(request, subscription);
Future _ack(String ackId, String subscription) {
var request = pubsub.AcknowledgeRequest()..ackIds = [ackId];
// The Pub/Sub acknowledge API returns an instance of Empty.
return _api.projects.subscriptions
.acknowledge(request, subscription)
.then((_) => null);
void _checkTopicName(String name) {
if (name.startsWith('projects/') && !name.contains('/topics/')) {
throw ArgumentError(
"Illegal topic name. Absolute topic names must have the form "
if (name.endsWith('/topics/')) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Illegal topic name. Relative part of the name cannot be empty');
void _checkSubscriptionName(String name) {
if (name.startsWith('projects/') && !name.contains('/subscriptions/')) {
throw ArgumentError(
"Illegal subscription name. Absolute subscription names must have "
"the form 'projects/[project-id]/subscriptions/[subscription-name]");
if (name.endsWith('/subscriptions/')) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Illegal subscription name. Relative part of the name cannot be '
Future<Topic> createTopic(String name) {
return _createTopic(_fullTopicName(name))
.then((top) => _TopicImpl(this, top));
Future deleteTopic(String name) {
return _deleteTopic(_fullTopicName(name));
Future<Topic> lookupTopic(String name) {
return _getTopic(_fullTopicName(name)).then((top) => _TopicImpl(this, top));
Stream<Topic> listTopics() {
Future<Page<Topic>> firstPage(int pageSize) {
return _listTopics(pageSize, null)
.then((response) => _TopicPageImpl(this, pageSize, response));
return StreamFromPages<Topic>(firstPage).stream;
Future<Page<Topic>> pageTopics({int pageSize = 50}) {
return _listTopics(pageSize, null).then((response) {
return _TopicPageImpl(this, pageSize, response);
Future<Subscription> createSubscription(String name, String topic,
{Uri endpoint}) {
return _createSubscription(
_fullSubscriptionName(name), _fullTopicName(topic), endpoint)
.then((sub) => _SubscriptionImpl(this, sub));
Future deleteSubscription(String name) {
return _deleteSubscription(_fullSubscriptionName(name));
Future<Subscription> lookupSubscription(String name) {
return _getSubscription(_fullSubscriptionName(name))
.then((sub) => _SubscriptionImpl(this, sub));
Stream<Subscription> listSubscriptions([String query]) {
Future<Page<Subscription>> firstPage(int pageSize) {
return _listSubscriptions(query, pageSize, null).then(
(response) => _SubscriptionPageImpl(this, query, pageSize, response));
return StreamFromPages<Subscription>(firstPage).stream;
Future<Page<Subscription>> pageSubscriptions(
{String topic, int pageSize = 50}) {
return _listSubscriptions(topic, pageSize, null).then((response) {
return _SubscriptionPageImpl(this, topic, pageSize, response);
/// Message class for messages constructed through 'new Message()'. It stores
/// the user supplied body as either String or bytes.
class _MessageImpl implements Message {
// The message body, if it is a `String`. In that case, [bytesMessage] is
// null.
final String _stringMessage;
// The message body, if it is a byte list. In that case, [stringMessage] is
// null.
final List<int> _bytesMessage;
final Map<String, String> attributes;
_MessageImpl.withString(this._stringMessage, {this.attributes})
: _bytesMessage = null;
_MessageImpl.withBytes(this._bytesMessage, {this.attributes})
: _stringMessage = null;
List<int> get asBytes =>
_bytesMessage != null ? _bytesMessage : utf8.encode(_stringMessage);
String get asString =>
_stringMessage != null ? _stringMessage : utf8.decode(_bytesMessage);
/// Message received using [Subscription.pull].
/// Contains the [pubsub.PubsubMessage] received from Pub/Sub, and
/// makes the message body and labels available on request.
/// The labels map is lazily created when first accessed.
class _PullMessage implements Message {
final pubsub.PubsubMessage _message;
List<int> _bytes;
String _string;
List<int> get asBytes {
if (_bytes == null) _bytes = _message.dataAsBytes;
return _bytes;
String get asString {
if (_string == null) _string = utf8.decode(_message.dataAsBytes);
return _string;
Map<String, String> get attributes => _message.attributes;
/// Message received through Pub/Sub push delivery.
/// Stores the message body received from Pub/Sub as the Base64 encoded string
/// from the wire protocol.
/// The labels have been decoded into a Map.
class _PushMessage implements Message {
final String _base64Message;
final Map<String, String> attributes;
_PushMessage(this._base64Message, this.attributes);
List<int> get asBytes => base64.decode(_base64Message);
String get asString => utf8.decode(asBytes);
/// Pull event received from Pub/Sub pull delivery.
/// Stores the pull response received from Pub/Sub.
class _PullEventImpl implements PullEvent {
/// Pub/Sub API object.
final _PubSubImpl _api;
/// Subscription this was received from.
final String _subscriptionName;
/// Low level response received from Pub/Sub.
final pubsub.PullResponse _response;
final Message message;
this._api, this._subscriptionName, pubsub.PullResponse response)
: this._response = response,
message = _PullMessage(response.receivedMessages[0].message);
Future acknowledge() {
return _api._ack(_response.receivedMessages[0].ackId, _subscriptionName);
/// Push event received from Pub/Sub push delivery.
/// decoded from JSON encoded push HTTP request body.
class _PushEventImpl implements PushEvent {
static const PREFIX = '/subscriptions/';
final Message _message;
final String _subscriptionName;
Message get message => _message;
String get subscriptionName => _subscriptionName;
_PushEventImpl(this._message, this._subscriptionName);
factory _PushEventImpl.fromJson(String json) {
Map body = jsonDecode(json) as Map<String, dynamic>;
String data = body['message']['data'] as String;
Map<String, String> labels = HashMap();
body['message']['labels'].forEach((label) {
String key = label['key'] as String;
var value = label['strValue'];
if (value == null) value = label['numValue'];
labels[key] = value.toString();
String subscription = body['subscription'] as String;
// TODO(#1): Remove this when the push event subscription name is prefixed
// with '/subscriptions/'.
if (!subscription.startsWith(PREFIX)) {
subscription = PREFIX + subscription;
return _PushEventImpl(_PushMessage(data, labels), subscription);
class _TopicImpl implements Topic {
final _PubSubImpl _api;
final pubsub.Topic _topic;
_TopicImpl(this._api, this._topic);
String get name {
String get project {
return _api.project;
String get absoluteName =>;
Future publish(Message message) {
return _api._publish(, message.asBytes, message.attributes);
Future delete() => _api._deleteTopic(;
Future publishString(String message, {Map<String, String> attributes}) {
return _api._publish(, utf8.encode(message), attributes);
Future publishBytes(List<int> message, {Map<String, String> attributes}) {
return _api._publish(, message, attributes);
class _SubscriptionImpl implements Subscription {
final _PubSubImpl _api;
final pubsub.Subscription _subscription;
_SubscriptionImpl(this._api, this._subscription);
String get name {
String get project {
return _api.project;
String get absoluteName =>;
Topic get topic {
var topic = pubsub.Topic() = _subscription.topic;
return _TopicImpl(_api, topic);
Future delete() => _api._deleteSubscription(;
Future<PullEvent> pull({bool wait = true}) {
return _api._pull(, !wait).then((response) {
// The documentation says 'Returns an empty list if there are no
// messages available in the backlog'. However the receivedMessages
// property can also be null in that case.
if (response.receivedMessages == null ||
response.receivedMessages.isEmpty) {
return null;
return _PullEventImpl(_api,, response);
}).catchError((e) => null,
test: (e) => e is pubsub.DetailedApiRequestError && e.status == 400);
Uri get endpoint => null;
bool get isPull => endpoint == null;
bool get isPush => endpoint != null;
Future updatePushConfiguration(Uri endpoint) {
return _api._modifyPushConfig(, endpoint);
class _TopicPageImpl implements Page<Topic> {
final _PubSubImpl _api;
final int _pageSize;
final String _nextPageToken;
final List<Topic> items;
_TopicPageImpl(this._api, this._pageSize, pubsub.ListTopicsResponse response)
: items = List(response.topics != null ? response.topics.length : 0),
_nextPageToken = response.nextPageToken {
if (response.topics != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < response.topics.length; i++) {
items[i] = _TopicImpl(_api, response.topics[i]);
bool get isLast => _nextPageToken == null;
Future<Page<Topic>> next({int pageSize}) {
if (isLast) return Future.value(null);
if (pageSize == null) pageSize = this._pageSize;
return _api._listTopics(pageSize, _nextPageToken).then((response) {
return _TopicPageImpl(_api, pageSize, response);
class _SubscriptionPageImpl implements Page<Subscription> {
final _PubSubImpl _api;
final String _topic;
final int _pageSize;
final String _nextPageToken;
final List<Subscription> items;
_SubscriptionPageImpl(this._api, this._topic, this._pageSize,
pubsub.ListSubscriptionsResponse response)
: items = List(
response.subscriptions != null ? response.subscriptions.length : 0),
_nextPageToken = response.nextPageToken {
if (response.subscriptions != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < response.subscriptions.length; i++) {
items[i] = _SubscriptionImpl(_api, response.subscriptions[i]);
bool get isLast => _nextPageToken == null;
Future<Page<Subscription>> next({int pageSize}) {
if (_nextPageToken == null) return Future.value(null);
if (pageSize == null) pageSize = this._pageSize;
return _api
._listSubscriptions(_topic, pageSize, _nextPageToken)
.then((response) {
return _SubscriptionPageImpl(_api, _topic, pageSize, response);