
  • Update to lowercase Dart core library constants.
  • Fix use of deprecated isInstanceOf matcher.


This release contains the FakeAsync class that was defined in quiver. It's backwards-compatible with both the quiver version and the old version of the fake_async package.

New Features

  • A top-level fakeAsync() function was added that encapsulates new FakeAsync().run(...).

New Features Relative to quiver

  • FakeAsync.elapsed returns the total amount of fake time elapsed since the FakeAsync instance was created.

  • new FakeAsync() now takes an initialTime argument that sets the default time for clocks created with FakeAsync.getClock(), and for the clock package's top-level clock variable.

New Features Relative to fake_async 0.1

  • FakeAsync.periodicTimerCount, FakeAsync.nonPeriodicTimerCount, and FakeAsync.microtaskCount provide visibility into the events scheduled within FakeAsync.run().

  • FakeAsync.getClock() provides access to fully-featured Clock objects based on FakeAsync's elapsed time.

  • FakeAsync.flushMicrotasks() empties the microtask queue without elapsing any time or running any timers.

  • FakeAsync.flushTimers() runs all microtasks and timers until there are no more scheduled.


  • Integrate with the clock package.